What EOs will President Cruz issue?


Prompter SHUT OFF! :321:

No teleprompter for Cruz | TheHill
The Hill
Mar 23, 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made his speech announcing that he would run for the presidency without the assistance of a teleprompter, his ...
Shut off, as stated.... BUT keep trying! :ahole-1:
Every politician has spoken without a teleprompter before :thup:

When you are an :ahole-1: WITH a teleprompter, you are an :ahole-1:

I think you're thinking of Hillary, who is on record as promoting most of what you write.

If Cruz is the nominee he will blow past Hillary. Cruz is young, upbeat with new ideas. Hillary represents the failed policies of B.Hussein Obama.

Hitlary represents the failed policies of Hugo Chavez.

This thread will be fun to bring up on a Wednesday in November.

Proof the far left does not understand anything beyond their programming!

You know, I read Candycorns messages, and I just chuckle; as should all of you.

Consider-----> The left MUST win the Presidency or it has nothing. Tell me.........if they do not win the Presidency, besides a few blue states, what do they have? They have NOTHING, and their power is weaker than it has been in 40 years.

On the other hand, let us look at our choices. We can win the Presidency, and or control the congress, and or do an article 5 which is very close to fruition. We control most of the states, the congress, and everything else between now. The left controls nothing worth while in the political spectrum, and to do it, they have to lie. They NEED the Presidency to be relevant. Without it, their whole apparatus will be dismantled, and they know it.

In closing, our avenues of success are multiple; their avenue of success is so narrow, you can't fit a piece of paper between it. Their arrogance reminds me of a boxer who has had their butt kicked, but goes back to their victory when they were younger; which has no correlation to today. What is the boxer repeating over and over? 332 to 206, or something very close to that!

All they are doing is trying to give you pause, because what is driving this election, they need to go away to give them a chance to win. It has NOTHING or very little to do with lefty, or righty policies; it has to do with the vast majority of Americans total distrust in Washington. And who is the party proclaiming they openly want big.....no....HUGE government!

And now you know, through all of the lefty bravado on here, they KNOW they are in trouble; unless they are really dumb........which some of them could be, lol! But I am sure them being dumb is NOT the case, because they work collectively to get rid of Trump, Cruz, and Carson, because those 3 can run against Washington all day, and be honest and convincing. They need these 3 to go away, because if not, they are going to have people voting that didn't vote for years. Guess who won elections when these people voted-) Now you know why the lefties need these 3 candidates to go away, so those voters go away too!
Yes I read about it, he is a strict constructionist, meaning conservative interpretation of the Constitution, rather like some read the bible, take it at its word and not open for interpretation. That explains a lot.

There is no "conservative interpretation" bed wetter. There is only one way to"interpret" the COTUS. The founders were very deliberate in how they wrote the constitution. It has taken pseudo intellectual libturd asshats decades to distort the meaning of what was written, and coin asinine terms like "living constitution" so that they can subvert it and undermine the restraints placed upon the federal government.

Ted Cruz can recite the constitution, explain what the intent of each sentence is, and reference it from publications and court cases moonbat "scholars" don't even know exist.

I pray to God that the momentum Cruz has is maintained, and that he gets on the national stage.

Even you sniveling parasites won't be able to ignore how he destroys that vapid old hag you've already nominated without even the slightest critical view or question.

None, because he will not be president.

What EOs will President Cruz issue?
Prompter SHUT OFF! :321:

No teleprompter for Cruz | TheHill
The Hill
Mar 23, 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made his speech announcing that he would run for the presidency without the assistance of a teleprompter, his ...
Shut off, as stated.... BUT keep trying! :ahole-1:
Every politician has spoken without a teleprompter before :thup:

When you are an :ahole-1: WITH a teleprompter, you are an :ahole-1:

I think you're thinking of Hillary, who is on record as promoting most of what you write.

If Cruz is the nominee he will blow past Hillary. Cruz is young, upbeat with new ideas. Hillary represents the failed policies of B.Hussein Obama.

Hitlary represents the failed policies of Hugo Chavez.

This thread will be fun to bring up on a Wednesday in November.

Proof the far left does not understand anything beyond their programming!

You know, I read Candycorns messages, and I just chuckle; as should all of you.

Consider-----> The left MUST win the Presidency or it has nothing. Tell me.........if they do not win the Presidency, besides a few blue states, what do they have? They have NOTHING, and their power is weaker than it has been in 40 years.

