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What DOES the US Fed. Govt do Well?

Taking away rights. They have no failure in that shit.
I didn't say that to be funny either. It's the only thing I could think of :/

None of your rights have been "taken away." Kindly refer to post #11 in this thread, and take the advice.
Most of my rights have been taken away.

Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

Do you actually believe it's impossible to have a private currency?

Talk about retarded.
None of your rights have been "taken away." Kindly refer to post #11 in this thread, and take the advice.
Most of my rights have been taken away.

Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

Do you actually believe it's impossible to have a private currency?

Talk about retarded.

Why the fuck do you want a "private" currency? What kind of shady stuff are you involved in anyway?
Most of my rights have been taken away.

Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

Do you actually believe it's impossible to have a private currency?

Talk about retarded.

Why the fuck do you want a "private" currency? What kind of shady stuff are you involved in anyway?
I want a private currency because the government uses the currency it issues to loot us all of our savings,


You are so fucking brainwashed that it's incomprehensible.
Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

Do you actually believe it's impossible to have a private currency?

Talk about retarded.

Why the fuck do you want a "private" currency? What kind of shady stuff are you involved in anyway?
I want a private currency because the government uses the currency it issues to loot us all of our savings,


You are so fucking brainwashed that it's incomprehensible.

No, they don't you fucking imbecile. And if you're such a believer in your "private" currency, start only using bitcoin you know-nothing twat. Go back to the UK.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

Actually, Soc Sec is bankrupt because we allowed Congress to steal surpluses from working poor for 40 years and now the Treasury is floating NEW DEBT to cover the theft from the same victims. Most EVERYTHING you mentioned (except the US mail which they CLAIM isn't US anymore) has been poorly implemented, managed and for the most part UNDIRECTED by Congress for decades. When was the last big Anti-Trust case? The Feds have BY DESIGN forced MASSIVE consolidation in the Banking Industry and NOW they want to solve that.

Which is a LOT of what they do. Solving problems that THEY created. Or ignoring problems until they BECOME crises..

Congress told us they were only "borrowing" the SS surplus money, I always wondered how they planned to pay it back...increase taxes and collect the money a 2nd time? Say I borrow $10 from you, then tax you $10 then hand that back and claim we are even...now you know just how corrupt government has become.

the funny thing is that if I ever "borrowed" money from my employees' retirement funds and then paid it back with the contributions of other employees when the first employee retired my ass would wind up in jail in a heartbeat but somehow it's OK for the government to do just that very thing.

agents of the government are legally sanctioned to lie to you with impunity but you lie to a government agent and your ass winds up in jail

there really is something not right about this shit, no?
Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

Do you actually believe it's impossible to have a private currency?

Talk about retarded.

Why the fuck do you want a "private" currency? What kind of shady stuff are you involved in anyway?
I want a private currency because the government uses the currency it issues to loot us all of our savings,


You are so fucking brainwashed that it's incomprehensible.
Way, way back when this country first got started, we had A LOT of private currency or used currency from other countries--spanish and british, mostly but we took it all. The banks issued their own paper money, good for the amount in gold or silver upon presentation at this bank or that. Then when that bank failed--and during the War of 1812, a lot of them did--the money was as useless as the Confederate currency in 1866. People lost everything.
They help create, maintain and run the freeist country in the world. Don't like it you ingrate? Get the fuck out and move to Somalia.

It's in such fine shape right ain't it retard? You just LOVE you some Big Brother domestic surveillance, mindless toddler lever political tantrums and a crumbling healthcare insurance mkt that was NEVER MAINTAINED or fully implemented. You just LOVE the fake partisan news, the attempted mass assassinations, the chronic sucky foreign policy and everything else in this "freeist country in the whole". Wake up Tinkerbelle -- it ain't anymore. It's a hostile death match between 2 legacy parties that only CARE about "winning" and power..
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Gov has done in close to equal parts, some of the most amazing things good & useful. also some of the dumbest useless things. many with good intent . no system of any kind is perfect.

Is ignoring the fundamental tasks of Borders and immigration for too long --- good intent? Is racing the Debt up to a point where it now doubles ON ITS OWN -- good intent? Is a "health insurance plan" with MANDATES and sucky coverage falling in disrepair and imploding -- ignored by the CREATORS --- good intent?

Name some specifics. Of course there is always "good intent". Children have "good intent" all the time when they do incredibly stupid and naughty things... To run the MASSIVE Fed monster -- you need FAR more than good intent. You need ACTION, problem solving and discipline...

Not qualities to be found inside the beltway..
Most of you can't name one thing your Congress critter voted for or against. You probably can't name them without looking it up. Who is your state rep or senator?

So Government is broken. What are you doing besides bitching about all of it instead of the specifics you don't like?

Oh I'm in touch with Reps all the time. Whatever good that does. Because they are MUZZLED by their parties that will PUNISH them for stepping in individual thought or speech..

