What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise?

What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise?

New research indicates that climate change has already triggered an unstoppable decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The projected decay will lead to at least 4 feet of accelerating global sea level rise within the next two-plus centuries, and at least 10 feet of rise in the end.

What does the U.S. look like with an ocean that is 10 feet higher? The radically transformed map would lose 28,800 square miles of land, home today to 12.3 million people.

What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise? | Climate Central

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

Miami is gone if this ever happens! Climate Central: Surging Seas 2.0

What did it look like prior to the 120 meters it has already increased in the past 14k years? You guys are hilarious...waving your hands over the possibility of 10 feet of increase over some unspecified time blaming it all on man and willing to cripple the world economy in an effort to relieve your anxiety while the natural rise over the past 14k years has been 120 meters. Why would you expect that the increase would not continue?
The projection for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet did not take into account the warming of the ocean. More than likely, just as the past projections have been, it is far too conservative in the speed at which we will see these effects.

The oceans aren't warming to any appreciable degree...if they were, the thermal expansion would be easily detectable....it isn't. Hand waving old ladies are what you guys are. Taken in by the largest, most obvious hoax in history.
What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise?

New research indicates that climate change has already triggered an unstoppable decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The projected decay will lead to at least 4 feet of accelerating global sea level rise within the next two-plus centuries, and at least 10 feet of rise in the end.

What does the U.S. look like with an ocean that is 10 feet higher? The radically transformed map would lose 28,800 square miles of land, home today to 12.3 million people.

What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise? | Climate Central

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

Miami is gone if this ever happens! Climate Central: Surging Seas 2.0

What did it look like prior to the 120 meters it has already increased in the past 14k years? You guys are hilarious...waving your hands over the possibility of 10 feet of increase over some unspecified time blaming it all on man and willing to cripple the world economy in an effort to relieve your anxiety while the natural rise over the past 14k years has been 120 meters. Why would you expect that the increase would not continue?

There wasn't coastal cities 10-22 thousand years ago. Our reality is 10 feet of sea level rise would wipe out 80% of Miami, 80% of Tampa bay and most of southern Florida, and LA. Many a low laying, poor nation would suffer badly by 2100.

We have cities on the coastline today that may very well be wiped out. Yet, you act like it is a joke? Look at my sea level chart from 24,000 years ago until today, and you will find that sea levels were increasing at only mm/century from 8,000 until the 18th century.

If the rest of the planet's ice is going to melt, then we will suffer tens of trillions of dollars in economic damages. This isn't something to laugh about.
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For instance, 99.5 percent of the population of Louisiana, as if they haven't suffered enough, will again find themselves underwater when the seas rise 10 feet. Thirty percent of all of the homes in Florida will be submerged; that's 5.6 million people. For Lauderdale, for one, will be nearly below the waves. Only 9 percent of New York City will have to relocate in the face of rising tides, but then, that means 700,000 people will have to find new homes—twice as many as New Orleans.

Even if you don't live at or near sea level in one of those vulnerable areas, the crisis the rise will bring will impact you too; it will either cost heady sums to shore up the flood-walls and prepare the dikes, or chaos and misfortune will reign when a disaster—a hurricane, for instance—hits. Either way, rising seas are a hugely destabilizing force.

10 Feet of Global Sea Level Rise Is Now Guaranteed | Motherboard

What did it look like prior to the 120 meters it has already increased in the past 14k years? You guys are hilarious...waving your hands over the possibility of 10 feet of increase over some unspecified time blaming it all on man and willing to cripple the world economy in an effort to relieve your anxiety while the natural rise over the past 14k years has been 120 meters. Why would you expect that the increase would not continue?

There wasn't coastal cities 10-22 thousand years ago. Our reality is 10 feet of sea level rise would wipe out 80% of Miami, 80% of Tampa bay and most of southern Florida, and LA. Many a low laying, poor nation would suffer badly by 2100.

There have been coastal population areas in the past that went under during the past 14k years....plenty of them. The coastal sea beds are littered with them. We have no more power to stop the rise of the sea due to the earth exiting an ice age than they did. We can waste billions trying, as new orleans has demonstrated but ultimately, nothing can stop the sea. Building on the coast is just bad planning...Whatever we build on the coast will eventually fall into the ocean...fact of life.

have cities on the coastline today that may very well be wiped out. Yet, you act like it is a joke? Look at my sea level chart from 24,000 years ago until today, and you will find that sea levels were increasing at only mm/century from 8,000 until the 18th century.