On the other hand, let us look at our choices. We can win the Presidency, and or control the congress, and or do an article 5 which is very close to fruition. We control most of the states, the congress, and everything else between now. The left controls nothing worth while in the political spectrum, and to do it, they have to lie. They NEED the Presidency to be relevant. Without it, their whole apparatus will be dismantled, and they know it.

In closing, our avenues of success are multiple; their avenue of success is so narrow, you can't fit a piece of paper between it. Their arrogance reminds me of a boxer who has had their butt kicked, but goes back to their victory when they were younger; which has no correlation to today. What is the boxer repeating over and over? 332 to 206, or something very close to that!

All they are doing is trying to give you pause, because what is driving this election, they need to go away to give them a chance to win. It has NOTHING or very little to do with lefty, or righty policies; it has to do with the vast majority of Americans total distrust in Washington. And who is the party proclaiming they openly want big.....no....HUGE government!

And now you know, through all of the lefty bravado on here, they KNOW they are in trouble; unless they are really dumb........which some of them could be, lol! But I am sure them being dumb is NOT the case, because they work collectively to get rid of Trump, Cruz, and Carson, because those 3 can run against Washington all day, and be honest and convincing. They need these 3 to go away, because if not, they are going to have people voting that didn't vote for years. Guess who won elections when these people voted-) Now you know why the lefties need these 3 candidates to go away, so those voters go away too!

No really those far left drones are that stupid. They can only run programmed religious narratives. They actually believe they have choices in their nominations..

For them the new winning is losing!
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.

Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs...
What are you whining about. BO's EO's are way below average:
Theodore Roosevelt . . . 1,081
William Howard Taft . . . 724
Woodrow Wilson . . . 1,803
Warren G. Harding . . . 522
Calvin Coolidge . . . 1,203
Herbert Hoover . . . 968
Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . 3,522
Harry S. Truman . . . 907
Dwight D. Eisenhower . . . 484
John F. Kennedy . . . 214
Lyndon B. Johnson . . . 325
Richard Nixon . . . 346
Gerald R. Ford . . . 169
Jimmy Carter . . . 320
Ronald Reagan . . . 381
George H.W. Bush . . . 166
Bill Clinton . . . 364
George W. Bush . . . 291
Barack Obama (as of 2015-08-20) . . . 216
Another idiot who doesnt understand the issue.
It isnt the number. It's the quality of them. Obama has abused EOs far more than any other president.
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion.

Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true.

Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.
I think you're thinking of Hillary, who is on record as promoting most of what you write.

If Cruz is the nominee he will blow past Hillary. Cruz is young, upbeat with new ideas. Hillary represents the failed policies of B.Hussein Obama.

You mean Mister "Shut her Down" "Cat in the Hat" Cruz?

Is that a great DNC commercial or what?
I mean President Cruz he'sgonnakickliberalbuttbacktothestoneage, sir to you, sonny.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing. Libs can hardly complain if a GOP president "goes it alone" since they cheered Obama doing the same thing Personally I think the practice of bypassing Congress is wrong period but given the precedent set by the Dems there is no way to reverse it. It is like th nuclear option on filibusters. Once Dems did away with them the GOP was not going to restore it.
So what EOs and other executive action will President Cruz, or Trump (gd forbid), or Fiorina issue while in office?
We said the exact same thing when bush did all kinds of sneaky things like slipping shit into bills, abusing his executive authority.

I remember bush himself saying it can't be against the law because he's the law, so anything he does is legal.

It's been a long time so I forget the details but holy crap you sound just like me back when bush was abusing his authority.

And what has Obama done? Raise wages for federal workers or workers at any company that does business with the federal government? Good!

It's not like he tortured anyone.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing. Libs can hardly complain if a GOP president "goes it alone" since they cheered Obama doing the same thing Personally I think the practice of bypassing Congress is wrong period but given the precedent set by the Dems there is no way to reverse it. It is like th nuclear option on filibusters. Once Dems did away with them the GOP was not going to restore it.
So what EOs and other executive action will President Cruz, or Trump (gd forbid), or Fiorina issue while in office?
We said the exact same thing when bush did all kinds of sneaky things like slipping shit into bills, abusing his executive authority.

I remember bush himself saying it can't be against the law because he's the law, so anything he does is legal.

It's been a long time so I forget the details but holy crap you sound just like me back when bush was abusing his authority.

And what has Obama done? Raise wages for federal workers or workers at any company that does business with the federal government? Good!

