Zone1 What Does This Bible Verse Mean To You?

surly - though dark and the mystery foreboding -

brightness, liberation theology is the true nature for the events during those times they gave their lives for.
oh! RIGHT----those glorious and spiritual chariot races and them
gladiator thingys
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJB)
All things in the universe are subject to God. At the command of God, worlds come into existence, the Red Sea parts, water changes to wine, the dead are raised, the sick are healed, the very elements of the universe obey his command. Thus whatsoever God commands, it happens. Thus his word is sharper than any two edged sword and can divide our soul and spirit at his command. We should thus respect his words and realize that through Jesus, aka the WORD of God, we receive our very lives and depend heavily upon our future immortality and eternal life.
It shows the world how dismally absurd so many of the old statements are .
The last thing we can see today is any sign of Goddy Boy .

Less charitably, it is a total failure and is doubtless a key reason why the number of Cult Christians is shrinking so fast .
It is time for our species to grow in real spirituality and understanding and throw away these left over primitive ideas .
Let the OP be a lesson to those who were entreated into believing Monotheism and fairy tale representations of a living Goddy Boy who is successful .
So, the chopping off of sexual parts of the body, pumping hormones that differ from the DNA hormones of the natural body of a person is all "spiritual?" As Satan gains power over the hearts and minds of man kind like you, the crazier the world gets as scientific knowledge grows and is misused. All leading to Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. At that time, you and the other crazies will be swept off the earth and Satan will be bound for a 1,000 years.
All things in the universe are subject to God. At the command of God, worlds come into existence, the Red Sea parts, water changes to wine, the dead are raised, the sick are healed, the very elements of the universe obey his command. Thus whatsoever God commands, it happens. Thus his word is sharper than any two edged sword and can divide our soul and spirit at his command. We should thus respect his words and realize that through Jesus, aka the WORD of God, we receive our very lives and depend heavily upon our future immortality and eternal life.
Exquisite Quality
Very well stated, blessings. :smile:
So, the chopping off of sexual parts of the body, pumping hormones that differ from the DNA hormones of the natural body of a person is all "spiritual?" As Satan gains power over the hearts and minds of man kind like you, the crazier the world gets as scientific knowledge grows and is misused. All leading to Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. At that time, you and the other crazies will be swept off the earth and Satan will be bound for a 1,000 years.
Do you subscribe to being a lost heathen?
Thus his word is sharper than any two edged sword and can divide our soul and spirit at his command.

no, no such ability exists, the spirit is inviolable to any heavenly persuasion - they are their own selves, a&e

the goal set by the heavens is for them to free their spirits, their own self determination to be equal to those already who reside in the everlasting.
no, no such ability exists, the spirit is inviolable to any heavenly persuasion - they are their own selves, a&e

the goal set by the heavens is for them to free their spirits, their own self determination to be equal to those already who reside in the everlasting.
Once we reach immortality then the body an spirit cannot be divided, however, in this life, at God's word, he can divide our body from our spirit. The soul is a combination of both body and spirit but sometimes mistaken for just our spirit.
Once we reach immortality then the body an spirit cannot be divided, however, in this life, at God's word, he can divide our body from our spirit. The soul is a combination of both body and spirit but sometimes mistaken for just our spirit.
That's a perfect explanation.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJB)

For me, it means the same as "a lie travels a hundred times quicker than the truth"
For me, it means the same as "a lie travels a hundred times quicker than the truth"
That's a saying that man made up, but you can strike down a lie. The Truth of God reigns supreme always. God is truth and He is much more mightier than Satan the father of lies.
That's a saying that man made up, but you can strike down a lie, but the Truth of God reigns supreme always. God is truth and He is much more mightier than Satan the father of lies.

Yeah, exactly.

The Bible is something man made up. God is something man made up. And the saying is something man made up.

And who is Satan? If there's only one God, then what is Satan? He looks like another God to me. If he's not, they why doesn't God just get rid of him, seeing how God is supposedly omnipotent. (Though is he? He had to kill everyone because he created humans and they did what he didn't like. Why not just make new, better versions of humans?)
Once we reach immortality then the body an spirit cannot be divided, however, in this life, at God's word, he can divide our body from our spirit. The soul is a combination of both body and spirit but sometimes mistaken for just our spirit.

christianity, the desert religions are a disease ...

a&e were granted their wish for self determination as the heavens had no alternative to force them into servitude ...

what the desert religions as 1-4-1 have accomplished on their own to have lost their way to seek servitude and denial than their own freedom. why they crucified jesus who taught liberation theology self determination.
christianity, the desert religions are a disease ...

a&e were granted their wish for self determination as the heavens had no alternative to force them into servitude ...

what the desert religions as 1-4-1 have accomplished on their own to have lost their way to seek servitude and denial than their own freedom. why they crucified jesus who taught liberation theology self determination.
The disease is twofold. First, Breezewood disease religion. Second, atheists.
christianity, the desert religions are a disease ...

a&e were granted their wish for self determination as the heavens had no alternative to force them into servitude ...

what the desert religions as 1-4-1 have accomplished on their own to have lost their way to seek servitude and denial than their own freedom. why they crucified jesus who taught liberation theology self determination.
Jesus did not teach liberation, he taught obedience to God the Father.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Even to Satan the Devil; Jesus said to him, Hath not God said...? Jesus never liberates himself outside of the teachings of God Almighty.

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