What does the democrat party have to offer me, a middle class guy?

Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.

Have you ever considered voting for what is best for the country?

If it isn't good for me, then it isn't good for the country.
"micro economics"

Explain how a minimum wage increase would increase the wage of someone with a full salary at an automobile manufacturer.
I never said it would. I said everyone has a wage increase under the Democrats.
. Everyone (?) as in blanket terms when speaking about raises ? How do you give a person a raise or even many together a raise, if they don't deserve the raise at all ? Are we to just give people raises because a politician rides through a poor neighborhood, and the politician see's poverty in this neighborhood in the extreme as according to him or her that is to be found within their view ???? So regardless of why there is poverty in the neighborhood, the politician runs his or her campaign based on lies that he or she is going to force companies to give everyone raises based upon blaming the companies for there being poverty in that neighborhood. It will be done because of what he or she see's as something to exploit in order to make them appear as a champion for the poor, when in reality they they are just lying their butt off in order to get votes. When you hear Clinton pandering like that, it is a sickening thing really, because we know the track record looking back on it all.
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.

It won't be long till you will be dealing with social security and medicare. Republicans want to privatize both.

Dude seriously..


Wife died at 42... Where did that S.S. money go? Not to me or my daughter..

Cousin died at 44..where did his S.S. money go?

My best friend died at 46..where did his S.S. money go?

Fuck you give me my Social security money today that my employer and I paid into for the past 30 plus years.

I want my money now
. They stole it or they claim they did, but funny how they can come up with millions and billions for other countries, natural disasters, their buddies in these banks they bailed out or these corporations they bailed out, but they are broke when it comes to you the hard working average citizen in this country.
There is no Democratic party, it was taken over by corrupt traitors looking for cash and liberal freaks hell bent on turning the country into Greece. They don't give a shit about the poor, middle class, and jobs holy shit damn near every decision they make kills more jobs.

Projecting again?

Trolling again? I was wondering what that rotted festering stench was.
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.

A lot of people don’t like tanks, the Army or the NSA. Should they have to pay taxes to support these?
Seriously what do they have to offer me?

I am 51 years old, they have nothing to offer me to vote for them

To me they hate jobs, they love to tax me for stuff I don't want or need like obama care and car insurance.

I could care less about abortion, gay marriage or any other dumb ass social issue.

Some one please convince me why would it be in my best interest to vote for a democrat? The days of JFK is long gone. Where is a New JFK, Certainly not in the democrat party of today.
Democrats seem to love doing this to gays....


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