It's not like he tortured anyone.
I remember Obama saying "L'Etat c'est moi" and "Let them eat cake."
As usual you've pulled shit out of your ass with no backing at all.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
I've always said you righties don't even know what we want or think or even who we are.

Just because trump isn't a traditional Republican does not make him a liberal or progressive. But to you everyone's either one of you or a far left drone.

I've had Republicans say to me, "you aren't a liberal because " fill in the blank" and I have to explain to them that's not what liberals believe, that's what rush and fox have brainwashed you to think we believe.

Middle class Republicans are really stupid.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
I've always said you righties don't even know what we want or think or even who we are.

Just because trump isn't a traditional Republican does not make him a liberal or progressive. But to you everyone's either one of you or a far left drone.

I've had Republicans say to me, "you aren't a liberal because " fill in the blank" and I have to explain to them that's not what liberals believe, that's what rush and fox have brainwashed you to think we believe.

Middle class Republicans are really stupid.
You cite Bush doing a bunch of things he never did and then say Republicans are stupid?
You're an idiot wielding weapons-grade stupidity.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
I've always said you righties don't even know what we want or think or even who we are.

Just because trump isn't a traditional Republican does not make him a liberal or progressive. But to you everyone's either one of you or a far left drone.

I've had Republicans say to me, "you aren't a liberal because " fill in the blank" and I have to explain to them that's not what liberals believe, that's what rush and fox have brainwashed you to think we believe.

Middle class Republicans are really stupid.

Of course anyone that is not far left is to the right of you far left drones..

And they continue to run their far left religious narratives, showing that they are not connected to reality in any way shape or form..
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing. Libs can hardly complain if a GOP president "goes it alone" since they cheered Obama doing the same thing Personally I think the practice of bypassing Congress is wrong period but given the precedent set by the Dems there is no way to reverse it. It is like th nuclear option on filibusters. Once Dems did away with them the GOP was not going to restore it.
So what EOs and other executive action will President Cruz, or Trump (gd forbid), or Fiorina issue while in office?
We said the exact same thing when bush did all kinds of sneaky things like slipping shit into bills, abusing his executive authority.

I remember bush himself saying it can't be against the law because he's the law, so anything he does is legal.

It's been a long time so I forget the details but holy crap you sound just like me back when bush was abusing his authority.

And what has Obama done? Raise wages for federal workers or workers at any company that does business with the federal government? Good!

It's not like he tortured anyone.
I remember Obama saying "L'Etat c'est moi" and "Let them eat cake."
As usual you've pulled shit out of your ass with no backing at all.
You forget that far back but I don't. I remember we warned that Republicans wouldn't like it if a democrat was pulling similar shannanigans and look at you crying just like we said you would.

Obama is a constitutional scholar. Trust him, he won't do anything that'll get him impeached.
Trump resurfaces idea of third-party run

Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty "deal".

Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack ads against his candidacy, the billionaire Republican front-runner tweeted on Monday:

Asked what "reports" Trump was referring to, his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said in a telephone interview that it was a reference to plans by a super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich to run a $2.5 million campaign against Trump.

Trump's tweet excavates a problem that the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it had buried three months ago.

Republican officials feared earlier in the year that Trump would run as an Independent candidate in the general election, which could vacuum votes away from the Republican nominee and ultimately hand the White House to Hillary Clinton.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus convinced Trump to sign a loyalty pledge that he would support the party's eventual nominee, and when the front-runner did so, on Sep. 3, the party thought the issue was over.

Trump said at the time: "I see no circumstances in which I would tear up that pledge."

Asked what Trump meant by his tweet Monday, Lewandowski said: "He wants to be treated fairly."

"But if Republicans are going to go attack him then maybe he doesn't think he's being treated fairly," he added.


Trump is a "progressive"..
Progressive demagogue.

It is funny that Trump acts more like a "progressive" than you far left drones..
I've always said you righties don't even know what we want or think or even who we are.

Just because trump isn't a traditional Republican does not make him a liberal or progressive. But to you everyone's either one of you or a far left drone.

I've had Republicans say to me, "you aren't a liberal because " fill in the blank" and I have to explain to them that's not what liberals believe, that's what rush and fox have brainwashed you to think we believe.

Middle class Republicans are really stupid.
You cite Bush doing a bunch of things he never did and then say Republicans are stupid?
You're an idiot wielding weapons-grade stupidity.
Im on my smartphone or I'd go find it easy where bush abused his executive authority.

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