Zone1 What Does This Bible Verse Mean To You?

Jesus did not teach liberation, he taught obedience to God the Father.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

Even to Satan the Devil; Jesus said to him, Hath not God said...? Jesus never liberates himself outside of the teachings of God Almighty.
fret not-----breezie likes to be provocative
Jesus did not teach liberation, he taught obedience to God the Father.
John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

no, the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments, hereditary idolatry ...

the 4th century book of forgeries and fallacies - not one word included written by jesus - they knew better their destiny and the sickness that drives the crucifiers ... c-body, 1-4-1

no, no such ability exists, the spirit is inviolable to any heavenly persuasion - they are their own selves, a&e

the goal set by the heavens is for them to free their spirits, their own self determination to be equal to those already who reside in the everlasting.

- the 1st century events were the renewal of the religion of antiquity the goal set forth as jesus taught the means for remission to the everlasting.

a&e would not be ruled over and chose their own destiny - the desert religions of servitude and denial are a dead end for those individuals their lives will end in darkness.
fret not-----breezie likes to be provocative

birds of a feather ...

the uninterrupted history's of the desert religions persecution and victimization of the innocent prove decisively the crucifiers have yet to be brought to justice - as only the beginning for the true path to heavenly paradise to reemerge - since the closing scene of the 1st century.
no, the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments, hereditary idolatry ...

the 4th century book of forgeries and fallacies - not one word included written by jesus - they knew better their destiny and the sickness that drives the crucifiers ... c-body, 1-4-1
I'm not really understanding you. It seems like you are saying some of the Bible is bad and wicked untrue and false. That is what it seems like you are leaning to your own understanding and saying.

However the Holy Bible is all 100% true, and God is truth. God cannot lie. The only one in error lacking understanding of God's truth is you.
However the Holy Bible is all 100% true
- the 1st century events were the renewal of the religion of antiquity the goal set forth as jesus taught the means for remission to the everlasting.

a&e would not be ruled over and chose their own destiny -
the desert religions of servitude and denial are a dead end for those individuals their lives will end in darkness.

the christian bible was written in the 4th century after nearly 100 years of deliberation - there is not an archive preserved for a single document they used to write their book - the state religion of the roman empire. nor one word contributed by jesus himself - they did not write a book theirs is the spoken religion of antiquity they died for.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments - hereditary idolatry ... servitude and denial. jesus and many others were persecuted for their beliefs -

you seem to be one of the crucifiers yourself a blind worshiper of their book of forgeries and fallacies.
the christian bible was written in the 4th century after nearly 100 years of deliberation - there is not an archive preserved for a single document they used to write their book - the state religion of the roman empire. nor one word contributed by jesus himself - they did not write a book theirs is the spoken religion of antiquity they died for.

the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments - hereditary idolatry ... servitude and denial. jesus and many others were persecuted for their beliefs -

you seem to be one of the crucifiers yourself a blind worshiper of their book of forgeries and fallacies.
It's really unfortunate that you are still at the basic level of arrogance in surrendering to the spiritual realm of all things God. Your beggarly growth as an adult in connection to your Creator is insufferable.

Pardon me as I pass on by the wasteland of your elementary growth along with the debris from the pillar of salt you've chosen to become in your verbal disconnect from the Kingdom of Heaven.
That's what conversion is all about. ;)

conversion from what to what, the false desert religions of forgeries and fallacies - far better the spoken heavenly religion of antiquity only 6 words in length than their 10k pg documents.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJB)

What Does This Bible Verse Mean To Me?​

Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask? I'm always curious when people ask me about a book that has nothing to do with my life, yet a book they insist does affect me.​


What Does This Bible Verse Mean To Me?​

Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask? I'm always curious when people ask me about a book that has nothing to do with my life, yet a book they insist does affect me.​

There is heaven and there is hell.

Keep it moving... your choice is well documented.
Absolutely nothing. Why do you ask? I'm always curious when people ask me about a book that has nothing to do with my life, yet a book they insist does affect me.
Those who hold no belief in God can reflect on what gives them pause. Is it the inner voice/conscience that--or even mindful intelligence--that speaks out when one is about to make a bad choice, or let's one know that was a situation that could have been handled in a better way. Our own hearts are often a deepest critics. There is also that reassuring voice when we have done something well.

Those of us who do have faith believe it is God's voice and words present to all to those who follow a religion and also to those who do not.
Those who hold no belief in God can reflect on what gives them pause. Is it the inner voice/conscience that--or even mindful intelligence--that speaks out when one is about to make a bad choice, or let's one know that was a situation that could have been handled in a better way. Our own hearts are often a deepest critics. There is also that reassuring voice when we have done something well.

Those of us who do have faith believe it is God's voice and words present to all to those who follow a religion and also to those who do not.
That's nice

Just keep personal beliefs, personal.
The only way for someone to have no belief in God is because their body/temple is full of demons. They have blocked God out and foolishly let in demons-demonic spirits from the under world of Satan the Devil.

Those demons run and control them. They are a slave to sin and are unable to break loose from that darkness.

The number one way they let demos into their body is through their words; especially that filthy profanity. Followed by their predictable trash-talk against God and His Word. Nothing new... we encounter those "God haters" filled with demons often.
We do NOT keep personal views personal concerning the Holy Bible.

We obey God and tell others our Godly and Biblical views about God's truth and His Word. We are Jesus' disciples instructed to share the good news of the gospel.

It is ours to give and others may receive it, or reject it... but they will read and hear it and be accountable by God concerning it.
Nope, because no matter what you do with humans, they'll always be sinners

no, not true at all just very difficult to be 100% free -

the greatest obstacle are the religious fanatics, desert religions who are inbred w/ books of forgeries and fallacies and sins on near every page of their documents.

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