What Does The Total & Complete Repudiation of Jeb Bush Mean?

So yes, Democrats are far more SENSIBLE not to have someone that is so outright unelectable.

If that were true, they would not be running Sanders. Warren is more electable than Sanders.

No matter who the Dems put up, there are people who will never, never vote for them. It makes no difference if it is Warren or Clinton.

There are different reasons behind Warren not running, and I would bet it is because she didn't want the disgrace of being beat by Clinton for the nomination. She's keeping her powder dry. Deep down inside, she's probably hoping Clinton will lose to whatever GOP candidate so that she (Warren) will have a shot in 2020/2024.

I suspect this because you don't see her out there lending her name to Clinton's campaign.
I disagree. I believe she's perhaps not such a fan of Clinton's moderate positions, but that she DOES like Clinton as a person.

Warren is smart enough to work w/the party to accomplish her goals. This is what I believe she's doing. She WILL, however, support Hillary, when and if that time comes. I believe it's coming.
Who cares what it means...he's gone!
You're a Republican right? I know, it's a shameful thing. I'd be embarrassed and want to change the subject too.I get it.
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From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

This election has NOTHING to do with people's perception of Bush keeping us safe or not. I'm not surprised you have your head so far up your own ass that, that is what you think this election is about or what it settles.

This election is 100% about fixing what Obama has done to our country for Republicans. For Democrats it's about extending Obama's agenda even further.
You're just another old Republican rightwing goat holding on to the FAILED Bush policies.
Who cares what it means...he's gone!
You're a Republican right? I know, it's a shameful thing. I get it.
No, you're wrong. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I am an AMERICAN. I base nothing off of 'party'. And my comment stands for itself - who the hell cares what it means. Jeb is gone. He never had a shot. The people rejected a 'Legacy' candidate, a dynasty, from the start. HE never mattered. Hillary should be viewed the same way but for a helluva lot more reason than Bush.

Again, Bush was irrelevant, even more so now. Period. So why waste brain bytes trying to figure out anything about him? Waste of time and effort.

BTW, my response was not an attack on you, so don't be so defensive. It was just my opinion about Bush.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

This election has NOTHING to do with people's perception of Bush keeping us safe or not. I'm not surprised you have your head so far up your own ass that, that is what you think this election is about or what it settles.

This election is 100% about fixing what Obama has done to our country for Republicans. For Democrats it's about extending Obama's agenda even further.
You're just another old Republican rightwing goat holding on to the FAILED Bush policies.

I'm not the one living in the past & creating Boooosh threads, tool.
Who cares what it means...he's gone!
You're a Republican right? I know, it's a shameful thing. I get it.
No, you're wrong. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I am an AMERICAN. I base nothing off of 'party'. And my comment stands for itself - who the hell cares what it means. Jeb is gone. He never had a shot. The people rejected a 'Legacy' candidate, a dynasty, from the start. HE never mattered. Hillary should be viewed the same way but for a helluva lot more reason than Bush.

Again, Bush was irrelevant, even more so now. Period. So why waste brain bytes trying to figure out anything about him? Waste of time and effort.

BTW, my response was not an attack on you, so don't be so defensive. It was just my opinion about Bush.
Well, I can't prove that you're aren't, but I DO know that many many Republicans have professed to be Independent, Conservative, practically anything BUT Republican after GWB got done with the party.

I suspect that you are, but I'll have to take your word for it until further notice.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

This election has NOTHING to do with people's perception of Bush keeping us safe or not. I'm not surprised you have your head so far up your own ass that, that is what you think this election is about or what it settles.

This election is 100% about fixing what Obama has done to our country for Republicans. For Democrats it's about extending Obama's agenda even further.
You're just another old Republican rightwing goat holding on to the FAILED Bush policies.

I'm not the one living in the past & creating Boooosh threads, tool.
Save your armchair psychology BS for some rightwing stooge old man. You WANT me and everyone to STOP talking about the Bush Failures. I will NEVER stop! Always keep the fire burning! NEVER forget. Until its' drilled in to every American.

Sorry. Not sorry.

From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

This election has NOTHING to do with people's perception of Bush keeping us safe or not. I'm not surprised you have your head so far up your own ass that, that is what you think this election is about or what it settles.

