What does the democrat party have to offer me, a middle class guy?

The Democrat and Republican party are the same.

They just work for different corporations, and have opposing positions on irrelevant side issues in order to amass votes from the stupefied population.

Seriously, both parties are pure evil. Nothing more or less.


I am just a simple guy who knows industrial maintenance like the back of my hand..

I can know the difference between $10 pack smokes and $5 dollar a pack smokes
It won't be long till you will be dealing with social security and medicare. Republicans want to privatize both.

I call bullshit, but I honestly wish they would privatize both.

Safety net = government dependence
Totally agree with OP. And it isn't that I'm not willing to listen, but what I've heard out of Hillary just hasn't connected with this straight American-American (or A-squared for you mathematicians).
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.
They can drop you into the lower class...and send you free shit.
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.

It won't be long till you will be dealing with social security and medicare. Republicans want to privatize both.

Dude seriously..


Wife died at 42... Where did that S.S. money go? Not to me or my daughter..

Cousin died at 44..where did his S.S. money go?

My best friend died at 46..where did his S.S. money go?

Fuck you give me my Social security money today that my employer and I paid into for the past 30 plus years.

I want my money now
The Ds are promise everything and blame the bad effects on any convenient scapegoat. That's why they are the Devil's Own.
Higher taxes
Less freedom
Less wealth for your children
Less security
Higher health care cost

Democrats are the scum of America and unless you are a welfare queen, illegal or a Muslim you ain't getting jackshit from them except misery.
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.

It won't be long till you will be dealing with social security and medicare. Republicans want to privatize both.

Dude seriously..


Wife died at 42... Where did that S.S. money go? Not to me or my daughter..

Cousin died at 44..where did his S.S. money go?

My best friend died at 46..where did his S.S. money go?

Fuck you give me my Social security money today that my employer and I paid into for the past 30 plus years.

I want my money now

Sorry about your circumstances, but millions of Americans have been able to live out their later years with dignity instead of suffering in poverty because Social Security, and Medicare saved them from that.
There is no Democratic party, it was taken over by corrupt traitors looking for cash and liberal freaks hell bent on turning the country into Greece. They don't give a shit about the poor, middle class, and jobs holy shit damn near every decision they make kills more jobs.
They would like to take most of your money, and then give a fraction of it back. Without them you would not have that fraction... that's what they say at least.
Higher taxes
Less freedom
Less wealth for your children
Less security
Higher health care cost

Democrats are the scum of America and unless you are a welfare queen, illegal or a Muslim you ain't getting jackshit from them except misery.
That's so ignorant, so brainwashed.
Maybe there will be more business because people have money to spend and then his boss will be able to pay him more.

Couple problems with that.

Wage control can push many business past their efficient of even sustainable profit margins, causing small businesses with tight profit margins to go out of business. This is evidenced by how 8 out of 10 startups fail, and 9 out of 10 restaurants fail.

This allows corporations that can afford higher wages to monopolize the market and institute whatever prices they see fit, because they now have the market captive.

Minimum wage is a corporatist plot to dominate American consumers, and it screws over everybody but Tycoons and the corrupt politicians that are being lobbied for these policies.
There is no Democratic party, it was taken over by corrupt traitors looking for cash and liberal freaks hell bent on turning the country into Greece. They don't give a shit about the poor, middle class, and jobs holy shit damn near every decision they make kills more jobs.

Projecting again?

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