Trumpism Defined

democrat platform.jpg
Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
I agree. It is not necessarily a bad thing. It has become a bad word because some want it to be.

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Maybe. I think he may be rolling back gay rights, which is disappointing. Gays would be freedom-first capitalists if not for the Jesus Nazis in the GOP. They don't have a choice.

If you're talking about the horde of thugs headed this way, that is not a human rights issue. That is a communist revolution issue.

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Everybody does this. Russians?

Supremacy of the Military
Yes. And I hate the government/military/industrial complex making us WORLD POLICE. AMERICA--- FUCK YEAH!!!

I don't mind a strong military, but one thing I like about Trump is his demand that nations benefiting from our protection should pay for it. Not us.

Rampant Sexism
I am not seeing it. White men should just shut up?

Controlled Mass Media
Are you really concerned about the media being controlled? Seriously?

Obsession with National Security
Nothing at all wrong with that.

Religion and Government are Intertwined
I don't like that either. I agree with you here.

Corporate Power is Protected
As opposed to what?

Labor Power is Suppressed
Not sure what you mean. Unions?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
I am not seeing that. Examples?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment
I am not liking the continuation of the illegal and failed War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Not seeing that with Trump as much as George W. Bush and Obama. Both were WAY worse.

Fraudulent Elections

Rampant Sexism? Trump's attack on sexually assaulted women and mocking Dr. Ford, 51 Senators ignored her testimony and supported an ideology and not American women. How man women chairpersons in the Senate and the H. of Rep.?

There is a qualitative difference between Nationalism and Patriotism; the former is worn on a sleep, the latter in one's heart.

Callous conservatism, no support for equal rights and equal opportunities, or Judeo-Christian values.

Scapegoats? Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, a Deep State, minorities, Hollywood, etc. etc.

Supremacy of the Military? We pay more for Defense than we do for every other budgeted matter combined.

Obsession for national security? Right, security is important, but the excessive fear mongering and hate mongering does not make us safer.

Religion and Government, when the government has zero ethics seems to be an oxymoron. JFK said it best, when he was attacked as a Catholic, (I) "would defend the separation of church and state, and that to not do so would be a violation of the Constitution and a sin against God" vis a vis Pence who stated, "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."

.Corporate Power is Protected? 67% of the Tax Fraud went to the wealthy and to global corporations, 33% to the rest.

Labor Power is Suppressed? Right to work states ring a bell?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts? Mocking Hollywood and attacking actors ring another bell?

Controlled Mass Media: How many times have we heard "fake news" and Trump mock the MSM?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment? We have incarcerated more people than any other nation; we are obsessed with punishment, by policy, than by creating opportunities to reduce crime, and the cost of years of incarceration for non violent crimes.

We have lost the War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: The Trump Administration has already been exposed as corrupt; the swamp he claimed to clean up has become more Toxic as his appointees confirmed by the Senate have ripped off tax payers money for private benefits - that has been in the news for over a year.

Fraudulent Elections? From his candidacy and to today Trump and the right wing disdain democracy, he claims a vote - even when he won - included millions of illegal votes, by millions of people illegally in the US, and even today voter suppression is on going in Georgia and several other states.

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Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
I agree. It is not necessarily a bad thing. It has become a bad word because some want it to be.

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Maybe. I think he may be rolling back gay rights, which is disappointing. Gays would be freedom-first capitalists if not for the Jesus Nazis in the GOP. They don't have a choice.

If you're talking about the horde of thugs headed this way, that is not a human rights issue. That is a communist revolution issue.

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Everybody does this. Russians?

Supremacy of the Military
Yes. And I hate the government/military/industrial complex making us WORLD POLICE. AMERICA--- FUCK YEAH!!!

I don't mind a strong military, but one thing I like about Trump is his demand that nations benefiting from our protection should pay for it. Not us.

Rampant Sexism
I am not seeing it. White men should just shut up?

Controlled Mass Media
Are you really concerned about the media being controlled? Seriously?

Obsession with National Security
Nothing at all wrong with that.

Religion and Government are Intertwined
I don't like that either. I agree with you here.

