What EOs will President Cruz issue?

Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
I've always said you righties don't even know what we want or think or even who we are.

Just because trump isn't a traditional Republican does not make him a liberal or progressive. But to you everyone's either one of you or a far left drone.

I've had Republicans say to me, "you aren't a liberal because " fill in the blank" and I have to explain to them that's not what liberals believe, that's what rush and fox have brainwashed you to think we believe.

Middle class Republicans are really stupid.
You cite Bush doing a bunch of things he never did and then say Republicans are stupid?
You're an idiot wielding weapons-grade stupidity.
Im on my smartphone or I'd go find it easy where bush abused his executive authority.

I am sure you can find all kinds of links to far left drone blog sites..

However that does not make them true..

And if that were the case you would not be supporting Obama for doing the same right?
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion.

Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true.

Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.
I think you're thinking of Hillary, who is on record as promoting most of what you write.

If Cruz is the nominee he will blow past Hillary. Cruz is young, upbeat with new ideas. Hillary represents the failed policies of B.Hussein Obama.

You mean Mister "Shut her Down" "Cat in the Hat" Cruz?

Is that a great DNC commercial or what?
I mean President Cruz he'sgonnakickliberalbuttbacktothestoneage, sir to you, sonny.

He will annex his birth country, Canada.
Just as I predicted, the same RWnuts who condemned executive orders as near-treason while Obama is president will happily embrace them if a Republican gets elected.

...which won't be Ted Cruz, btw.
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion...
Nahhhhh... he'll just rule that Islam is not a religion, but a hostile political ideology, and proceed accordingly; leaving everybody else whole and intact.

...Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true....
Nahhhhh... he'll just rule that the 14th was never intended to be exploited by Illegal Alien parents and therefore does not apply to their spawn; leaving everyone else intact.

...Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.
With harpies like Shrillary and Commie Pinkos like Old Uncle Bernie... stranger things could happen.

Ya'll need much better candidates than the Second Stringers you're currently trying to foist upon the American People.
The repubs are really at a disadvantage. Hilary Clinton has been around the block so many times any criticism of,her is about like stale piss. Once it is established that she is a lying political prostitute there is nothing left to say. But with repubs every time someone else rises to the top of the polls the extreme hateful vindictives evidenced in this thread are new and fresh and therefore no matter how false gets new attention. It creates so many more opportunities for liberals to create another false narrative that puts repubs on defense. The unending soap opera takes the spotlight off Hilary and Obama and gives them a free pass. This is a problem.
You know, I read Candycorns messages, and I just chuckle; as should all of you.

Candyass' posts are only good for ridicule, otherwise it's just the same insipid drivel some other bed wetter posted elsewhere.

Consider-----> The left MUST win the Presidency or it has nothing. Tell me.........if they do not win the Presidency, besides a few blue states, what do they have? They have NOTHING, and their power is weaker than it has been in 40 years.

On the other hand, let us look at our choices. We can win the Presidency, and or control the congress, and or do an article 5 which is very close to fruition. We control most of the states, the congress, and everything else between now. The left controls nothing worth while in the political spectrum, and to do it, they have to lie. They NEED the Presidency to be relevant. Without it, their whole apparatus will be dismantled, and they know it.

In closing, our avenues of success are multiple; their avenue of success is so narrow, you can't fit a piece of paper between it. Their arrogance reminds me of a boxer who has had their butt kicked, but goes back to their victory when they were younger; which has no correlation to today. What is the boxer repeating over and over? 332 to 206, or something very close to that!

All they are doing is trying to give you pause, because what is driving this election, they need to go away to give them a chance to win. It has NOTHING or very little to do with lefty, or righty policies; it has to do with the vast majority of Americans total distrust in Washington. And who is the party proclaiming they openly want big.....no....HUGE government!

The libturds have heavily infested the federal government. From the meat muppet faggot, to the servile fascist bureaucrook who denies tax exempt status to groups that oppose their moonbat messiah. The nanny state hasn't been this bloated since FDR, and it has never been this useless, wasteful or arrogant.

And now you know, through all of the lefty bravado on here, they KNOW they are in trouble; unless they are really dumb........which some of them could be, lol! But I am sure them being dumb is NOT the case, because they work collectively to get rid of Trump, Cruz, and Carson, because those 3 can run against Washington all day, and be honest and convincing. They need these 3 to go away, because if not, they are going to have people voting that didn't vote for years. Guess who won elections when these people voted-) Now you know why the lefties need these 3 candidates to go away, so those voters go away too!

