What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

I've got no partisan horse in this race, I'm not going to blindly attack someone for partisan purposes, nor am I going to blindly defend someone for partisan purposes.. I remember Grassely's statement when the Thursday hearing started, that if you find one thing false about a witness, you can find all things false about the witness. The witnesses were under oath. And I have reason to believe Kavanaugh lied to the committee. One of the Dem senators asked him about an entry in his calendar where "boof" and "devil's triangle" were written and asked what they meant. Since he had earlier stated that he made entries into his calendar both going forward and going back, I'm having a very difficult time believing he was either eagerly anticipating an evening of intense farting, or he was looking back and wanting to re-live his evening of triumphant farting. Farting would be important enough to him to want to make a special notation on his calendar? And when asked about devil's triangle, he said it was a drinking game, but was unwilling to say how it was played other than three glasses were set up in a triangle. I do know of another definition of that term in use at the time, and there doesn't seem to be any other mention of a particular drinking game on his calendar, just that one date. Now, does this mean he is an attempted rapist? Nope. But to me, this does mean there is a very strong possibility he lied under oath to the committee. Enough to create doubt.
Those weren't entries in his calendar but in his yearbook.
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

He's angry because he's got something to hide.
If this was all just something pulled out of Feinstein's ass, he would have calmly welcomed any questions and an FBI investigation into the allegations.

they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?

the clintons? lol....
the dean of tale law school said to have an investigation.

the ABA said the same thing before endorsing him.

AND the jesuit priests who originally gave brett supprt, withdrew it.

Yale is a pit of radical left mal-education. The dean of the school is likely to call for riots in promotion of Marxism.

And you are flat out lying about the ABA - you Nazis have been busted on that lie.

The association’s president urged the Senate Judiciary Committee late Thursday to stall a confirmation vote until the FBI has conducted an investigation into Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her.

The letter was not seen by the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary before it was sent to the panel, committee chairman Paul Mosley wrote in a separate letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Friday.

The Standing Committee “acts independently” of the association’s leadership, he said.

“The Committee conducts non-partisan, non-ideological, and confidential peer review of federal judicial nominees. The ABA’s rating for Judge Kavanaugh is not affected by Mr. [Robert] Carlson’s letter,” the letter concluded. }

American Bar Association committee still stands behind Kavanaugh

You Nazis had ONE unethical pile of shit on the ABA who wrote a letter. Then the lying fucks of your corrupt press pimped it as if it were the entire ABA.

It's just the way you Nazi fucks operate.
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford would’ve left leland to be the next (as she was the only other female there) to be brutalized.

She was 15 years old.
A girl. And terrified.
Why are you projecting a mature adult's thought and action process onto her?
Fully grown women who are attacked would not act much differently.
It's called "fight or flight".

reasoning with a trumpanzee is almost impossible.
That's only because you try to "reason" with lies and half truths. You know, I hope you bastards win the mid terms. You deserve what you'll get.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
Too fucking bad...your leaders Booker, Kamala Harris and Feinstien should have thought this through before hand. Now you reap what you sow. That's Justice.
So you are willing, even gleeful, over ditching Justice for partisanship? Is this what you think America should be about? Is your team 'winning' worth the credibility of our nation's highest court?
Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.

Of course that's what it is. and only idiots believe otherwise.

One problem

Mitch had precedence

That's what they called it, anyway.
It was a ruse, not a precedent.


it wasn't used prior to Garland, because there was no need.

That does not remove Bidens comment

It's just the only single solitary time in history that the 'Pubes would say Biden has set a precedent.
There is absolutely no basis in congressional rules for it. It was Biden's opinion in a year in which there wasn't even a fucking vacancy on the Court.

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

That's nice

why did Biden start his comments with: "President Bush should follow the practice of the majority of his predecessors, and not...and not, name a nominee until after the November election is completed"?
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
All this had was partisan politics....nothing more. Anybody with an inkling of common sense could see that. Seems a requirement of the left is to
leave common sense at the door.
Is it common sense to abandon the credibility of the justice system?
So you are willing, even gleeful, over ditching Justice for partisanship? Is this what you think America should be about? Is your team 'winning' worth the credibility of our nation's highest court?

That seems to describe the lynch mob of you Nazis.

How much did you Nazis pay Dr. Ford to make this allegation, again? It's over $1 million, that I know.
Those weren't entries in his calendar but in his yearbook.

