What Does the Democratic Party Stand For?

Our two-party system, whitey versus everyone else.

You're a racist. If living in a first world country is so evil...Why do these people flood in from around the world to get a piece of it?
They're constantly told america is the "land of the free" and all about the "american dream." Most first world countries are much better for those trying/flooding into america.
More proof that the far left has no clue about history..

The term Democratic-Republican Party is the name used primarily by modern political scientists for the first "Republican Party" (as it called itself at the time), also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans.

Sorry, but no.

It's common knowledge that the Democratic-Republican Party of Jefferson's time is a completely separate entity from the current Republican Party, which started in Lincoln's time.

Once again the revisionists of the far left will do what they must to rewrite history.

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

The term "republican" was in widespread usage from the 1770s to describe the type government the break-away colonies wanted to form: a Republic of three separate branches of government derived from some principles and structure from ancient Republics; especially the emphasis on civic duty and the opposition to corruption, elitism, aristocracy and monarchy.

Great. Random history.

Aaaaaaand my point still stands, one unrelated ejaculation of history 101 notes later:

The Democratic-Republican Party and The Republican Party we have today are separate entities, and always have been.

See how the far left will watch the world burn than just admit they are wrong!

Sorry to bruise your ego, but I'm right.
And anybody with the power of Google can know for sure in about 10 seconds.

See the far left can not admit to being wrong, that is why it just easier to call them far left drones..

It is hard fro them to admit that Jefferson was a Republican..
Sorry, but no.

It's common knowledge that the Democratic-Republican Party of Jefferson's time is a completely separate entity from the current Republican Party, which started in Lincoln's time.

Once again the revisionists of the far left will do what they must to rewrite history.

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

The term "republican" was in widespread usage from the 1770s to describe the type government the break-away colonies wanted to form: a Republic of three separate branches of government derived from some principles and structure from ancient Republics; especially the emphasis on civic duty and the opposition to corruption, elitism, aristocracy and monarchy.

Great. Random history.

Aaaaaaand my point still stands, one unrelated ejaculation of history 101 notes later:

The Democratic-Republican Party and The Republican Party we have today are separate entities, and always have been.

See how the far left will watch the world burn than just admit they are wrong!

Sorry to bruise your ego, but I'm right.
And anybody with the power of Google can know for sure in about 10 seconds.

See the far left can not admit to being wrong, that is why it just easier to call them far left drones..

It is hard fro them to admit that Jefferson was a Republican..
He fucked his slaves, making him a rich white man. Carry on.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?
Smaller government? The party that brought us the EPA, DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, trans vaginal probes, war on (some) drugs, etc, etc, etc? Lower taxes if you're rich. Socially conservative policies - code for discrimination against blacks, gays, women, and other racial and religious minorities. Pretty easy to win when you can run against the republican record.
The Democratic Party is socially liberal and economically center-right/distributist.
The GOP stands for smaller government, lower taxes, pro business, generally socially conservative policies. Most people would agree on that even if they dont always vote that way.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? THey seem to stand for class warfare, tribal identification, and free shit.
How can they possibly hope to win with such divisive stands, and after such a record of failure?

They stand for looting the productive, free shit for the ticks on the ass of society, censorship, controlling everything you do, voter fraud, open borders, and the total destruction of American society.
-Democrats have grown government faster over the last 8 years than ever before. It is now gargantuan in size and intrudes on every citizen.
-The tax structure has provided record levels of revenue and yet deficits are still at record levels for a recovery economy.

Uh, no, they were cut in half after we ended Bush's wars and repealed Bush's tax cuts.

-Democrats have fucked business at the expense of labor. They shredded bankruptcy laws to award GM to its labor unions and have used the NLRB to institute many anti business pro labor politicies

Yes, isn't that horrible? A government that takes the side of workers over the wealthy? Or the HORROR of it all. Why can't they all just grab ankle like you?

-Social programs have increased the number of recipients and have stimulated growth in needy people. A truly successful social program would go out of business because it helped everyone out of poverty. Instead we have the highest levels of food stamp usage and SSI dependency in a recovering economy ever.

