What EOs will President Cruz issue?

President Cruz, LOL

President Obama, LOL

Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !
I hear alian Gonzales is running for president

Was he born in America or to an American?
I want to see his birth certificate. He has to show it to me. I live in Metro Detroit, MI. Personally fly down and bring it with an independent expert or I'm never going to believe it and I'll be a birther his entire presidency.

As if Cruz has a chance. It's just his 15 minutes. Then it's Rubio's turn. Rubio will be the nominee and if not, Jeb. Cruz maybe VP
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?
He would certainly never interpret the constitution the same way Obama does because Cruz is a tea bagger. And Cruz will not be the nominee. It's just his 15 minutes.

I have called the GOP primaries perfectly. Waiting in the wings is rubio, the eventual nominee. And if he blows it or doesn't survive it might be bush and rubio vp

And another far left drone narrative being ruin..

Granted they have no real proof of their religious dogma, but they run it without question..
Proof is in the pudding puddin. I told you carson was your token back just like Herman Cain.

You don't have a credible woman politician to run so you have your token gal pal carli who also never was a serious contender.

This is theater. So obvious to me. Fox news doesn't just report the news they create it.

See the far left drones proves they are the true racists!
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !

So many agreeing with your made up lies. Interesting.

Rafael Bienvenido Cruz is a Cuban-born American Christian preacher and public speaker. The father of US politician Ted Cruz, various media outlets including the Wall Street Journal describe him as being a surrogate in his son's political campaigns.Wikipedia

Obama's father, pretty much abandoned the lad. That is sad.
It's nice a Cuban man in Canada didn't abandon his son but that son isn't able to run for potus.

Maybe he can run for poc.
Repeating discredited crap only destroys your credibility.
Oh, wait. You have no credibility.
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !
I hear alian Gonzales is running for president

Was he born in America or to an American?
I want to see his birth certificate. He has to show it to me. I live in Metro Detroit, MI. Personally fly down and bring it with an independent expert or I'm never going to believe it and I'll be a birther his entire presidency.

As if Cruz has a chance. It's just his 15 minutes. Then it's Rubio's turn. Rubio will be the nominee and if not, Jeb. Cruz maybe VP
OK so don't vote for Cruz. Problem solved.
He would certainly never interpret the constitution the same way Obama does because Cruz is a tea bagger. And Cruz will not be the nominee. It's just his 15 minutes.

I have called the GOP primaries perfectly. Waiting in the wings is rubio, the eventual nominee. And if he blows it or doesn't survive it might be bush and rubio vp

And another far left drone narrative being ruin..

Granted they have no real proof of their religious dogma, but they run it without question..
Proof is in the pudding puddin. I told you carson was your token back just like Herman Cain.

You don't have a credible woman politician to run so you have your token gal pal carli who also never was a serious contender.

This is theater. So obvious to me. Fox news doesn't just report the news they create it.

See the far left drones proves they are the true racists!
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs...
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
And another far left drone narrative being ruin..

Granted they have no real proof of their religious dogma, but they run it without question..
Proof is in the pudding puddin. I told you carson was your token back just like Herman Cain.

You don't have a credible woman politician to run so you have your token gal pal carli who also never was a serious contender.

This is theater. So obvious to me. Fox news doesn't just report the news they create it.

See the far left drones proves they are the true racists!
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs...
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.
Proof is in the pudding puddin. I told you carson was your token back just like Herman Cain.

You don't have a credible woman politician to run so you have your token gal pal carli who also never was a serious contender.

This is theater. So obvious to me. Fox news doesn't just report the news they create it.