And I've done plenty.. I've worked for 3rd party/Indie ballot access for YEARS.. Fighting the 2 Dynasty Brand Name parties that voters call "winners".. They've land mined the ability to get around their duopoly control. And I'm coming right thru that mine field all the time.
Taking away rights. They have no failure in that shit.
I didn't say that to be funny either. It's the only thing I could think of :/

None of your rights have been "taken away." Kindly refer to post #11 in this thread, and take the advice.
Most of my rights have been taken away.

Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?

My Group Insurance thru a profession org that I had for 20 years was OUTLAWED and I got tossed into a pool that is now polluted and dying.. Because the designers (some of them calling us stupid to our faces) were trying to HIDE the rising costs of Medicaid in that pool.
or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation
"New 9/11 domestic spying operation"??? WTF are you ranting about?

I think you may have crossed the border into Nutjobville. :rolleyes:

Does THIS look like a conspiracy theory to you?


It's the brand-new 9/11 inspired Patriotic Act NSA DOMESTIC SPYING FACILITY in MiddleofNoWhere, Utah.

When I worked in the Intel Area, NO agency outside the FBI was ALLOWED to conduct domestic spy operations, because it had been abused in the past. I LIKED IT that way. Because I KNOW the awesomeness of the POWER of those agencies.

Here's the kicker. I CAN name one area where the govt EXCELS and is the BEST in the world and efficient and smart -- And that's all those 3 letter spy agencies. You don't want them becoming a literal "Big Brother" --- but they are.. Trust me on that.. It IS the most powerful domestic spy operation ever conceived and launched. And the potential for it to BECOME a political weapon, or a tool to game Markets and commerce is very great.
Not to mention, the obvious Civil Liberty implications..
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

Actually, Soc Sec is bankrupt because we allowed Congress to steal surpluses from working poor for 40 years and now the Treasury is floating NEW DEBT to cover the theft from the same victims. Most EVERYTHING you mentioned (except the US mail which they CLAIM isn't US anymore) has been poorly implemented, managed and for the most part UNDIRECTED by Congress for decades. When was the last big Anti-Trust case? The Feds have BY DESIGN forced MASSIVE consolidation in the Banking Industry and NOW they want to solve that.

Which is a LOT of what they do. Solving problems that THEY created. Or ignoring problems until they BECOME crises..

Congress told us they were only "borrowing" the SS surplus money, I always wondered how they planned to pay it back...increase taxes and collect the money a 2nd time? Say I borrow $10 from you, then tax you $10 then hand that back and claim we are even...now you know just how corrupt government has become.

the funny thing is that if I ever "borrowed" money from my employees' retirement funds and then paid it back with the contributions of other employees when the first employee retired my ass would wind up in jail in a heartbeat but somehow it's OK for the government to do just that very thing.

agents of the government are legally sanctioned to lie to you with impunity but you lie to a government agent and your ass winds up in jail

there really is something not right about this shit, no?

What's not right about it --- is the dead silence. NOTHING being said about the fact that we are in that SS crisis that everybody warned about for 40 years. That there is NOTHING OF VALUE in the so-called Trust Fund. And EVEN OBAMA wouldn't defend his deficits because it would call attention to the LIE about Soc Sec sitting on MOUNTAINS of valuable paper in the Trust Fund..

INSTEAD -- the 2 parties have us fighting over the results of an election. Literally banging it every hour of every day. And they offered 2 damaged candidates. EITHER OF which were guaranteed to have a fucked up admin full of contention and resistance.

Nobody intends to do any work in DC. They HAVE what THEY WANT.. And now it's all about the power to operate it for THEIR advantage... To be the executors of that power. To dole out handouts to corporations, groups, foreign entities. To place insurgencies into the Deep Intel areas to harass their competiton.

When is America gonna STOP -- voting for these winners and take back the control of their govt? Is it AFTER the Civil War ---- or before???
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

We have one of the oldest governments in the world and the most successful country in the world.

Can't argue with results !
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I feel a good way to pose and answer the question is- what things does the US government do that shouldn't be done by states or private industry. There are things for sure, national defense and mail delivery are 2 I would prefer to be in the hands of the Feds. Healthcare, education, social security are better handled by states, local governments and private industry.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

We have one of the oldest governments in the world and the most successful country in the world.

Can't argue with results !

But yet you're here everyday -- arguing about "the results"... :rolleyes:

I don't think I've seen one really serious response from the Left. Am I picking on them? Sure. Because if ANYONE actually believes "it's all good" and wants MORE of this --- there's only a couple reasons for their naive denial..
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

We have one of the oldest governments in the world and the most successful country in the world.

Can't argue with results !

But yet you're here everyday -- arguing about "the results"... :rolleyes:

I don't think I've seen one really serious response from the Left. Am I picking on them? Sure. Because if ANYONE actually believes "it's all good" and wants MORE of this --- there's only a couple reasons for their naive denial..

It's so easy to say "the gov sucks". Sure it ain't perfect , but is it really that bad? You imply private companies do things better , but there's endless stories of private industry fuck ups .

It's just such an easy, and lazy move to shit on the government.
I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

He asked what they did "well."

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