What else should the federal government require citizens to purchase?

I wonder how many people whining about having to have health insurance already have it...
What everyone seems to fail to grasp is that with the one ruling, government has been handed unlimited power to control your life and your actions. You are no longer safe from your government, nor are you free to defy your government. This country has been fundamentally altered and we no longer have freedom.

People can list thousands of things that the government can now do to you, and those who worship government will scoff at you, deride you, and call you names. But ever so slowly now, more and more freedoms will be limited and taken under this precedent set by the Court today.

It is the slow creep of tyranny....until one day, our children and grandchildren will discover that they are slaves of the Aristocracy and the state will dictate what talents you have, how you will utilize those talents for the greater good of everyone else, and you will be mandated to know your place.
You need mental help.
I wonder how many people whining about having to have health insurance already have it...

You mean if we are being forced to subsidize someone else's health insurance, we aren't entitled to complain about it? We should just shell out our hard earned money and not say a word?

You mean if we can think of better alternatives to ObamaCare, we should keep those ideas to ourselves?

You mean if we are being forced to buy something and are concerned over the precedent it sets and wonder what's next that we will be forced to buy, we should not voice those concerns?

We are not sheep.
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I wonder how many people whining about having to have health insurance already have it...

You mean if we are being forced to subsidize someone else's health insurance, we aren't entitled to complain about it? We should just shell out our hard earned money and not say a word?

You mean if we can think of better alternatives to ObamaCare, we should keep those ideas to ourselves?

You mean if we are being forced to buy something and are concerned over the precedent it sets and wonder what's next that we will be forced to buy, we should not voice those concerns?

We are not sheep.

You already subsidize people without insurance...in the most expensive way possible, emergency rooms. Now they have to pay for their own insurance so YOU don't have to pick up the tab when they wrap their motorcycle around a tree. How awful...

No other "commerce" takes up as large a part of our GDP as Health Care.
I think you're confused.

We don't like pussy liberals. Some may lie about it. I don't.

Vagina on the other hand, we love that long time. As long as it isn't any of your nasty, unwashed liberal hippy vagina.

You don't really find a lot of nasty unwashed hippie women around anymore.

However, there's a hell of a large population of nasty, unwashed, white-trash, trailer-park right-wingers out there.

Now THAT'S some nasty pussy.
FOX fans should be required to purchase a clue.
Why should I be required to purchase the same amount of auto insurance as someone who drives more than I do?
It's a very scary thought that the government would make me purchase anything. I don't like them telling me what to eat, drink or whether or not to smoke,. That smacks of a place where people don't have freedoms or can think for themselves.

When we get closer to governments like that, it's time to stop and take a step back and evaluate what is going on around us. Then take our right to vote very seriously and actively support the candidates we feel best reflect what we need in leadership.
A car accident costs less if you drive less?

Why does the government REQUIRE me to purchase auto insurance, driver's license, business license, and pay tipping fees, pay for waste disposal, inspections, etc? A severe illness WILL cost more without health insurance.
Excellent op. We are already paying for so many things so ordered by our government. Have you heard about the Obamaphone?

What others don't have, we will buy for them.

They've set a precedent. Although under the "congress can impose tax" law we are fucked anyway.

LOL you are paying for the Obama phone because of a law passed long before Obama was even in the senate.

Learn of what you speak.
A car accident costs less if you drive less?

Why does the government REQUIRE me to purchase auto insurance, driver's license, business license, and pay tipping fees, pay for waste disposal, inspections, etc? A severe illness WILL cost more without health insurance.

Your false analogies are cute...it may cost you more as an individual but it won't cost more in total. Are you done talking out of your ass?

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