Corporate Power is Protected
As opposed to what?

Labor Power is Suppressed
Not sure what you mean. Unions?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
I am not seeing that. Examples?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment
I am not liking the continuation of the illegal and failed War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Not seeing that with Trump as much as George W. Bush and Obama. Both were WAY worse.

Fraudulent Elections

Rampant Sexism? Trump's attack on sexually assaulted women and mocking Dr. Ford, 51 Senators ignored her testimony and supported an ideology and not American women. How man women chairpersons in the Senate and the H. of Rep.?

There is a qualitative difference between Nationalism and Patriotism; the former is worn on a sleep, the latter in one's heart.

Callous conservatism, no support for equal rights and equal opportunities, or Judeo-Christian values.

Scapegoats? Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, a Deep State, minorities, Hollywood, etc. etc.

Supremacy of the Military? We pay more for Defense than we do for every other budgeted matter combined.

Obsession for national security? Right, security is important, but the excessive fear mongering and hate mongering does not make us safer.

Religion and Government, when the government has zero ethics seems to be an oxymoron. JFK said it best, when he was attacked as a Catholic, (I) "would defend the separation of church and state, and that to not do so would be a violation of the Constitution and a sin against God" vis a vis Pence who stated, "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."

.Corporate Power is Protected? 67% of the Tax Fraud went to the wealthy and to global corporations, 33% to the rest.

Labor Power is Suppressed? Right to work states ring a bell?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts? Mocking Hollywood and attacking actors ring another bell?

Controlled Mass Media: How many times have we heard "fake news" and Trump mock the MSM?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment? We have incarcerated more people than any other nation; we are obsessed with punishment, by policy, than by creating opportunities to reduce crime, and the cost of years of incarceration for non violent crimes.

We have lost the War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: The Trump Administration has already been exposed as corrupt; the swamp he claimed to clean up has become more Toxic as his appointees confirmed by the Senate have ripped off tax payers money for private benefits - that has been in the news for over a year.

Fraudulent Elections? From his candidacy and to today Trump and the right wing disdain democracy, he claims a vote - even when he won - included millions of illegal votes, by millions of people illegally in the US, and even today voter suppression is on going in Georgia and several other states.

A lot of that is a matter of opinion. I don't disagree and several items, but you are stating accusations as fact.

I am with you and the War on Drugs, Military Spending, Theocracy Co-mingling. The other allegations are unproved or not provable and reasonable minds can differ as to each of those.
Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
I agree. It is not necessarily a bad thing. It has become a bad word because some want it to be.

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Maybe. I think he may be rolling back gay rights, which is disappointing. Gays would be freedom-first capitalists if not for the Jesus Nazis in the GOP. They don't have a choice.

If you're talking about the horde of thugs headed this way, that is not a human rights issue. That is a communist revolution issue.

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Everybody does this. Russians?

Supremacy of the Military
Yes. And I hate the government/military/industrial complex making us WORLD POLICE. AMERICA--- FUCK YEAH!!!

I don't mind a strong military, but one thing I like about Trump is his demand that nations benefiting from our protection should pay for it. Not us.

Rampant Sexism
I am not seeing it. White men should just shut up?

Controlled Mass Media
Are you really concerned about the media being controlled? Seriously?

Obsession with National Security
Nothing at all wrong with that.

Religion and Government are Intertwined
I don't like that either. I agree with you here.

Corporate Power is Protected
As opposed to what?

Labor Power is Suppressed
Not sure what you mean. Unions?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
I am not seeing that. Examples?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment
I am not liking the continuation of the illegal and failed War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Not seeing that with Trump as much as George W. Bush and Obama. Both were WAY worse.

Fraudulent Elections

Rampant Sexism? Trump's attack on sexually assaulted women and mocking Dr. Ford, 51 Senators ignored her testimony and supported an ideology and not American women. How man women chairpersons in the Senate and the H. of Rep.?

There is a qualitative difference between Nationalism and Patriotism; the former is worn on a sleep, the latter in one's heart.

Callous conservatism, no support for equal rights and equal opportunities, or Judeo-Christian values.

