What EOs will President Cruz issue?

For starters. UNDO everything that thug Obama and his tyrant administration has changed in every agency, by writing up NEW RULES we are suppose to live by. Because they were done without Congress and without our Representation of Congress. and then he can start CUTTING down government agencies we the people are having TO PAY FOR. a lot of people better hope Obama left them any jobs because he needs to cut down quite a few agencies that are redundant. he can start with the NEA, EPA, DOE, and we THE PEOPLE can make a list for him.
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Send the IRS after Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, and every liberal tax exempt organization.
Prosecute green companies for failing to comply with centuries-old laws
Crack down on voter fraud by holding polling officials personally liable
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?
He would certainly never interpret the constitution the same way Obama does because Cruz is a tea bagger. And Cruz will not be the nominee. It's just his 15 minutes.

I have called the GOP primaries perfectly. Waiting in the wings is rubio, the eventual nominee. And if he blows it or doesn't survive it might be bush and rubio vp

And another far left drone narrative being ruin..

Granted they have no real proof of their religious dogma, but they run it without question..
Wasn't it you last night that said Bush didn't push the limits on his executive authority? You didn't recall that like Alberto Gonzales?

Bush pushed the limits of presidential power

Critics say the Bush administration's expansive vision of executive power eclipsed the Constitution's mandated system of checks and balances. Some see the Bush years as lurching toward an imperial presidency, posing a direct threat to the essence of American liberty. You don't remember this? Fucking liar.

Executive Action: It’s Only a Problem When President Obama Does It

They (Republicans) seem to have conveniently forgotten the pride they took in former President Bush’s unilateral, decider presidency.

Refusing to discuss their suddenly-found, alleged concern for democracy, Republicans instead claim that President Obama taking executive action makes him a hypocrite for condemning Bush for his use of signing statements.

Bush had assumed the right to disobey more than 750 laws since he took office, “…declaring that he (Bush) has the power to set aside the laws when they conflict with his legal interpretation of the Constitution. The federal government is instructed to follow the statements when it enforces the laws.”

President Bush challenged 1,100 provisions of the law in his signing statements, which is more than all of his previous presidents combined. 78% of Bush’s signing statements raised constitutional objections compared to 18% for President Clinton, 47% for George H.W. Bush and 34% for Ronald Reagan.

Fuck you Far Right Drone!
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Send the IRS after Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, and every liberal tax exempt organization.
Prosecute green companies for failing to comply with centuries-old laws
Crack down on voter fraud by holding polling officials personally liable
OMG the entire world is going along with the Green initiative and stupid fucking white Republicans are the last people on earth to know the truth. Like the last people to hear the earth is round not flat.

As GOP Debates Climate Change, Corporate Lobbyists Wish For Action

"The computer models are profoundly wrong," said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who's running for president. "Not a little bit wrong, but profoundly inconsistent with the data and the evidence."

This alone makes him unqualified to be POTUS. But notice his statement still leaves him wiggle room to later change his mind, once the gig is up.

While congressional Republicans remain staunchly opposed to action on climate change, corporate America pretty much agrees that the change is happening, is caused at least partly by human activity, and needs to be remedied.

So stop being stupid!!! Please?
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
We said the same thing about Bush.

President Bush challenged 1,100 provisions of the law in his signing statements, which is more than all of his previous presidents combined. 78% of Bush’s signing statements raised constitutional objections compared to 18% for President Clinton, 47% for George H.W. Bush and 34% for Ronald Reagan.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.

Yep, thankfully the people took away the Democrats Control of Congress after they lied and stuck that ObamaNOcare on our backs. They (Republicans) didn't do all we would have liked but they did hold him down some. Another thing he needs to wipe out is all memorandums Obama also used to step over our Representation of Congress. and all those EO's and Memorandums rules needs to be changed so they can't be used like Obama tried to use them for. to step all over us.
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing.


The precedent was set long before Obama, coma boi.
That is totally the matter of opinion.
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.

Yep, thankfully the people took away the Democrats Control of Congress after they lied and stuck that ObamaNOcare on our backs. They (Republicans) didn't do all we would have liked but they did hold him down some. Another thing he needs to wipe out is all memorandums Obama also used to step over our Representation of Congress. and all those EO's and Memorandums rules needs to be changed so they can't be used like Obama tried to use them for. to step all over us.

Again with the EO claims! OK, I'll provide a link to the EO Disposition Table and you pick out the five (5) worst EO's authored by Obama that you believe impinge on the Constitution and the Rights of the People used to, "...to step all over us...." , as you claim. Please provide a brief description of its negative affect on the Peoples' liberties with each of the five EO numbers you've selected.

Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

Or will you also demur with a bull shit excuse like Rabbi?
Translation: If I admitted you were right I'd undercut my own argument.
No, moron. It isnt a matter of opinion. It is fucking fact that Obama's EOs have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president.