This election is 100% about fixing what Obama has done to our country for Republicans. For Democrats it's about extending Obama's agenda even further.
You're just another old Republican rightwing goat holding on to the FAILED Bush policies.

I'm not the one living in the past & creating Boooosh threads, tool.
Save your armchair psychology BS for some rightwing stooge old man. You WANT me and everyone to STOP talking about the Bush Failures. I will NEVER stop. NEVER forget. Until its' drilled in to every American.

Sorry. Not sorry.

I didn't tell you to stop. Nor do I expect you to. I simply pointed our how your assessment of the current election status is ignorant poppycock.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

Department of Homeland Security, because Bill Clinton's Jamie Gorlick put up a wall to keep the CIA from talking to the FBI.
No Child Left Behind.
Free Prescription Drugs.
Spying on US citizens but had to get a warrant, which Obama went to the next level.
George Bush and the Republicrats from 2000 to 2006 spent like Democrats, while Conservatives were yelling and screaming to stop. Even Obama said what Bush spent was unpatriotic as 5 trillion dollars was added to the debt. Today Obama has doubled the debt to over 19 trillion unpatriotic dollars.
Barbara Bush says it best about Bushes in the presidency.

From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

This election has NOTHING to do with people's perception of Bush keeping us safe or not. I'm not surprised you have your head so far up your own ass that, that is what you think this election is about or what it settles.

This election is 100% about fixing what Obama has done to our country for Republicans. For Democrats it's about extending Obama's agenda even further.
You're just another old Republican rightwing goat holding on to the FAILED Bush policies.

I'm not the one living in the past & creating Boooosh threads, tool.
Save your armchair psychology BS for some rightwing stooge old man. You WANT me and everyone to STOP talking about the Bush Failures. I will NEVER stop. NEVER forget. Until its' drilled in to every American.

Sorry. Not sorry.

I didn't tell you to stop. Nor do I expect you to. I simply pointed our how your assessment of the current election status is ignorant poppycock.
Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. Thanks for sharing yours.
The OP title focuses on Jeb, but immediately becomes a bash President Bush? Facts are facts, we have had many more US soil attacks during Obama's terms. So relative to Obama, yes Bush kept us safe.

As far as what I thought would be a more honest discussion from MarcATL, I was not interested in Jeb Bush because eight years of his dad and brother is enough influence for any one family. Maybe there should be a two term limit per family? He did not match my concerns as well as other candidates can.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

Department of Homeland Security, because Bill Clinton's Jamie Gorlick put up a wall to keep the CIA from talking to the FBI.
No Child Left Behind.
Free Prescription Drugs.
Spying on US citizens but had to get a warrant, which Obama went to the next level.
George Bush and the Republicrats from 2000 to 2006 spent like Democrats, while Conservatives were yelling and screaming to stop. Even Obama said what Bush spent was unpatriotic as 5 trillion dollars was added to the debt. Today Obama has doubled the debt to over 19 trillion unpatriotic dollars.
Barbara Bush says it best about Bushes in the presidency.

My only correction would be that we've ALREADY had TOO MANY Bushes.

On another note, I've always felt that Mrs. Bush, Dubya's wife, to be quite an attractive woman. I tried to deny it because I disliked what Bush stood for, but I have to give her her props. She's a stately looking woman. Dunno how she ended up with such a shrub.

Guess there's hope for us all eh?
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

I think it indicates two things: Jeb wasn't that good a candidate. And the GOP is in an anti-establishment, rather jingoist mood. They want simplicity, aggression and the appearance of strength.
It means that people are angry.

That they don't want anymore 'nice guys' like his Brother and Father.

They want someone that is mean, nasty and vengeful.

And they mistakenly believe that Trump The Punk is that man.

Trump is nothing more than a New Yawk mouth doing 'The Dozens' on camera.

Been around plenty of them. Loud mouths all. Pussies all. Confront them and they wilt.

