What doesnt the left wing understand about NATIONALISM??


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
These countries belong to the natives in America the settlers that came here And their descendants. It also welcomes thoses that assimilate.

If you don’t assimilate you will have a hard time. PERIOD
Many conservatives aren't true nationalists. They're social Darwinists that don't care about anybody but themselves. If you wouldn't proudly pay taxes to fund programs that elevate the average American you are no nationalist.
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Most conservatives aren't true nationalists. They're social Darwinists that don't care about anybody but themselves. If you wouldn't proudly pay taxes to fund programs that elevate the average American you are no nationalist.
Conservatives last year donated more to charity then all of Europe combined.
They know what it means, they just hate it because it strengthens our country and they want to weaken it.
Many conservatives aren't true nationalists. They're social Darwinists that don't care about anybody but themselves. If you wouldn't proudly pay taxes to fund programs that elevate the average American you are no nationalist.

The opposite of nationalism is globalism, which believes that taxes and governments are the only way to elevate the average citizen.

I'm just sayin'.
The opposite of nationalism is globalism

Most politicians and particularly the ones on the right are owned by rich multinational business people. Those are your globalists, and they're writing checks to your favorite politicians. A lot of lefties need to pull their head out of their ass when it comes to immigration, but if you think Ted Cruz cares about stopping poor Mexicans from drowning our nation you're nuts. He works for people that have everything to gain from that.
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These countries belong to the natives in America the settlers that came here And their descendants. It also welcomes thoses that assimilate.

If you don’t assimilate you will have a hard time. PERIOD

The problem is this virtual big government department of assimilation folks want to create.
These countries belong to the natives in America the settlers that came here And their descendants. It also welcomes thoses that assimilate.

If you don’t assimilate you will have a hard time. PERIOD
For whatever reason the LEFT is willing to cut off their nose to spite their face. They don't like American SOVEREIGNTY. They want Totalitarian GLOBALIST control to create some type of unattainable and unwanted UTOPIA. It is madness.
The opposite of nationalism is globalism

Most politicians and particularly the ones on the right are owned by rich multinational business people. Those are your globalists, and they're writing checks to your favorite politicians. A lot of lefties need to pull their head out of their ass when it comes to immigration, but if you think Ted Cruz cares about stopping poor Mexicans from drowning our nation you're nuts. He works for people that have everything to gain from that.
Which multinational business people supported Trump in 2016? Not the Koch brothers and certainly not George Soros. Who are these unnamed people you're talking about?
Which multinational business people supported Trump in 2016? Not the Koch brothers and certainly not George Soros. Who are these unnamed people you're talking about?

You're naive at best if you think Goldman Sachs and other international entities aren't pushing for globalism. They are the ones that have everything to gain. Rich business assholes are pushing this from both sides with politicians they've paid for. That's the real conspiracy. We've already lost this battle because people like you don't see the true enemies.
Which multinational business people supported Trump in 2016? Not the Koch brothers and certainly not George Soros. Who are these unnamed people you're talking about?

You're naive at best if you think Goldman Sachs and other international entities aren't pushing for globalism. They are the ones that have everything to gain. Rich business assholes are pushing this from both sides with politicians they've paid for. That's the real conspiracy. We've already lost this battle because people like you don't see the true enemies.
I'm just trying to find out which globalist corporations supported Trump. Can you show us the donations to his campaign? Can you also show us who the Clinton donors were?
Most conservatives aren't true nationalists. They're social Darwinists that don't care about anybody but themselves. If you wouldn't proudly pay taxes to fund programs that elevate the average American you are no nationalist.
Conservatives last year donated more to charity then all of Europe combined.
How do liberal donations measure up?
Idk take your take your hands out of your pocket lol
The opposite of nationalism is globalism

Most politicians and particularly the ones on the right are owned by rich multinational business people. Those are your globalists, and they're writing checks to your favorite politicians. A lot of lefties need to pull their head out of their ass when it comes to immigration, but if you think Ted Cruz cares about stopping poor Mexicans from drowning our nation you're nuts. He works for people that have everything to gain from that.

And the democrats want more illegals to enter America for their future votes. Both party's are at fault. Don't try to get the leftist democrats off the hook here. Both who vote against a wall are pretty much America haters. They hate a country that has made them all wealthy and gave them a good life. Yup, that sure makes sense to me alright. They bite the hand that feeds them. Politicians "ARE" the problem and never the solution.
Most conservatives aren't true nationalists. They're social Darwinists that don't care about anybody but themselves. If you wouldn't proudly pay taxes to fund programs that elevate the average American you are no nationalist.
Conservatives last year donated more to charity then all of Europe combined.
How do liberal donations measure up?

It would appear as though lieberals will only donate to other lieberals. Lieberals are all in it for themselves The rest can go to hell.

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