What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford would’ve left leland to be the next (as she was the only other female there) to be brutalized.

She was 15 years old.
A girl. And terrified.
Why are you projecting a mature adult's thought and action process onto her?
Fully grown women who are attacked would not act much differently.
It's called "fight or flight".
a frightened girl WOULD want her friend out of there!
again, subsequently, would ford not have told leland about what had happened to her to warn her against 2 "rapists?"
please - give me a break - nothing adds up in the fictional tale of ford

Oh, it adds up - to over a million dollars in Ford's pocket.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

If you truly loved American you would be against a hard partisan on the supreme Court.
I've got no partisan horse in this race, I'm not going to blindly attack someone for partisan purposes, nor am I going to blindly defend someone for partisan purposes.. I remember Grassely's statement when the Thursday hearing started, that if you find one thing false about a witness, you can find all things false about the witness. The witnesses were under oath. And I have reason to believe Kavanaugh lied to the committee. One of the Dem senators asked him about an entry in his calendar where "boof" and "devil's triangle" were written and asked what they meant. Since he had earlier stated that he made entries into his calendar both going forward and going back, I'm having a very difficult time believing he was either eagerly anticipating an evening of intense farting, or he was looking back and wanting to re-live his evening of triumphant farting. Farting would be important enough to him to want to make a special notation on his calendar? And when asked about devil's triangle, he said it was a drinking game, but was unwilling to say how it was played other than three glasses were set up in a triangle. I do know of another definition of that term in use at the time, and there doesn't seem to be any other mention of a particular drinking game on his calendar, just that one date. Now, does this mean he is an attempted rapist? Nope. But to me, this does mean there is a very strong possibility he lied under oath to the committee. Enough to create doubt.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.

Wow, just a little hysterical here.
Only losers attack the messenger when they can't attack the TRUTH in the message.


I doubt he's any more 'partisan' than any other Justice on the court, with the possible exception of Roberts
So, when did the others rant on national TV about how they were going to use their position to get even, 'cause I musta missed it.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

If you truly loved American you would be against a hard partisan on the supreme Court.

Then you're in favor of Ginsburg retiring?

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.
Not to mention what they did to his family, i thought he was to tame.

What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

If you truly loved American you would be against a hard partisan on the supreme Court.

There are already hard partisans on the supreme court...they are liberals.

And Kavanaugh isn't partisan...he hates you because of what you did to him. And you DESERVE that hatred, and brought it on youselves. Learn to live with it.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.

Wow, just a little hysterical here.
Only losers attack the messenger when they can't attack the TRUTH in the message.


I doubt he's any more 'partisan' than any other Justice on the court, with the possible exception of Roberts
So, when did the others rant on national TV about how they were going to use their position to get even, 'cause I musta missed it.
Top my knowledge they haven't.

are you saying they aren't?
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?
Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.

Of course that's what it is. and only idiots believe otherwise.

One problem

Mitch had precedence

That's what they called it, anyway.
It was a ruse, not a precedent.

Nowhere in his spittle speckled rant did he say anything about interpreting the law according to the Constitution. He said he would get even with Democrats.
Few are overlooking Kavanaugh's temperament. It is by far more important than the accusations of 'boys will be boys' back in the day when 'boys will be boys' was an acceptable rib-elbowing fact of life. I am pulled in opposite directions on the issue. The described behavior is despicable, but judging historical events by today's standards doesn't seem very fair either. I do not dismiss Ford's accusation or her testimony. Negative life-changing events that leave one shuddering for a lifetime is a valid reason to lash out.

I knew nothing of Kavanaugh before his nomination, and only press releases after, which were flattering. But when he testified, I saw an adolescent tantrum-prone grown man who dodged questions and even tried to intimidate questioners. It doesn't matter to me now whether the investigation turns up validation for either Ford or Kavanaugh, I just do not think he is fit for the job.

What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Nowhere in his spittle speckled rant did he say anything about interpreting the law according to the Constitution. He said he would get even with Democrats.
Can't blame him. Democrats are trying to ruin him for no reason other than he's not a lying treasonous bastard. He needs to get them. We all do. Democrats are filth.
Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.

Of course that's what it is. and only idiots believe otherwise.

One problem

Mitch had precedence

That's what they called it, anyway.
It was a ruse, not a precedent.


it wasn't used prior to Garland, because there was no need.

That does not remove Bidens comment

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