See the far left drones proves they are the true racists!
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.
Your "facts" are a matter of opinion. I think your facts come from your truthiness. If you don't know what truthiness means, look it up.
See the far left drones proves they are the true racists!
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Lets see.
JC Watts
Mia Love
Gary Franks
Allen West

Now list all the black Democrats from majority white areas.
Dems are racists.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.
Your "facts" are a matter of opinion. I think your facts come from your truthiness. If you don't know what truthiness means, look it up.
No I dont know what "truthiness" means. Because there is no such word.
It is simply a matter of fact. An inconvenient one for you.
Your "facts" are a matter of opinion. I think your facts come from your truthiness. If you don't know what truthiness means, look it up.
No I dont know what "truthiness" means. Because there is no such word.
It is simply a matter of fact. An inconvenient one for you.
The definition is in practically every dictionary on the web. The Merriam-Webster considered "truthiness" the "word of the year" in 2006.
The irony is that you used truthiness to deny that truthiness is a word:

Truthiness is a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.
Last edited:
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs...
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
Why because we point out how you don't have even one credible candidate in the GOP party that happens to be black or a woman?

What do you do for a living? It can't be something you're proud of. no way a guy who says far left drone that many times can be successful
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Lets see.
JC Watts
Mia Love
Gary Franks
Allen West

Now list all the black Democrats from majority white areas.
Dems are racists.
I said Senators dummy! One little House of Rep seat isn't worth the same as a Senator. Where are your Senators and Governors?

We had Governors Deval Patrick & David Patterson. You got any black governors in red states?
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs...
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.
How many black candidates or Hispanic candidates does the Democrat Party have?
What a fucking hypocrite.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Lets see.
JC Watts
Mia Love
Gary Franks
Allen West

Now list all the black Democrats from majority white areas.
Dems are racists.
I said Senators dummy! One little House of Rep seat isn't worth the same as a Senator. Where are your Senators and Governors?

We had Governors Deval Patrick & David Patterson. You got any black governors in red states?
Move! Move! Moooove those goalposts.
Again you have failed to post any black Dem reps from majority white districts. Dems are racist.
A black fucking president and a woman who's going to be the next President?

Keep in mind Condi Rice, Carli Fiorino, Ben Carson, Herman Cain & Colon Powell all have something in common. None of them was ever elected to any position as a Republican candidate. All of them were hand picked tokens.

The closest thing you came to nominating a woman to a position of high power was Sarah Palin and you see that wasn't a very wise or popular decision. So since Sarah there hasn't been one woman in the GOP who stands out? And the only black guy you can find is a nut job doctor?
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Lets see.
JC Watts
Mia Love
Gary Franks
Allen West

Now list all the black Democrats from majority white areas.
Dems are racists.
I said Senators dummy! One little House of Rep seat isn't worth the same as a Senator. Where are your Senators and Governors?

We had Governors Deval Patrick & David Patterson. You got any black governors in red states?
Move! Move! Moooove those goalposts.
Again you have failed to post any black Dem reps from majority white districts. Dems are racist.
I said Senators. What part of senators do you not understand? You have 1 in the history of the United States of America. And never 1 governor? Shame on you.
A half black president raised by white people and a woman who got to where she is because she married right.
The GOP elects black representatives in white districts. The Dems elect blacks only in black districts.

What blacks do you vote into white districts? LOL. You have 1 since 1967 and that's Tim Scott. You'll have to do better than that. And why not run him instead of Herman Cain or Ben Carson?

Is America a black district? Because we elected a black to be POTUS. Stupid bastard. lol
Lets see.
JC Watts
Mia Love
Gary Franks
Allen West

Now list all the black Democrats from majority white areas.
Dems are racists.
I said Senators dummy! One little House of Rep seat isn't worth the same as a Senator. Where are your Senators and Governors?

We had Governors Deval Patrick & David Patterson. You got any black governors in red states?
Move! Move! Moooove those goalposts.
Again you have failed to post any black Dem reps from majority white districts. Dems are racist.
I said Senators. What part of senators do you not understand? You have 1 in the history of the United States of America. And never 1 governor? Shame on you.
As a percentage of blacks that one senator is far greater than whatever you've got.
And if you want] to count Reconstruction era the GOP has far more black senators than the Dems.
Dems are racists.

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