If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Please, asshole. He bypassed Congress on the NLRB appointments. He bypassed them on amnesty. He bypassed them on subsidides for the federal medical exchange. The list goes on and on.
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing.


The precedent was set long before Obama, coma boi.
So you wont mind when Pres Cruz does that, right?
If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Please, asshole. He bypassed Congress on the NLRB appointments. He bypassed them on amnesty. He bypassed them on subsidides for the federal medical exchange. The list goes on and on.

Look how many times he's been IN COURT over his bs? these Obots will never admit the thug failure they put in, who has been a godsend to the Republican party with all the seats in Congress they lost and all the state governments Republicans picked up. they can't get over people don't WANT WHAT they have to sell. which is soaking us for more taxes and then spending us into bankruptcy. and their stupid idea of Healthcare called the losing ObamaNO care
If it's fact that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president", as you claim, then present the EO number of Obama's worst five from the Disposition Table and present them as proof to validate your assertion with a brief comment on each proving your point! I'll make it easy for you and give you the link to the Disposition Table!

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Please, asshole. He bypassed Congress on the NLRB appointments. He bypassed them on amnesty. He bypassed them on subsidides for the federal medical exchange. The list goes on and on.
What were the EO numbers involved with those alleged travesties, ehhh? Don't try to shift the narrative, idiot! You claimed that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president." So what were just five of those EO's and what laws did they violate? Come on Mr. Know-It-All, back up your bullshit!
How about you go fuck yourself instead? Because whatever I write you will dismiss or otherwise beclown yourself.

You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Please, asshole. He bypassed Congress on the NLRB appointments. He bypassed them on amnesty. He bypassed them on subsidides for the federal medical exchange. The list goes on and on.
What were the EO numbers involved with those alleged travesties, ehhh? Don't try to shift the narrative, idiot! You claimed that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president." So what were just five of those EO's and what laws did they violate? Come on Mr. Know-It-All, back up your bullshit!
What pen did he use to sign them? What time of day were they signed?
Hey, go fuck yourself. You know you've lost this argument. Now you're trying to find some way so you dont look like an ignorant fool. Hint: It aint working.
Obama Begs The Court To Let His Amnesty Move Forward AGAIN

The order, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) would exempt about four million illegal immigrants from deportation who are parents. Another part of the order expands Obama’s 2012 executive order, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which temporarily exempted young illegal immigrants from deportation. (RELATED: Appeals Court Refuses To Let Obama’s Amnesty Move Forward)

The 26 states bringing the lawsuit contend Obama overstepped his authority by unilaterally granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

He couldn't pass the dream act....................so he went around the Constitution...........The Federal Courts have shot it down again.....................
You fucking coward! You make these stupendously stupid claims about shit you know nothing about and when called on it, you respond with bullshit and bluster! You won't respond because you know what you claimed is an outlandish falsehood right out of the far, far Right Echo Chamber, FOOL! Polly want a cracker?
blahblahblah. Go fuck yourself.
The truth is self evident. No president has bypassed the normal structure of government like Obama. None.
Well then PROVE Obama has, "...bypassed the normal structure of government...", as you claim ass wipe! You make empty claims then refuse to prove those claims offering only empty excuses. Where are the five EO's to prove your claims? You're nothing but a fucking keyboard warrior frustrated with the impotence of your intellect!
Please, asshole. He bypassed Congress on the NLRB appointments. He bypassed them on amnesty. He bypassed them on subsidides for the federal medical exchange. The list goes on and on.
What were the EO numbers involved with those alleged travesties, ehhh? Don't try to shift the narrative, idiot! You claimed that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president." So what were just five of those EO's and what laws did they violate? Come on Mr. Know-It-All, back up your bullshit!
What pen did he use to sign them? What time of day were they signed?
Hey, go fuck yourself. You know you've lost this argument. Now you're trying to find some way so you dont look like an ignorant fool. Hint: It aint working.
What a true jerk you are making yourself out to be dancing and deflecting from owning up to YOUR own words! Fucking Coward!

You claimed that Obama's EO's, "...have done far more to change the legal plane than any other recent president." So what were just five of those EO's and what laws did they violate? Come on Mr. Know-It-All, back up your bullshit! What a shallow piece of shit you are!
Unanimous Supreme Court Rules Against the Obama Administration’s Unconstitutional Power Grab | myHeritage

The Supreme Court unanimously struck down as unconstitutional the Obama administration’s “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, which were conducted while the Senate was formally in session.

The “decision marks the 12th time the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against the Obama administration on the issue of executive power,” Heritage Foundation legal expert Elizabeth Slattery explains.
U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater-drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down, a New Orleans judge ruled.

Interior Department regulators acted with “determined disregard” by lifting and reinstituting a series of policy changes that restricted offshore drilling, following the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, U.S. District Judge, Martin Feldman of New Orleans ruled yesterday.

“Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance,” Feldman said in the ruling.

“Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt,” Feldman said.

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