What Does the Democratic Party Stand For?

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

I can buy 3 out of 4 of those points.

I have trouble with "- A balance between the interests of business and labor". The trade policies of Bill Clinton and Obama destroy that balance.

The New Democrats don't have much regard for labor.

Democrats are pushing for wage hikes, lessening the tax burden on workng Americans, healthcare, equal pay, maternity leave, collective bargaining rights

All help labor
What the fuck is this bull shit? You are only trying to pull up wages of burger flippers and fucking the middle class in the process like Australia and GB

By law, the only wage Congress can control is minimum wage

Middle class workers can be helped by having lower taxes, lower costs for education and healthcare, workplace protections, collective bargaining

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they stand for:

the killing of ones offspring with NO RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
Stealing the worker taxpayer monies and give it to the slugs in the country. then crow how much MORE THEY CARE about others

how noble and honorable eh?

You're one of those slugs living off the government.
I highly doubt it, read steph post for years, but reading a noob like you, congrads child you just found the net :)
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

I can buy 3 out of 4 of those points.

I have trouble with "- A balance between the interests of business and labor". The trade policies of Bill Clinton and Obama destroy that balance.

The New Democrats don't have much regard for labor.

Democrats are pushing for wage hikes, lessening the tax burden on workng Americans, healthcare, equal pay, maternity leave, collective bargaining rights

All help labor
What the fuck is this bull shit? You are only trying to pull up wages of burger flippers and fucking the middle class in the process like Australia and GB

By law, the only wage Congress can control is minimum wage

Middle class workers can be helped by having lower taxes, lower costs for education and healthcare, workplace protections, collective bargaining
By law the states can do it by themselfs, local citys can... See Seattle so whats the problem?
Is it because you and your ilk know what's best?

Why dont you just say it?

You dont have a fucking clue, how a it destroys the middle class.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democrats stand for turning whatever is illegal, unethical, or despicable into something they stand for and can use to attack the GOP over.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democrats stand for turning whatever is illegal, unethical, or despicable into something they stand for and can use to attack the GOP over.

Democrats stand for truth, justice and the American way
GOP stand for hating Democrats...

Well on this board anyway...

What I don't understand is, GOP tell everyone that Government doesn't work.
Then people vote for them and then the government doesn't work...
What do they expect?
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

-Democrats have grown government faster over the last 8 years than ever before. It is now gargantuan in size and intrudes on every citizen.
-The tax structure has provided record levels of revenue and yet deficits are still at record levels for a recovery economy.
-Democrats have fucked business at the expense of labor. They shredded bankruptcy laws to award GM to its labor unions and have used the NLRB to institute many anti business pro labor politicies
-Social programs have increased the number of recipients and have stimulated growth in needy people. A truly successful social program would go out of business because it helped everyone out of poverty. Instead we have the highest levels of food stamp usage and SSI dependency in a recovering economy ever.

Thanks for pointing out that Democrat polciies have been consistent and total failures, even when measured against their own aims.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democrats stand for turning whatever is illegal, unethical, or despicable into something they stand for and can use to attack the GOP over.

Democrats stand for truth, justice and the American way
No, that's Superman. Who was a Republican.
The GOP stands for smaller government

Too bad they don't act that way.

After you have lived through a few Republican Congresses and Presidents, you realize the GOP stands for big government, big spending, big borrowing, warrantless wiretaps, wars, and torture.

After you have lived awhile, you learn the only differences between the GOP and the Dems is in social issues like abortion, guns, mosques, and wedding cakes.

The rest is talk. Bullshit. Hot air. Warm piss guzzled by the rubes. Blah blah blah. Three hours of bloviation with frequent interruptions by ads for Human Growth Hormone and gold-plated coins.
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The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

The GOP stands for smaller government

Too bad they don't act that way.

After you have lived through a few Republican Congresses and Presidents, you realize the GOP stands for big government, big spending, big borrowing, warrantless wiretaps, wars, and torture.

The only differences between the GOP and the Dems is in social issues like abortion, guns, mosques, and wedding cakes.
That wasnt the subject of the OP, moron. I even alluded to the fact that the GOP doesnt always deliver on what they say. So what?
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

-Democrats have grown government faster over the last 8 years than ever before. It is now gargantuan in size and intrudes on every citizen.
-The tax structure has provided record levels of revenue and yet deficits are still at record levels for a recovery economy.
-Democrats have fucked business at the expense of labor. They shredded bankruptcy laws to award GM to its labor unions and have used the NLRB to institute many anti business pro labor politicies
-Social programs have increased the number of recipients and have stimulated growth in needy people. A truly successful social program would go out of business because it helped everyone out of poverty. Instead we have the highest levels of food stamp usage and SSI dependency in a recovering economy ever.

Thanks for pointing out that Democrat polciies have been consistent and total failures, even when measured against their own aims.

In spite of their claims when trying to get elected, Republicans have never downsized government once in office. Remember creating Homeland Security? That was Republicans
The size and scope of government under Obama has remained stable

Yet, Republicans continue the myth that they are the ones who want "small government"
they stand for:

the killing of ones offspring with NO RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
Stealing the worker taxpayer monies and give it to the slugs in the country. then crow how much MORE THEY CARE about others

how noble and honorable eh?

You're one of those slugs living off the government.
I highly doubt it, read steph post for years, but reading a noob like you, congrads child you just found the net :)

she figures if she repeats the lie enough it will get her congrats from her hateful buds on here...that's all she ever has...zzzzz
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democrats stand for turning whatever is illegal, unethical, or despicable into something they stand for and can use to attack the GOP over.

Democrats stand for truth, justice and the American way
No, that's Superman. Who was a Republican.

Clark Kent is a member of the liberal media
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

-Democrats have grown government faster over the last 8 years than ever before. It is now gargantuan in size and intrudes on every citizen.
-The tax structure has provided record levels of revenue and yet deficits are still at record levels for a recovery economy.
-Democrats have fucked business at the expense of labor. They shredded bankruptcy laws to award GM to its labor unions and have used the NLRB to institute many anti business pro labor politicies
-Social programs have increased the number of recipients and have stimulated growth in needy people. A truly successful social program would go out of business because it helped everyone out of poverty. Instead we have the highest levels of food stamp usage and SSI dependency in a recovering economy ever.

Thanks for pointing out that Democrat polciies have been consistent and total failures, even when measured against their own aims.

In spite of their claims when trying to get elected, Republicans have never downsized government once in office. Remember creating Homeland Security? That was Republicans
The size and scope of government under Obama has remained stable

Yet, Republicans continue the myth that they are the ones who want "small government"
Your deflection from your failed post is noted.
Your lies are also noted. Who instituted a new "consumer protection bureau" and massive expansion at HHS with Obamacare?
The Dems bleev in redistributing wealth from the top down. The GOP bleevs in redistributing wealth from the bottom up. Both will justify their robbery-by-legislation with high-minded rhetorical salves for their consciences.

"We need to take this money from the freeloading willfully uninsured by making them buy insurance and charging them too much for it so we can give subsidies to high school dropouts."

"We need to enact this capital gains tax break for Wall Street because proprietary trading using mathematical models of hidden options derivatives which rips the faces off 'widows and orphans funds' creates jobs."
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The size and scope of government under Obama has remained stable

You are on crack.

With the enactment of ObamaCare, one has to have seven pounds of brain damage to bleev the size and scope of government has not vastly increased under Obama.
Here is some info for you.


Dems ideology is the same as Carl Marx - collectivism, everyone treated the same, equal in misery. Everyone plays by the same rules except for the rulers.
Democrats believe that we're greater together than we are on our own—that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules.

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