What Does the Democratic Party Stand For?

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Democrats stand for the prerogative rule of a central authority, be it a monarchy or a democracy.

Republicanism, constitutionalism, libertarianism are to them like garlic is to a vampire.
Libs assume that because we vote republican we trust them or even support everything they want. The fact is that we would rather have that than have our country sink into a failed socialist country that ends all progress.
Under the last Republican White House and Congress, the government was given massive police powers. Warrantless wiretaps. Indeterminate detention of US citizens without a writ of habaes corpus. Torture. A giant new Cabinet level department engaged in spying on every American. "Free speech zones". Harassment of reporters. Abusive NDLs. An increase in the size of every federal agency, except two (SEC and EPA).

You would rather have that, eh?

It's like all you rats were in a coma during the entire period, but the second the baton was passed to the opposite party, you act all freaked out at the Constitutional violations as if it all started on January 20, 2009.

Fuck the lot of you.
C'mon, G.
Then we had a Dem prez with a Dem congress that extended the length and breadth of the same, then pitched a temper tantrum when this new Congress threatened to cut its funding
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

I can buy 3 out of 4 of those points.

I have trouble with "- A balance between the interests of business and labor". The trade policies of Bill Clinton and Obama destroy that balance.

The New Democrats don't have much regard for labor.
Under Bush and the GOP millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. Republicans call that "balance".

See post 48.
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

C. None of the above.

He's smart. He realizes that you have to talk stupidly to stupid people which makes him smart.

So you think that in order to win a debate, one must try to be stupid? Is that why conservatives talk like that?
Run home, Forrest Gump.
To reason with idiots and see their point of view you must become an idiot.

I wholeheartedly disagree.
I can see the point of view The Rabbi and yourself hold without sinking to the critical thinking level of taking everything the GOP says at face value.

In other words:
I see what you're stupid enough to be peddling, but I won't 'pretend' to be stupid enough to buy it.

If that is your philosophy on debate, then it is no wonder I seem to tear you a new one every time you cross my path.
They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

Trying to boost your post count, again?

That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

C. None of the above.

He's smart. He realizes that you have to talk stupidly to stupid people which makes him smart.

So you think that in order to win a debate, one must try to be stupid? Is that why conservatives talk like that?
Run home, Forrest Gump.
To reason with idiots and see their point of view you must become an idiot.

I wholeheartedly disagree.
I can see the point of view The Rabbi and yourself hold without sinking to the critical thinking level of taking everything the GOP says at face value.

In other words:
I see what you're stupid enough to be peddling, but I won't 'pretend' to be stupid enough to buy it.

If that is your philosophy on debate, then it is no wonder I seem to tear you a new one every time you cross my path.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Democratic Party stands for:

-The right sized government to do what "We the People" want done
-A tax structure that provides adequate revenue and places the burden on those most able to bear it
- A balance between the interests of business and labor
- Social Programs that help those who need helping

I can buy 3 out of 4 of those points.

I have trouble with "- A balance between the interests of business and labor". The trade policies of Bill Clinton and Obama destroy that balance.

The New Democrats don't have much regard for labor.
Under Bush and the GOP millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. Republicans call that "balance".

See post 48.
And now they're moving at an even faster rate because of a tax climate made worse by The Obama

Notice that the following article is from 2014 AND from the CHICAGO Tribune:
Middle class will disappear if U.S. corporations move headquarters overseas - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

C. None of the above.

He's smart. He realizes that you have to talk stupidly to stupid people which makes him smart.

So you think that in order to win a debate, one must try to be stupid? Is that why conservatives talk like that?
Run home, Forrest Gump.
To reason with idiots and see their point of view you must become an idiot.

I wholeheartedly disagree.
I can see the point of view The Rabbi and yourself hold without sinking to the critical thinking level of taking everything the GOP says at face value.

In other words:
I see what you're stupid enough to be peddling, but I won't 'pretend' to be stupid enough to buy it.

If that is your philosophy on debate, then it is no wonder I seem to tear you a new one every time you cross my path.

I'll take your lack of a true response as the statement of defeat you weren't principled enough to give outright.
C. None of the above.

He's smart. He realizes that you have to talk stupidly to stupid people which makes him smart.

So you think that in order to win a debate, one must try to be stupid? Is that why conservatives talk like that?
Run home, Forrest Gump.
To reason with idiots and see their point of view you must become an idiot.

I wholeheartedly disagree.
I can see the point of view The Rabbi and yourself hold without sinking to the critical thinking level of taking everything the GOP says at face value.

In other words:
I see what you're stupid enough to be peddling, but I won't 'pretend' to be stupid enough to buy it.

If that is your philosophy on debate, then it is no wonder I seem to tear you a new one every time you cross my path.