Kavanaugh did not write the yearbook - those so-called quotes would be ruled as hearsay in a legal court. They were written by the yearbook staff and attributed to Mark Judge and other people. In fact, Judge said all of the disputed phrases - not Kavanaugh. (ralph, fffffff, boof and devil's triangle) - Kavanaugh did not use any of those words himself , so you have DOUBLE HEARSAY. You have the yearbook staff saying what they heard Mark Judge say about Kavanaugh. That is not evidence, it's useless banter by teenagers.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

It was Trump's words, right down to Trump's syntax and delivery.
Kavanaugh is a fucking puppet for Trump.
Why in the hell else would Trump choose him?
He choose him based on his record as a judge and his willingness to interpret law based on the constitution. You've heard of that, right?

he picked him because brett believes a sitting president is above the law. roe v wade is a throw in for pence & the fundies.

but it really is always about donny.
health insurance companies can charge higher premiums for pre existing conditions. that would include hypertension, diabetes, cancer...

tick tick tick...

Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander in hopes of creating fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Show us where Kavanaugh has proposed such things, Herr Himmler?

Oh you can't? Well, that's because you're a fucking liar - it's the Nazi way.
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

He's angry because he's got something to hide.
If this was all just something pulled out of Feinstein's ass, he would have calmly welcomed any questions and an FBI investigation into the allegations.

they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?

the clintons? lol....

where did I mentions the Clintons?

I was referring to the Senators on the Left on that committee
The point Kavanaugh was making about the Clintons is that he served on the Ken Starr Committee is the investigation of Bill Clinton for his sexual misconduct during his Presidency. He was not responsible for deciding what happened to Bill Clinton, he was only investigating what rights and protections Presidents have while in office in terms of answering civil and criminal complaints. This what he wrote about President BIll Clinton:

"A president shouldn't be subject to civil litigation or criminal investigation while in office because the demands of the office are too great. The remedy, if a president does something dastardly, would be impeachment - quote, "no single prosecutor, judge or jury should be able to accomplish what the Constitution assigns to Congress."

So, even though he personally thought Bill Clinton was a scumbag for desecrating the Oval Office (and I agreed), he still said the President should NOT have to face for the various lawsuits people were trying to put on him while he was serving as President.

And for the record - this is part of the "predisposition of opinion" the Democrats cite as a reason why he should not be on the high Court.

he had a lot of very interesting salacious questions posed to clinton- quite sexual in nature... brett is a sick dude.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
All this had was partisan politics....nothing more. Anybody with an inkling of common sense could see that. Seems a requirement of the left is to
leave common sense at the door.
Is it common sense to abandon the credibility of the justice system?
Common sense would have dictated that the justice system wasn't warranted.
But, you would need common sense to understand that.
The point Kavanaugh was making about the Clintons is that he served on the Ken Starr Committee is the investigation of Bill Clinton for his sexual misconduct during his Presidency. He was not responsible for deciding what happened to Bill Clinton, he was only investigating what rights and protections Presidents have while in office in terms of answering civil and criminal complaints. This what he wrote about President BIll Clinton:

"A president shouldn't be subject to civil litigation or criminal investigation while in office because the demands of the office are too great. The remedy, if a president does something dastardly, would be impeachment - quote, "no single prosecutor, judge or jury should be able to accomplish what the Constitution assigns to Congress."

So, even though he personally thought Bill Clinton was a scumbag for desecrating the Oval Office (and I agreed), he still said the President should NOT have to face for the various lawsuits people were trying to put on him while he was serving as President.

And for the record - this is part of the "predisposition of opinion" the Democrats cite as a reason why he should not be on the high Court.

he had a lot of very interesting salacious questions posed to clinton- quite sexual in nature... brett is a sick dude.

have a link to those 'salacious questions'?
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
Too fucking bad...your leaders Booker, Kamala Harris and Feinstien should have thought this through before hand. Now you reap what you sow. That's Justice.
So you are willing, even gleeful, over ditching Justice for partisanship? Is this what you think America should be about? Is your team 'winning' worth the credibility of our nation's highest court?

This week has proven to me that we are at all out war...no mercy, no quarter. The Democrats have proven they will do anything to win. There is no "fairness" there is no "justice" ... that was washed away completely.
And if that puts us literally at each others throats...just remember...it started here.

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