What Does "Top Talent" Think about Working in States that Ban Abortion?

It should be noted that Texghanistan is already taking a major hit for their voter suppression BS.


The Texas economy could take a massive hit if the state enacts new voting restrictions—potentially costing the state's economy tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs—according to a study from the Texas-based economic research firm the Perryman Group, as the Texas legislature Thursday moved one step closer to making the proposals.

  • The potential loss of conventions, major sporting events and tourism could cost the state $16.7 billion in annual gross product by 2025, and nearly 150,000 jobs, according to the study.
  • Internal factors, like decreased business activity and lower wages in the state, could lead to the loss of $14.7 billion in household purchasing power by 2025, according to the Perryman Group.
  • Retail trade would take the biggest hit, according to the study, losing more than 50,000 jobs from drops in tourism and economic development alone.

Wishful thinking. Could, maybe, possibly, perhaps, aka bullshit. Businesses are still going to Texas. The NFL cares not about your abortion crap if Jerry Jones wants the Super Bowl in Dallas.
People make their entertainment. If they want a live theater or Opera house they build it. People go where they can make money and be safe. Give all the gay rights you want, but if it isn't safe to walk your dog, gay rights won't matter.

Are the gays & their dogs gonna jump you or something? :lol:
Wishful thinking. Could, maybe, possibly, perhaps, aka bullshit. Businesses are still going to Texas. The NFL cares not about your abortion crap if Jerry Jones wants the Super Bowl in Dallas.

Jerry WHO? :lol:

They reiterate that lie because their idiot governor propagated that lie - ENDLESSLY.
Like Captain Chaos, Gov Greg has a lot of blood on his hands.
Not near as much as your hero Cuomo. Still wearing that Cuomosexual T-shirt dope?
The higher educated people will stay out of states that pass laws like the one in Texas.

Business won't move there and the state will continue the downward spiral.
This post ^^^ is why you just say no to drugs. You spout stupid shit like this and think people take you seriously.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.

If that is what "top talent" bases their decisions on, then they ain't so "top".

Texas kicks ass when it comes to a business climate and if a "top talent" woke asshole does not understand that......

Fuck them.

And fuck you too.
What kind of jobs are in Texas?

Are they good jobs that require an eduction? Good jobs that raise the standard of living? Good jobs that create a solid tax base that supports the needs of the community?

Employers are not going to do business in an area that doesn't have a population that is properly educated to do the jobs the business needs done.

Employers are going to go where they can get good, reliable, educated and skilled workers.

If they can't find people to do the jobs, they can't survive in our capitalist economy.

What are the people of those areas going to do? They won't have proper health care services because they don't have enough people properly trained to do those jobs. Take a look at rural areas now. They don't have health care services or the services are highly restricted. Most have to drive hours to an area that has a doctor.

Where are they going to get teachers, engineers, accounting and all the workers they need?

I drove through a lot of ghost towns in red states. It looks like there will be more ghost towns in those states.
You are full of shit. You go nowhere outside your precious blue bubble. Too cowardly to go some city like Chicago, LA, New York,etc....
Yep Dana, none of these figures surprise me in the slightest. Colleges and pro scouts in Texas will also have a tougher time recruiting young talent.

And no company thinking about moving to high growth areas like DFW are going to do so as they know they won't be able to convince their top talent to move there. Ditto with conventions. Bet they already have some cancellations on corporate meetings and events.

They made their bed. It will be fun to see them lie in it. :D

Fuck their top talent.

All the woke assholes in Seattle and Portland just LOVE it there.

They can't even go downtown anymore.
All things being equal…yes

But those Corporations need to get a commitment of most employees to move. They also send a signal to their customer base……We proudly reside in Texas!

How many consumers will boycott businesses that reside in Texas because of Abortion, voter suppression and COVID?

Sometimes yes, but most smart people have principles & limits!

No the person has it wrong.

The money is going to follow the top talent.

Greed is going to go where they can make money.

If they can't find the workers to do the jobs they can't make money.

If they start a business that there isn't the customer base to support the business, the business fails.

The person you replied to obviously never took an economics class.
Space X I’ll give you, but that also has to do with geography given launching rockets benefits most from being on the east coast.

HP ain’t exactly blowing anyone’s hair back as a cutting edge company. I’m surprised they still exist.
HP may be shifting over to super computers, and letting their desktop business go dormant. IBM did the same thing, and sold off their desk top business. And now their business is high performance computing, and cloud services, and researching AI.

The market cap for HP has really taken a hit, but all that amounts to is their stock price, and how many stock owners are out there. If they get it right with super computers, you may see a revival of esteem for HP.

Im just sayin, don’t count them out.
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