what ethnicity you get guessed as where you are

There are 3 Questions to answer

1.What ethnicity you are
2.What you get guessed as by others
3.What you yourself think what you look like or where you could pass

I answer first since i started the thread

1.Im Serbian Roma ("Gypsy") with some Serbian Ancestry
2.In Austria i get mostly guessed as kind of middle eastern (turkish, kurdish, persian, egyptian etc.). In Serbia most people see that im of roma ancestry
3.I think i would pass anywhere from delhi to istanbul and in many parts of latin america as mestizo or triracial (the brown kind of latino etc. not the spanish kind)

ok your turn

Black Irish
Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican and black
American, I could pass as a Canadian though. Come late summer, anywhere people are brown with dark hair.
There are 3 Questions to answer

1.What ethnicity you are
2.What you get guessed as by others
3.What you yourself think what you look like or where you could pass

I answer first since i started the thread

1.Im Serbian Roma ("Gypsy") with some Serbian Ancestry
2.In Austria i get mostly guessed as kind of middle eastern (turkish, kurdish, persian, egyptian etc.). In Serbia most people see that im of roma ancestry
3.I think i would pass anywhere from delhi to istanbul and in many parts of latin america as mestizo or triracial (the brown kind of latino etc. not the spanish kind)

ok your turn
clic on the pics to make them bigger.

My wife has a Serbian mother and Croatian father, the picture is above Piraeus nr Athens.
My pic is in Lancashire.
$padeswood 006.jpg
There are 3 Questions to answer

1.What ethnicity you are
2.What you get guessed as by others
3.What you yourself think what you look like or where you could pass

I answer first since i started the thread

1.Im Serbian Roma ("Gypsy") with some Serbian Ancestry
2.In Austria i get mostly guessed as kind of middle eastern (turkish, kurdish, persian, egyptian etc.). In Serbia most people see that im of roma ancestry
3.I think i would pass anywhere from delhi to istanbul and in many parts of latin america as mestizo or triracial (the brown kind of latino etc. not the spanish kind)

ok your turn
clic on the pics to make them bigger.

My wife has a Serbian mother and Croatian father, the picture is above Piraeus nr Athens.
My pic is in Lancashire.
View attachment 30305
for some reason the piraeus pic did not work.
my wife$2005_0628yorkshiredales0115.JPG

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