What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

It was Trump's words, right down to Trump's syntax and delivery.
Kavanaugh is a fucking puppet for Trump.
Why in the hell else would Trump choose him?
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

It was Trump's words, right down to Trump's syntax and delivery.
Kavanaugh is a fucking puppet for Trump.
Why in the hell else would Trump choose him?
He choose him based on his record as a judge and his willingness to interpret law based on the constitution. You've heard of that, right?
Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.

Of course that's what it is. and only idiots believe otherwise.

One problem

Mitch had precedence

That's what they called it, anyway.
It was a ruse, not a precedent.


it wasn't used prior to Garland, because there was no need.

That does not remove Bidens comment

It's just the only single solitary time in history that the 'Pubes would say Biden has set a precedent.
There is absolutely no basis in congressional rules for it. It was Biden's opinion in a year in which there wasn't even a fucking vacancy on the Court.

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year
Go Trump and Go Kavanaugh. The liberals can go and pound sand, elections have consequences.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

Please...you are a liar. All I smell is desperation.

The Republicans out manuveured you. They got the hearing first and the FBI investigation second...and we both know how it's going to turn out. The difference is I'll be truthful...and you will come back and lie some more.

A synopsis of your post after the investigation finds Ford was full o' crap..."Oh, I do declare, those FBI guys whitewashed the investigation 'cuz Trump made them...where is my fainting couch, I do believe I'm getting the Vapors".
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After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
There are already hard partisans on the supreme court...they are liberals.

And Kavanaugh isn't partisan...he hates you because of what you did to him. And you DESERVE that hatred, and brought it on youselves. Learn to live with it.

Kavanaugh supports the United States Constitution, which is enemy #1 to the Nazicrats.

The corrupt leftist media keeps saying Kavanaugh will shift the court to the right. That isn't true, Kavanaugh will shift the court toward the Constitution.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
Too fucking bad...your leaders Booker, Kamala Harris and Feinstien should have thought this through before hand. Now you reap what you sow. That's Justice.
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After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
That's not justice. Impartiality is justice, partisanship is politics and cases must not be decided according to politics. Cases must be determined by law.
All this had was partisan politics....nothing more. Anybody with an inkling of common sense could see that. Seems a requirement of the left is to
leave common sense at the door.
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

he started in on the CONspiracy 'hillary did it' bullshit. whether he vomited trump's orders to included that or it was from his own pursed lips, it was a whacked thing to say among the rest of his diatribe.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Liberar law professors and legal scholars say you are wrong, they think Kavanaugh would make an excellent SC justice. So much for your fake news.
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford would’ve left leland to be the next (as she was the only other female there) to be brutalized.

She was 15 years old.
A girl. And terrified.
Why are you projecting a mature adult's thought and action process onto her?
Fully grown women who are attacked would not act much differently.
It's called "fight or flight".

reasoning with a trumpanzee is almost impossible.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Liberar law professors and legal scholars say you are wrong, they think Kavanaugh would make an excellent SC justice. So much for your fake news.

the dean of tale law school said to have an investigation.

the ABA said the same thing before endorsing him.

AND the jesuit priests who originally gave brett supprt, withdrew it.
The point Kavanaugh was making about the Clintons is that he served on the Ken Starr Committee is the investigation of Bill Clinton for his sexual misconduct during his Presidency. He was not responsible for deciding what happened to Bill Clinton, he was only investigating what rights and protections Presidents have while in office in terms of answering civil and criminal complaints. This what he wrote about President BIll Clinton:

"A president shouldn't be subject to civil litigation or criminal investigation while in office because the demands of the office are too great. The remedy, if a president does something dastardly, would be impeachment - quote, "no single prosecutor, judge or jury should be able to accomplish what the Constitution assigns to Congress."

So, even though he personally thought Bill Clinton was a scumbag for desecrating the Oval Office (and I agreed), he still said the President should NOT have to face for the various lawsuits people were trying to put on him while he was serving as President.

And for the record - this is part of the "predisposition of opinion" the Democrats cite as a reason why he should not be on the high Court.
Roe V Wade... tick tick tick...

And yet it won't happen.

This whole lynching by the Nazis is over RvW, yet there is nearly zero chance it will be repealed.

The democrats have revealed themselves as the vile enemies of America that we all knew them to be - for nothing. Roberts is a staunch establishment guy, even IF there were a challenge, he would support Roe.
This gotta be good.

What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.
Thanks. You just disqualified Ginsberg as well for her highly partisan attacks against Trump a year ago. I'll give up Kavanaugh if you dump Ginsberg.

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.
Except his statements were commensurate with his situation, and his claims supported by the facts. His tear-strewn emotional rebuttal was clear, balanced and justified. There was no rant except in YOUR flea-infested brain, it would have been far stranger had he NOT spoken as he did. He is the most qualified Justice to come along since Antonin Scalia and someday I expect him to be the HEAD of the Supreme Court!

And I pray to God he still remembers the horrible viscous ordeal you jackals put him through.

Ginsberg, Kagan and Sotomayor all clearly vote every time along partisan party lines---- ---- start with worrying about them. Sadly, I think Kavanaugh is too honorable to let his grief over these heinous acts of the democrats prejudice him in future legal decisions. In fact, he's the kind of guy that will probably overcompensate in the Left's favor just to prove his fairness.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Democrats do this constantly. When whites fight back when getting attacked by blacks they are racist bullies. When Israeli retaliates for rocket attacks they are attacking women and children.

Democrats have classes of people that it is okay to abuse and who may not fight back no matter what is done to them. Brett Kavanaugh fills three 9f those classes. He is a straight, white male who is not permitted to complain. Have at it Democrats, you have put the man in social stocks.
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford would’ve left leland to be the next (as she was the only other female there) to be brutalized.

She was 15 years old.
A girl. And terrified.
Why are you projecting a mature adult's thought and action process onto her?
Fully grown women who are attacked would not act much differently.
It's called "fight or flight".

reasoning with a trumpanzee is almost impossible.

Your liberal brain is so warped by evil you wouldn't know reason if it walked up and knocked your block off.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?

i don't recall any commercials for their endorsements being splashed all over TV for days that were paid for by political action committees like brett has.

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