I'll take your lack of a true response as the statement of defeat you weren't principled enough to give outright.
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?
Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

I realize you arent very bright. OK you're downright stupid. So to help you out here is the OP again:
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
So I acknowledge right there in the OP that the reality of what the GOP does might sometimes be at variance to what the GOP generally stands for. But they are typically identified as standing for certain things.
But instead of answering the question--the one right there in the subject line--the Demoturds want to harp on a point I've already acknowledged. Which is why whenever you try that I dismiss it, trying to bring the discussion back to where I intended.
But since I nailed the Democrats perfectly--they are for class warfare and pandering--pretty much the only response from Dems has to be "yabut, the GOP are all big honking hypocrites adnt they voted for.." blahblahblahgofuckyourself..
So really, as always, you are guilty of what you accuse others of doing. You are the troll here, unable to address the point of the OP.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
You'v exhausted your quota of stupid things for one day. Maybe just in that one post.
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?
Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

I realize you arent very bright. OK you're downright stupid. So to help you out here is the OP again:
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
So I acknowledge right there in the OP that the reality of what the GOP does might sometimes be at variance to what the GOP generally stands for. But they are typically identified as standing for certain things.
But instead of answering the question--the one right there in the subject line--the Demoturds want to harp on a point I've already acknowledged. Which is why whenever you try that I dismiss it, trying to bring the discussion back to where I intended.
But since I nailed the Democrats perfectly--they are for class warfare and pandering--pretty much the only response from Dems has to be "yabut, the GOP are all big honking hypocrites adnt they voted for.." blahblahblahgofuckyourself..
So really, as always, you are guilty of what you accuse others of doing. You are the troll here, unable to address the point of the OP.

Your problem with the 'smoking gun' point you think you have on me is that your writing didn't clearly convey what you were trying to say.

Your sentence "Most people would agree on that even if they don't always vote that way." could JUST AS CLEARLY be saying that "Even people who don't vote for the GOP would agree that these are their policies."
(It's also missing a comma, though that's beside the point..)

The "they" could just as easily be referring to "people", since "people" is the subject, the ONLY specified noun in the sentence, and they also commonly vote.

I don't quite understand how I'M the stupid one here, considering the MORE than reasonable explanation for the situation above.

I'm not here to read your mind, just your posts. It's your job to convey your thoughts clearly.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
You'v exhausted your quota of stupid things for one day. Maybe just in that one post.

Another clear example of you not checking your posts before hitting 'send'...

It's not like my argument is unprecedented. :wink_2:
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?
Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

I realize you arent very bright. OK you're downright stupid. So to help you out here is the OP again:
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
So I acknowledge right there in the OP that the reality of what the GOP does might sometimes be at variance to what the GOP generally stands for. But they are typically identified as standing for certain things.
But instead of answering the question--the one right there in the subject line--the Demoturds want to harp on a point I've already acknowledged. Which is why whenever you try that I dismiss it, trying to bring the discussion back to where I intended.
But since I nailed the Democrats perfectly--they are for class warfare and pandering--pretty much the only response from Dems has to be "yabut, the GOP are all big honking hypocrites adnt they voted for.." blahblahblahgofuckyourself..
So really, as always, you are guilty of what you accuse others of doing. You are the troll here, unable to address the point of the OP.

You're problem with the 'smoking gun' point you think you have on me is that your writing didn't clearly convey what you were trying to say.

Your sentence "Most people would agree on that even if they don't always vote that way." could JUST AS CLEARLY be saying that "Even people who don't vote for the GOP would agree that these are their policies."
(It's also missing a comma, though that's beside the point..)

The "they" could just as easily be referring to "people", since "people" is the subject, the ONLY specified noun in the sentence, and they also commonly vote.

I don't quite understand how I'M the stupid one here, considering the MORE than reasonable explanation for the situation above.

I'm not here to read your mind, just your posts. It's your job to convey your thoughts clearly.
All I've seen you do is bitch about how you can't read other people's posts and you use superior grammar. Get over yo dumb self.
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?
Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

I realize you arent very bright. OK you're downright stupid. So to help you out here is the OP again:
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
So I acknowledge right there in the OP that the reality of what the GOP does might sometimes be at variance to what the GOP generally stands for. But they are typically identified as standing for certain things.
But instead of answering the question--the one right there in the subject line--the Demoturds want to harp on a point I've already acknowledged. Which is why whenever you try that I dismiss it, trying to bring the discussion back to where I intended.
But since I nailed the Democrats perfectly--they are for class warfare and pandering--pretty much the only response from Dems has to be "yabut, the GOP are all big honking hypocrites adnt they voted for.." blahblahblahgofuckyourself..
So really, as always, you are guilty of what you accuse others of doing. You are the troll here, unable to address the point of the OP.