Yes, 30 years of Republican Party has gutted the middle class. We have record food stamp useage because big corporations don't pay a living wage.
The Democratic Party is socially liberal and economically center-right/distributist.
If you think the party that endorses pay caps for CEOs, confiscatory taxes on incomes, carbon taxes,etc is "center right" I'd hate to see your idea of Left.
Just look at: Ferguson, St. Louis, now Baltimore.

that's what the Progressive/dem party stands for

vote for some more of this in 2016. VOTE in another like Obama. Hillary, O'Malley, Sanders, etc...oh yea
What Does the Democratic Party Stand For?

Intolerance. You must see and agree with everything the way they do or you will be hounded and sued.
Two I can think of off the top of my head are Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge.

Your turn. Name a Democrat likewise.
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
You'v exhausted your quota of stupid things for one day. Maybe just in that one post.

Prove me wrong......oh yea

You can't do that

The Rabbi just called Thomas Jefferson a member of the Republican Party.
Therefore, his/her argument is invalid.
I did no such thing.
Therefore you are a troll.

I notice you ran away once again when challenged to back up a post

Talk about a troll
The Democrats can only BUY ofF people for so long before they give up living in run down housing that are like living in a war zone, waiting for their checks the Democrats promised them. Now you see why many advocate JOBS instead, but then they are beaten down for even suggesting such a thing..... but you can't get that through those oh so, compassionate Dems/libs HEADS

Now we are getting the end results and Under a BLACK President who was suppose to save US ALL
The Democrats can only BUY of people for so long before they give up living in run down housing that are like living in a war zone, waiting for their checks the Democrats promised them. Now you see why many advocate JOBS instead but you can't get through those oh so, compassionate Dems/libs HEADS

Now we are getting the end results and Under a BLACK President who was suppose to save US ALL

Save you from what? your ignorance? If it weren't for the Democratic party who fights for the every day joe and sue , you wouldn't get your food stamps and medicaid which your republican party wants to gut. See how that works out for you
Our two-party system, whitey versus everyone else.

You're a racist. If living in a first world country is so evil...Why do these people flood in from around the world to get a piece of it?
They're constantly told america is the "land of the free" and all about the "american dream." Most first world countries are much better for those trying/flooding into america.

Well go stand at the border and give them that information. Do something good for your country besides sit here and run it down
The Democrats can only BUY ofF people for so long before they give up living in run down housing that are like living in a war zone, waiting for their checks the Democrats promised them. Now you see why many advocate JOBS instead, but then they are beaten down for even suggesting such a thing..... but you can't get that through those oh so, compassionate Dems/libs HEADS

Now we are getting the end results and Under a BLACK President who was suppose to save US ALL

Maybe you can inform us what Republicans have offered those communities

Lets see.........more prisons
Jefferson was no Republican and he also ran up a huge deficit to pay for the Louisiana Purchase

Coolidge led us to the Great Depression
You'v exhausted your quota of stupid things for one day. Maybe just in that one post.

Prove me wrong......oh yea

You can't do that

The Rabbi just called Thomas Jefferson a member of the Republican Party.
Therefore, his/her argument is invalid.
I did no such thing.
Therefore you are a troll.

I notice you ran away once again when challenged to back up a post

Talk about a troll
I didnt run away, jerkoff. I quit wasting my time with someone too stupid to debate. Almost like you. You're still around just because I like to bat you in the head daily.
The Democrats can only BUY ofF people for so long before they give up living in run down housing that are like living in a war zone, waiting for their checks the Democrats promised them. Now you see why many advocate JOBS instead, but then they are beaten down for even suggesting such a thing..... but you can't get that through those oh so, compassionate Dems/libs HEADS

Now we are getting the end results and Under a BLACK President who was suppose to save US ALL

Maybe you can inform us what Republicans have offered those communities

Lets see.........more prisons
Jobs, freedom, independence. You know, stuff the Democratic Party thinks people dont need.
The Democrats can only BUY ofF people for so long before they give up living in run down housing that are like living in a war zone, waiting for their checks the Democrats promised them. Now you see why many advocate JOBS instead, but then they are beaten down for even suggesting such a thing..... but you can't get that through those oh so, compassionate Dems/libs HEADS

Now we are getting the end results and Under a BLACK President who was suppose to save US ALL

Maybe you can inform us what Republicans have offered those communities

Lets see.........more prisons
Jobs, freedom, independence. You know, stuff the Democratic Party thinks people dont need.
LOL, I don't think democrats want to take away the freedom of women to control their own bodies.

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