The bed wetters here are weapons grade stupid, don't doubt that for a second. If they were as dumb as tree stumps they would still have some value. These parasites are dangerously stupid. They're actually detrimental to the health of the rest of us. The apparatchiks who feed them "information" (if you call bullshit propaganda information) are dumb. They actually believe regressive collectivist policy will benefit a majority of people, specifically the "poor" who they're programmed to to believe are oppressed by people who expect others to at least make an effort to earn a living.

The real power and "brains" of the left know damn well collectivism only enriches the collectors. The handful of criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths who have all the political power can ensure there is never any competition for their power when they have mobs of weapons grade stupid bed wetters dedicated to maintain a life of poverty for themselves and the rest of the people for the sake of "equality".

To me Cruz, Trump, and Carson are of course the favorites because they're not political whores like everyone else running. Most cognizant people recognize "professional politicians" broke the government. It has been a series of deliberate acts of sabotage on the part of the left with republicrat complicity and smart people don't trust "professional" political whores to fix what they intentionally destroyed.

The way I see it, the guy who will be most effective in rolling back regressive policy is Ted Cruz.

There is no "fix" for this mess. It needs to be torn back down to it's constitutional foundation and rebuilt to the specifications the founders intended.

None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?

his law professor alan dershowitz said there's no way cruz is stupid enough to believe the garbage he says.

it's the idiots who don't understand it's garbage that are so funny.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

You have to remember these are the people that set the bar so low by voting for Obama twice!
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?

his law professor alan dershowitz said there's no way cruz is stupid enough to believe the garbage he says.

it's the idiots who don't understand it's garbage that are so funny.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

You have to remember these are the people that set the bar so low by voting for Obama twice!

poor little idiot. yes, you must know more about this than alan dershowitz.

thanks for proving my point. :cuckoo:
The repubs are really at a disadvantage. Hilary Clinton has been around the block so many times any criticism of,her is about like stale piss. Once it is established that she is a lying political prostitute there is nothing left to say. But with repubs every time someone else rises to the top of the polls the extreme hateful vindictives evidenced in this thread are new and fresh and therefore no matter how false gets new attention. It creates so many more opportunities for liberals to create another false narrative that puts repubs on defense. The unending soap opera takes the spotlight off Hilary and Obama and gives them a free pass. This is a problem.
Don't let us disrupt your vetting process.

You Republicans are always talking about how you are responsible for you. Why don't you stop blaming the liberal boogy man. You can't help yourselves. Pick a God damn candidate!
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?

his law professor alan dershowitz said there's no way cruz is stupid enough to believe the garbage he says.

it's the idiots who don't understand it's garbage that are so funny.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

You have to remember these are the people that set the bar so low by voting for Obama twice!

poor little idiot. yes, you must know more about this than alan dershowitz.

thanks for proving my point. :cuckoo:

The far left drones always prove my comments 10 fold!
The repubs are really at a disadvantage. Hilary Clinton has been around the block so many times any criticism of,her is about like stale piss. Once it is established that she is a lying political prostitute there is nothing left to say. But with repubs every time someone else rises to the top of the polls the extreme hateful vindictives evidenced in this thread are new and fresh and therefore no matter how false gets new attention. It creates so many more opportunities for liberals to create another false narrative that puts repubs on defense. The unending soap opera takes the spotlight off Hilary and Obama and gives them a free pass. This is a problem.
Don't let us disrupt your vetting process.

You Republicans are always talking about how you are responsible for you. Why don't you stop blaming the liberal boogy man. You can't help yourselves. Pick a God damn candidate!

This from the far left drone that wants the government to tell everyone how to live their lives..

The irony impairment of the far left is astounding!
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?
He would certainly never interpret the constitution the same way Obama does because Cruz is a tea bagger. And Cruz will not be the nominee. It's just his 15 minutes.

I have called the GOP primaries perfectly. Waiting in the wings is rubio, the eventual nominee. And if he blows it or doesn't survive it might be bush and rubio vp
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?
He would certainly never interpret the constitution the same way Obama does because Cruz is a tea bagger. And Cruz will not be the nominee. It's just his 15 minutes.

I have called the GOP primaries perfectly. Waiting in the wings is rubio, the eventual nominee. And if he blows it or doesn't survive it might be bush and rubio vp

And another far left drone narrative being ruin..

Granted they have no real proof of their religious dogma, but they run it without question..

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