What Does The Total & Complete Repudiation of Jeb Bush Mean?

From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

I agree with your analysis even though I think there is a deeper meaning. Trump embodies the brave white guy unafraid to say whats on his mind in most cases and willing to codify those things that are blatantly racist with a wink. Whites are looking for a champion. Someone that will put those other people in their place and restore this country to its "great whiteness" and do so unapologetically.
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"Total and complete repudiation of Jeb Bush"? Pretty strong words for a guy who merely dropped out of a primary race. It must have been the total and complete repudiation of the Clinton administration when Hillary dropped out of the 2008 race.
The repudiation of Bush was seen in the voting booth. There was a very loud "GET THE FUCK OUT!" by the voters.
Bush won a 2nd term. Hillary didn't even get to run in 08. Was it a total and complete repudiation of the sleaze bag Clinton years?
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

I agree with your analysis even though I think there is a deeper meaning. Trump embodies the brave white guy unafraid to say whats on his mind in most cases and willing to codify those things that are blatantly racist with a wink. Whites are looking for a champion. Someone that will put those other people in their place and restore this country to its great whiteness and do so unapologetically.

great whiteness??? lol lol can we go back to slavery too???
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
WHY is it dirt though?

Answer me that.
From my analysis it means that the total Bush meme, about "Bush kept us safe" which was used as a way to proport that his Administration was successful, is totally, completely and finally put to rest.

Case in point, T-Rump, went to South Carolina, the known and stated Bush stronghold and said to a crowded room full of Republicans that Bush DID NOT keep us safe. Moreover, he stated that they KNEW that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they STILL waged for war, that was a complete and total disaster.

Here's the interesting thing about that. The day after, most to all Republican and right-wing pundits were bashing Trump with the response that it was a Democrat thing to say, or a left-wing talking point, NOT that it was false or a lie, but that it was a left-wing talking point. That argument in itself speaks volumes.

I watched "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough repeat that sentiment multiple times on his show the morning after and I was just stunned how him and people like him kept saying that. I listened to Tom Sullivan that day and he said the same thing. I've been tweeting and being re tweeted by Sullivan for months and I've stated to him that the Republicans are going to hang by that meme and sentiment that "Bush kept us safe" because it's a lie and they haven't dealt with that lie, and until they do, they will continue to falter. He tepidly agreed, but didn't outright state it.

Here comes Trump stating what even establishment Democrats didn't have the balls to say, to the establishment Republicans face. They all swore he was going to go down in South Carolina. Turns out that he won and he won DECISIVELY despite of and perhaps because of his statements denouncing the Bush lie.

Now you've all seen me stating the same exact thing T-Rump said on here for years, and just as the establishment response, all the USMB RWers respond with sentiments that it's just a far left thing to say. Well it's not, it never has been, the only partisan response is the response that DEFENDS the Bush lies lo these many years.

I thank God for Trump for being the one to FINALLY bring this lie to a screeching halt. Despite what the defenders will say, it's a lie, because the Bush name is now mud, and this is by YOUR OWN standards, the fact that his brother has, had, and never had a change in hell to make it this election cycle.

Now we have a man who went down in a STUNNINGLY embarrassing way ending his career in total defeat a and collapse. Here's what the Young Turks had to say about it...

I say good riddance to bad rubbish. What say you?

I agree with your analysis even though I think there is a deeper meaning. Trump embodies the brave white guy unafraid to say whats on his mind in most cases and willing to codify those things that are blatantly racist with a wink. Whites are looking for a champion. Someone that will put those other people in their place and restore this country to its great whiteness and do so unapologetically.

great whiteness??? lol lol can we go back to slavery too???

I guess I should have put that in quotes but I'm sure there are a lot of whites that wish we could go back to slavery as evidenced by the rhetoric on this board.
"Total and complete repudiation of Jeb Bush"? Pretty strong words for a guy who merely dropped out of a primary race. It must have been the total and complete repudiation of the Clinton administration when Hillary dropped out of the 2008 race.
It was people wanting a guy that was more liberal. Hillary wasn't, never has been, and never will be that liberal. She's moderate, leaning to conservative.

Like it or not, believe it or not, that is a fact.
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
WHY is it dirt though?

