What Does "Top Talent" Think about Working in States that Ban Abortion?

You seem to be making an argument that any non-judicial killing can be justified if we take away the awareness, anticipation, and fear of death.

There was another group of people who took the position that industrial scale slaughter of people was acceptable if the victims didn't know they were going to be killed.

They hid the method of execution from the victim until they were already dead, giving them a hope (however false) they they would continue to live if they just capitulated with their captors.
False equivalency much?
How many times has a non-convicted or non-executed murderer gone out to murder innocents again? Was that OK because the system is flawed and their victims probably deserved to die anyway?

Say what you want about capital punishment, it has a very low recidivist rate.

Gacy hasn't killed anyone lately........
What is the difference between that and executing a person under the death penalty knowing full well the system is flawed and the person may be innocent? Is it acceptable because they are “probably” guilty of something instead?
May be but likely aren’t. We need to execute more not fewer people.
How many times has a non-convicted or non-executed murderer gone out to murder innocents again? Was that OK because the system is flawed and their victims probably deserved to die anyway?

Say what you want about capital punishment, it has a very low recidivist rate.
So you are essentially saying it is ok to kill some innocent people because at least the ones that are really guilty won’t get out and do it again???
So you are essentially saying it is ok to kill some innocent people because at least the ones that are really guilty won’t get out and do it again???

Not at all. I say, and continue to do my very limited part, in improving the system (which will never be perfect because, humans) to the point where these anomalies are even lower than they already are. Capital punishment needs to be applied equally (regardless of ethnicity) and for a very specific set of crimes.

There will always be crimes that, by their very nature, require society to execute the criminal in order to see justice done.

Do you think Jeffrey Dahmer could have paid his debt to society with community service?

The problem with eliminating capital punishment is exemplified in New Zealand where Brenton Tarrant after the brutal murder of 51 innocent people in one day will continue to pontificate his hate speech from prison until he eventually gets paroled. Where he will continue to influence like-minded anti immigrant killers.

The New Zealanders are willing to allow this incredible miscarriage of justice in order because they cannot bring themselves to do the proper thing and put this maniac down.
You think people are stupid?
You don’t think those outraged by new Abortion restrictions or Voter Suppression are not sending out lists of companies to boycott?
So you don’t buy anything from China or any petroleum products from the ME, because of their record on LGBTQ rights. Correct
So you are essentially saying it is ok to kill some innocent people because at least the ones that are really guilty won’t get out and do it again???
Very seldom are innocent people subjected to the death penalty. They are, the very least of them career criminals.
So you are essentially saying it is ok to kill some innocent people because at least the ones that are really guilty won’t get out and do it again???

What these so called “conservatives” are intimating is that they honestly don’t care that it costs roughly ten times as much to execute someone as it does locking them up for life.

IOW, it’s more about the cruelty. Umpteen studies have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the DP is not a deterrent. But please don’t bamboozle them with facts.

At best, they’re capable of absorbing one of those per month ;)
It's like that now.

I went to red states this past spring. It was worse than the last time I was in red states.

Many of them have third world conditions.

Roads in such bad condition that 8 days of driving on them caused a 5 month old BF Goodrich tire to be destroyed.

Crime is terrible. I stayed at a Best Western in Tulsa by the airport, twice someone tried to break into my room when I was there. I was afraid to leave the room.

Air that literally made me vomit and caused a sinus infection.

Filth in so many places. I wanted to tell people to clean up their area. Wow what a mess.

People aren't as friendly either. In some places, down right rude. If I didn't talk with a southern accent in Texas people were very rude. One lady at the Cadillac Ranch store actually tried to steal some of my work photos off my phone by taking photos of them with her phone. When I asked her to delete them she refused. I had to tell her that if she didn't, I would let Getty Images lawyers know about it and they will be very happy to sue her. She finally deleted them.

I could go on but I think intelligent people get my point.

The stark difference between blue and red states is dramatic.
You’ve never been in a third world country.
This is a very interesting study.

I'm sure that the conservatives won't believe it or even click the link but intelligent people will.

Texas and any state that enacts legislation like the one Texas has enacted, are not going to get well educated people to their state. They won't get business to come to their state and they will see people leave their state.

It's very telling, the consequences of passing such laws, people and business won't stand for it.

It's going to cause those red states to fall even farther behind.

From the study:

Data suggest:
  • Large majorities of top talent support abortion access and consider the issue part of gender equity in the workplace;
  • Two-thirds say the Texas ban would discourage them from working in the state;
  • 64% say they would not apply for a job in a state that passed a ban like Texas';
  • About half says they would consider moving out-of-state if their lawmakers
    passed a similar ban.

The college-educated workforce values abortion access and sees the issue as part of gender equity in the workplace.
Roughly eight in ten respondents (79%) do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The same proportion (80%) feels access to abortion is an important part of women's rights and gender equity - 63% feel this strongly.
Respondents also connect abortion to other issues. Two-thirds (65%) would guess that states that protect abortion rights and access are more likely to have good health care, good-paying jobs, and a higher-quality of life v. those that ban or restrict abortion access (10%).

Majorities across segments say this law would discourage them from working in Texas:
  • Women (74%)
  • Men (58%)
  • Gen Z (73%)
  • Millennials (69%)
  • Black employees (60%)
  • Latino/a employees (64%)
  • AAPI employees (62%)
  • Recent graduates (67%)

You can read all of the findings of the study at the following link:

Good luck with that Texas and any state that passes the same anti abortion law.
Don't let the doorknob hitcha where the Good Lord splitcha...

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