Look at Trump afraid of little Megyn Kelly. What a laugh

He's just another loud mouth, punk ass New Yorker that can't survive outside his own little New York world
GW Bush was a nice guy? LOL

Trumps kicking EVERY Republicans ass, not just Jeb. What does that say about how even Republican voters feel about the GOP.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

Department of Homeland Security, because Bill Clinton's Jamie Gorlick put up a wall to keep the CIA from talking to the FBI.
No Child Left Behind.
Free Prescription Drugs.
Spying on US citizens but had to get a warrant, which Obama went to the next level.
George Bush and the Republicrats from 2000 to 2006 spent like Democrats, while Conservatives were yelling and screaming to stop. Even Obama said what Bush spent was unpatriotic as 5 trillion dollars was added to the debt. Today Obama has doubled the debt to over 19 trillion unpatriotic dollars.
Barbara Bush says it best about Bushes in the presidency.

My only correction would be that we've ALREADY had TOO MANY Bushes.

On another note, I've always felt that Mrs. Bush, Dubya's wife, to be quite an attractive woman. I tried to deny it because I disliked what Bush stood for, but I have to give her her props. She's a stately looking woman. Dunno how she ended up with such a shrub.

Guess there's hope for us all eh?

And they made two beautiful daughters but even a troll like Cruz can do that.
Well, I can't prove that you're aren't, but I DO know that many many Republicans have professed to be Independent, Conservative, practically anything BUT Republican after GWB got done with the party. I suspect that you are, but I'll have to take your word for it until further notice.
Again, not meaning to attack you, but I don't really care what label you want to put on me. You'd be smart to take my word for it.

It seems you and others believe George Bush WAS the Republican party, just as Obama or Hillary Clinton ARE the Democratic Party. Each party has a charter, a declaration of what they are / stand for. None of the parties (GOP or DNC) have reflected those for quite a while. Loyalties have shifted from what parties are supposed to be to the politicians who claim to be the leaders. Obama and Bernie sanders are NOT the Democratic party. Progressive Liberals hijacked / took over the party just as surely as Bush, McConnell, and Boehner did the GOP.

Such rabid partisan loyalty to a party or to an individual, the likes that we see now, over loyalty and seeking the best for the country is what has gotten us in the shape we are in now. Going into Iraq was a wrong move, and there is much to fault Bush for; however, the same rabid partisans who fault Bush and still seek 'his blood' are the same ones rabidly defending a Democrats for so incompetently failing at her job that she got 4 Americans needlessly killed. The woman LAUGHED at the death of a US Ambassador and declared she thought his more than 600 pleas for more security was a JOKE. THAT is F*ED UP and IN-EXCUSEABLE!

I only point that out to demonstrate how such rabid partisan division has been allowed to grow to the point that out of pure un-adultered partisan loyalty to one party people can actually defend such action! You know damn-well that if a Republican had done this the Left would APPROPRIATELY be calling for their head!

Such rabid party-1st loyalty, above even the country's best interest, is one of the biggest threats, IMO, we face today as a nation. It is out of control. So NO, I do not consider myself to be a Republican or a Democrat or any other party 1st.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

I think it indicates two things: Jeb wasn't that good a candidate. And the GOP is in an anti-establishment, rather jingoist mood. They want simplicity, aggression and the appearance of strength.
When have Republicans ever NOT wanted simplicity, aggression and the appearance of strength?
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

Department of Homeland Security, because Bill Clinton's Jamie Gorlick put up a wall to keep the CIA from talking to the FBI.
No Child Left Behind.
Free Prescription Drugs.
Spying on US citizens but had to get a warrant, which Obama went to the next level.
George Bush and the Republicrats from 2000 to 2006 spent like Democrats, while Conservatives were yelling and screaming to stop. Even Obama said what Bush spent was unpatriotic as 5 trillion dollars was added to the debt. Today Obama has doubled the debt to over 19 trillion unpatriotic dollars.
Barbara Bush says it best about Bushes in the presidency.

My only correction would be that we've ALREADY had TOO MANY Bushes.

On another note, I've always felt that Mrs. Bush, Dubya's wife, to be quite an attractive woman. I tried to deny it because I disliked what Bush stood for, but I have to give her her props. She's a stately looking woman. Dunno how she ended up with such a shrub.

Guess there's hope for us all eh?

And they made two beautiful daughters but even a troll like Cruz can do that.
I think she's more attractive than her daughters.
And they made two beautiful daughters but even a troll like Cruz can do that.
This is a perfect example of the pure rabid partisan HATRED I am talking about, for no other reason than Cruz does not adhere to what Liberals believe and dares to hold a differing opinion. Good grief...

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