What does the fossil record really teach concerning the theory of evolution?

"All the research of millions of people and tens of thousands of PH.D's over the last 150 years is all false. My belief in a talking snake is how it happened. How do I know? I just do".
If you claim to value what science tells us, then you should know that a majority opinion does not make right. After all, the majority of scientists used to believe that the world was flat. In fact, scientists have believed many things that just aren't true. Not a very good track record, is it? Oh, they also used to believe in the spontaneous generation of life. How silly is that? You stick with your "science". I'll trust the Word of God.

You are free to do so. Not sure why you feel a need to convince others your beliefs are sound though. You believe in a talking snake.
Actually, it wasn't the snake talking. It was Satan talking through the snake. Can't you get anything right?
Proof that God has a sense of humor.
Or more honestly the ultimate transition example!
Not really. I assume you look at it's bill and assume it has a duck as an ancestor. I could be mistaken, but I don't believe that a platypus shares any significant DNA with duck. Try again.
No, you assume wrong, of course, it is a lot more than that!

A team of scientists has determined the platypus’ entire genetic code. Down to its DNA, it turns out, the platypus continues to strain credulity, bearing genetic modules that are in turn mammalian, reptilian and avian.

There are genes for egg laying, evidence of the animal’s reptilian roots. Genes for making milk, which the platypus does in mammalian style despite not having nipples. Genes for making snake venom, which the animal stores in its legs. And there are five times more sex-determining chromosomes than scientists know what to do with.
Then one would have to ask how something like that could possibly evolve. It seems to me that the only way it could exist is if it was created.
Or more honestly it shows a transition species that links mammals, reptiles and birds.
Proof that God has a sense of humor.
Or more honestly the ultimate transition example!
Not really. I assume you look at it's bill and assume it has a duck as an ancestor. I could be mistaken, but I don't believe that a platypus shares any significant DNA with duck. Try again.
No, you assume wrong, of course, it is a lot more than that!

A team of scientists has determined the platypus’ entire genetic code. Down to its DNA, it turns out, the platypus continues to strain credulity, bearing genetic modules that are in turn mammalian, reptilian and avian.

There are genes for egg laying, evidence of the animal’s reptilian roots. Genes for making milk, which the platypus does in mammalian style despite not having nipples. Genes for making snake venom, which the animal stores in its legs. And there are five times more sex-determining chromosomes than scientists know what to do with.
Then one would have to ask how something like that could possibly evolve. It seems to me that the only way it could exist is if it was created.
Or more honestly it shows a transition species that links mammals, reptiles and birds.

Yep, it proves evolution. The op is attempting to attack this with a 2,000 year old book. lol, lol, lol
"All the research of millions of people and tens of thousands of PH.D's over the last 150 years is all false. My belief in a talking snake is how it happened. How do I know? I just do".
If you claim to value what science tells us, then you should know that a majority opinion does not make right. After all, the majority of scientists used to believe that the world was flat. In fact, scientists have believed many things that just aren't true. Not a very good track record, is it? Oh, they also used to believe in the spontaneous generation of life. How silly is that? You stick with your "science". I'll trust the Word of God.

You are free to do so. Not sure why you feel a need to convince others your beliefs are sound though. You believe in a talking snake.
Actually, it wasn't the snake talking. It was Satan talking through the snake. Can't you get anything right?
All this fuss over fruit theft?

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