You're problem with the 'smoking gun' point you think you have on me is that your writing didn't clearly convey what you were trying to say.

Your sentence "Most people would agree on that even if they don't always vote that way." could JUST AS CLEARLY be saying that "Even people who don't vote for the GOP would agree that these are their policies."
(It's also missing a comma, though that's beside the point..)

The "they" could just as easily be referring to "people", since "people" is the subject, the ONLY specified noun in the sentence, and they also commonly vote.

I don't quite understand how I'M the stupid one here, considering the MORE than reasonable explanation for the situation above.

I'm not here to read your mind, just your posts. It's your job to convey your thoughts clearly.
Why dont you just go fuck yourself and leave the smart people alone?
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

Who was the last GOP President to leave with a smaller deficit than he inherited; a smaller government then he inherited...?

Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
You'v exhausted your quota of stupid things for one day. Maybe just in that one post.

Another clear example of you not checking your posts before hitting 'send'...

It's not like my argument is unprecedented. :wink_2:
There is no "send' buttom, dumbshit. You really are an obnoxious ass.
I'd appreciate it if the OP could establish some support for the claim that the GOP is actually for smaller government. Something other than just saying that they are for smaller government.

They are consistently identified as the party in favor of smaller government. I made that clear in the OP. But this isnt about the GOP. This is about what Dems stand for.

One of the two major parties is more likely to institute campaign finance reform with limits on contributions and greater transparency.

If you are concerned about money corrupting politics, you ought to consider that when casting your vote.
Yes, Democrats are in favor of limiting free speech. They already launched a Constitutional intiiative aimed at restricting free speech.
Thanks for pointing this out: Democrats are opposed to civil liberties. That's one point.

Myopic,,,aren't we??

Can't see the forest for the trees, what a tool..

Trying to boost your post count, again?

As an outside observer with friends who associate with the party, it seems they believe in a humanistic approach to society, politics, government and foreign policy.
That it mere pablum. It also isnt true, if it means anything at all. Dem policies have been the most likely to dehumanize and objectify people.

These quotes and many others by the original poster in this thread lead me to the deduction that this person is either:

a.) Trolling


b.) Unintelligent

It seems that if the GOP 'says' they are for smaller government, then, no questions asked, they are, on their word alone. And that's good enough for The Rabbi.

If anyone brings up a point against the idea of the GOP being for what The Rabbi believes they are for, HeShe says "This is about the Democrats, not the GOP."

DESPITE the misleading opening sentence of this thread being entirely about WHAT THE GOP PLATFORM IS.

Only The Rabbi is allowed to talk about the GOP in this thread..

Furthermore, the Democratic party says they are for civil liberties.

But in The Rabbi's world, only the GOP's word is as good as gold. In this thread, Rabbi's opinion is all that matters.
Because of this, the Democratic party is now 'opposed to civil liberties'..

Being completely biased and yet absolutely unaware of it is generally a sign of low intelligence, but it is also a well known troll tactic.

Now, I ask YOU, the reader:

Trolling, or stupid?

I realize you arent very bright. OK you're downright stupid. So to help you out here is the OP again:
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
So I acknowledge right there in the OP that the reality of what the GOP does might sometimes be at variance to what the GOP generally stands for. But they are typically identified as standing for certain things.
But instead of answering the question--the one right there in the subject line--the Demoturds want to harp on a point I've already acknowledged. Which is why whenever you try that I dismiss it, trying to bring the discussion back to where I intended.
But since I nailed the Democrats perfectly--they are for class warfare and pandering--pretty much the only response from Dems has to be "yabut, the GOP are all big honking hypocrites adnt they voted for.." blahblahblahgofuckyourself..
So really, as always, you are guilty of what you accuse others of doing. You are the troll here, unable to address the point of the OP.

You're problem with the 'smoking gun' point you think you have on me is that your writing didn't clearly convey what you were trying to say.

Your sentence "Most people would agree on that even if they don't always vote that way." could JUST AS CLEARLY be saying that "Even people who don't vote for the GOP would agree that these are their policies."
(It's also missing a comma, though that's beside the point..)

The "they" could just as easily be referring to "people", since "people" is the subject, the ONLY specified noun in the sentence, and they also commonly vote.

I don't quite understand how I'M the stupid one here, considering the MORE than reasonable explanation for the situation above.

I'm not here to read your mind, just your posts. It's your job to convey your thoughts clearly.
All I've seen you do is bitch about how you can't read other people's posts and you use superior grammar. Get over yo dumb self.
He's too stupid to read and comprehend a simple sentence. And then blames everyone else for his failures. IOW, he's a democrat.

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