Scapegoats? Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, a Deep State, minorities, Hollywood, etc. etc.

Supremacy of the Military? We pay more for Defense than we do for every other budgeted matter combined.

Obsession for national security? Right, security is important, but the excessive fear mongering and hate mongering does not make us safer.

Religion and Government, when the government has zero ethics seems to be an oxymoron. JFK said it best, when he was attacked as a Catholic, (I) "would defend the separation of church and state, and that to not do so would be a violation of the Constitution and a sin against God" vis a vis Pence who stated, "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order."

.Corporate Power is Protected? 67% of the Tax Fraud went to the wealthy and to global corporations, 33% to the rest.

Labor Power is Suppressed? Right to work states ring a bell?

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts? Mocking Hollywood and attacking actors ring another bell?

Controlled Mass Media: How many times have we heard "fake news" and Trump mock the MSM?

Obsession with Crime and Punishment? We have incarcerated more people than any other nation; we are obsessed with punishment, by policy, than by creating opportunities to reduce crime, and the cost of years of incarceration for non violent crimes.

We have lost the War on Drugs.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: The Trump Administration has already been exposed as corrupt; the swamp he claimed to clean up has become more Toxic as his appointees confirmed by the Senate have ripped off tax payers money for private benefits - that has been in the news for over a year.

Fraudulent Elections? From his candidacy and to today Trump and the right wing disdain democracy, he claims a vote - even when he won - included millions of illegal votes, by millions of people illegally in the US, and even today voter suppression is on going in Georgia and several other states.

Oh shit, we’re typing in red now. DEFCON level bazillion.
  • Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
  • Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
  • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
  • Supremacy of the Military
  • Rampant Sexism
  • Controlled Mass Media
  • Obsession with National Security
  • Religion and Government are Intertwined
  • Corporate Power is Protected
  • Labor Power is Suppressed
  • Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
  • Obsession with Crime and Punishment
  • Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
  • Fraudulent Elections
Every bullet point can be seen used by Donald Trump in his Speeches, tweets and policies. Of course these bullet points were published well before Trump was nominated and elected[ it is clear to those who considered them that he has taken them as his game plan.

No past Administration has been as toxic, as chaotic and as dishonest as the current one. Why any patriot does not object, by word and vote, of this form of governance is a best perplexing.
Any one of our resident unhinged moonbats could have composed this pathetic OP....Yet another example of how the NPC meme is right on target. :lmao:

Webster's definition of "nationalism" - "loyalty and devotion to a country or a nation". No wonder lefties hate it.
Three pages, plenty of ad hominems, and not one effort at rebuttal. The Truth hurts, especially those so scared of becoming butt hurt in two weeks.
How can anyone "rebutt" a perpetual liar? You people do not accept anything that does not agree with your twisted media fed views. So again how is it possible? You scum post these threads daily with your crazy claims and unprovable nonsense using links as "proof" that contain things like "Says a close co-worker", or "an unidentified staff member", and half truths meant to confuse. The list goes on. You say the truth hurts, but you never tell the truth. You are not capable of it! In fact I'd go so far as to say many of you are plants to disrupt this country and influence elections.
Three pages, plenty of ad hominems, and not one effort at rebuttal. The Truth hurts, especially those so scared of becoming butt hurt in two weeks.
The OP is a run-on moonbat cliche...It's as though you and rderp had collaborated....And you expect reasoned rebuttal, as though you'd do so much as consider one in the first place?

For all I can tell, you're on a mission to legitimize the NPC meme craze.
Three pages, plenty of ad hominems, and not one effort at rebuttal. The Truth hurts, especially those so scared of becoming butt hurt in two weeks.
The OP is a run-on moonbat cliche...It's as though you and rderp had collaborated....And you expect reasoned rebuttal, as though you'd do so much as consider one in the first place?

For all I can tell, you're on a mission to legitimize the NPC meme craze.

The "NPC meme craze"? Yep, you got me all figured out, and don't be surprised when the NPC meme is no longer a craze.

Soon as the leader of the DEEP STATE y'all fear, I alone will create a collective to control the means of production all across the nation, and regulate everything.

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