No, we have cities on the coastline that will be wiped out. Just as we have cities built on fault lines that will be wiped out. Bad planning. It isn't a joke, it is a fact of life. Unlike those built on fault lines, the coastal cities won't be wiped out in the blink of an eye. As I take my boat out fishing in Morehead city, NC, I have watched a couple of streets worth of homes fall into the ocean over the past 10 years. It happens and there is little if anything that can be done about it. Rather than waste the billions on trying to stop the ocean, that money could be spent in new construction further from the coast.

If the rest of the planet's ice is going to melt, then we will suffer tens of trillions of dollars in economic damages. This isn't something to laugh about.

Not if matthew...it isn't a question of if. It is a fact. The temperature prior to the ice age we are currently exiting was so warm that there was no ice at the north pole and little, if any at the south. The evidence of the sea level at that time is readily available. Is there any reason in the world to think that the earth is going to do something different than it has all throughout history just because we are here?

The earth is going to continue to warm till there is no ice anywhere just as it always has and there isn't squat we can do to stop it. We are, however, the most adaptable creatures that ever walked the surface of the planet...we should spend our money on adaptation to the inevitable changes rather than waste it on idiotic pie in the sky dreams of controlling the climate.
The projection for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet did not take into account the warming of the ocean. More than likely, just as the past projections have been, it is far too conservative in the speed at which we will see these effects.

Yeah, they have been bleating about this since at least 2006. The sheet is already below sea level and even with the supposed 2.6 degree rise in temps since the '50's, the temps are STILL below ZERO!

Temperature of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet


Modern CO2 is different

Modern CO2 can melt is in -20 temperatures. Have you seen what it did on Mt Everest?

You can't reason with the AGWCult, they're insane and as dedicated as a Jihadist. They've strapped they Warmist Ideology to themselves and will detonate themselves in the middle of the US economy.
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Matthew........like 179 people think the sea is going to rise 10 feet......and they are all bought s0n!!

C'mon.....I used to believe everything I read in the New York Times too.......about 35 years ago!!! Dude......you're one of the smartest guys in here.......not a tunnel vision guy.......but a bit naive. Gotta follow the money s0n.....special interests do not only exist in the oil industry. Gotta start digging a bit deeper s0n.......none of these other k00ks in here do.
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What did it look like prior to the 120 meters it has already increased in the past 14k years? You guys are hilarious...waving your hands over the possibility of 10 feet of increase over some unspecified time blaming it all on man and willing to cripple the world economy in an effort to relieve your anxiety while the natural rise over the past 14k years has been 120 meters. Why would you expect that the increase would not continue?

There wasn't coastal cities 10-22 thousand years ago. Our reality is 10 feet of sea level rise would wipe out 80% of Miami, 80% of Tampa bay and most of southern Florida, and LA. Many a low laying, poor nation would suffer badly by 2100.

We have cities on the coastline today that may very well be wiped out. Yet, you act like it is a joke? Look at my sea level chart from 24,000 years ago until today, and you will find that sea levels were increasing at only mm/century from 8,000 until the 18th century.

If the rest of the planet's ice is going to melt, then we will suffer tens of trillions of dollars in economic damages. This isn't something to laugh about.

Yes, there most certainly WERE coastal towns thousands of years ago. They're are all under water on the coastal shelfs now. Archeologists have been doing underwater studies for decades now, finding the old settlements.

You act like you think it will happen overnight like some hollywood movie. That sort of thing happens over centuries and centuries....The change will be almost unnoticeable. Like you claiming that there were no cities on the coast thousands of years ago even though there were...the change was so gradual that those settlements just moved further inland like suburban sprawl and the land and property lost to the ocean was just the cost of doing business on the ocean.

The fact is that the smart money bets that eventually the temperature is going to increase to the point that there is no ice at the north pole and little if any left at the south...it has happened over and over in the past and there is no reason to suspect that it isn't going to happen again.
Sea level rise is occurring. We should be concern for our cities.

Yes indeed, sea level has been rising for at least 14,000 years. Only now there are some very wealthy people who have figured out how to make themselves even wealthier by ripping people off.
Until sea level rise starts accelerating past the ~3mm/yr it's been sustaining for the past couple decades, fantasizing about what the US would look like with 10 feet of sea level rise makes about as much sense right now as fantasizing about how high US population would be if people lived to be 400 years old. If the West Antarctic is already "collapsing," sea level rise should already be accelerating. It's not.
Spring Breakers won't have to travel so far to the coast, thereby burning less gasoline and putting less carbon into the air thereby reversing global (fill in the blank).

It's win-win. :thup:
Sea level rise is occurring. We should be concern for our cities.

No matthew, the cities who are on the coast should be concerned....but not very. The rise will happen so slowly that it will be nearly un noticeable...just as it has always been. The rest of us should not have to pay for people who choose to live in a place that has inherent and obvious dangers like the coast, fault lines, flood plains, and places where wildfire is part of the natural ecology.

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