Answer me that.
You are trying to make the rubes look at the poop they left on the kitchen floor. Trump has convinced them someone else did it.
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
Yes, the only reason Sanders and Trump have made it as far as they have is because no one wanted to have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush. Especially another Bush.
People want another Clinton. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
Yes, the only reason Sanders and Trump have made it as far as they have is because no one wanted to have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush. Especially another Bush.
People want another people. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
Marked. :)
"Total and complete repudiation of Jeb Bush"? Pretty strong words for a guy who merely dropped out of a primary race. It must have been the total and complete repudiation of the Clinton administration when Hillary dropped out of the 2008 race.
It was people wanting a guy that was more liberal. Hillary wasn't, never has been, and never will be that liberal. She's moderate, leaning to conservative.

Like it or not, believe it or not, that is a fact.
But Marc she's a dem and they'll try to say she's the devil no matter her political leaning
It's probably true that people are tired of the Bush dynasty but it certainly doesn't translate to a "total and complete repudiation" except in the minds of the low information left. If anything Bill Clinton's bumbling support of his wife seems to be backfiring and even Jeb had a bigger turnout than most of Hillary's speeches, even when she barked like a dog.
People want another people. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
"Total and complete repudiation of Jeb Bush"? Pretty strong words for a guy who merely dropped out of a primary race. It must have been the total and complete repudiation of the Clinton administration when Hillary dropped out of the 2008 race.
It was people wanting a guy that was more liberal. Hillary wasn't, never has been, and never will be that liberal. She's moderate, leaning to conservative.

Like it or not, believe it or not, that is a fact.
But Marc she's a dem and they'll try to say she's the devil no matter her political leaning
But they loooooove one of her best friends, Donald Trump. Just because he changed the letter after his name to an R.

Weird, huh?
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
Yes, the only reason Sanders and Trump have made it as far as they have is because no one wanted to have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush. Especially another Bush.
People want another Clinton. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
I almost relish the repubs angst
It's probably true that people are tired of the Bush dynasty but it certainly doesn't translate to a "total and complete repudiation" except in the minds of the low information left. If anything Bill Clinton's bumbling support of his wife seems to be backfiring and even Jeb had a bigger turnout than most of Hillary's speeches, even when she barked like a dog.
Doesn't matter how many turned out for speeches. What matters is how many turned out to vote. And Jeb was kicked in the face there.

You are in the first stage of grief. Denial.
It's probably true that people are tired of the Bush dynasty but it certainly doesn't translate to a "total and complete repudiation" except in the minds of the low information left. If anything Bill Clinton's bumbling support of his wife seems to be backfiring and even Jeb had a bigger turnout than most of Hillary's speeches, even when she barked like a dog.
Why are you talking about Bill Clinton in a Jeb Bush/George W. Bush thread?

Ashamed of them right?
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
Yes, the only reason Sanders and Trump have made it as far as they have is because no one wanted to have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush. Especially another Bush.
People want another Clinton. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
I almost relish the repubs angst
There isn't enough intelligence to feel angst. The rube herd has found a new pied piper to follow.
People want another people. Many people in fact. So much so, that another Clinton will be our next President in a little less than a year's time.

Mark my words.
"Total and complete repudiation of Jeb Bush"? Pretty strong words for a guy who merely dropped out of a primary race. It must have been the total and complete repudiation of the Clinton administration when Hillary dropped out of the 2008 race.
It was people wanting a guy that was more liberal. Hillary wasn't, never has been, and never will be that liberal. She's moderate, leaning to conservative.

Like it or not, believe it or not, that is a fact.
But Marc she's a dem and they'll try to say she's the devil no matter her political leaning
But they loooooove one of her best friends, Donald Trump. Just because he changed the letter after his name to an R.

Weird, huh?
If you're good at searching this forum, you'll find a post of mine where I stated that I believe that its highly possible that Trump is a Clinton plant. I believe I posted this shortly after his entrance on the scene, more specifically, after his Mexican comments.

I still believe this may be the case.

All said and done, I've been telling many of my friends, family and fellow church members who are afraid of a Trump Presidency not to worry, because even if he does become the President, he won't be that bad. Trump is no fool. He just plays one on TV.

So if it comes down to Hillary or T-Rump, it won't be too bad.

At least in my assessment of the situation.
The Bush name is dirt. You people are reading too much into it. The Bush name was destroyed by Dubya, and too many people refuse to allow a Bush to ever hold the White House again.
WHY is it dirt though?

Answer me that.
In large part because nothing he did made us safer. And in fact did the opposite.

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