What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Our far-left Trolls will find this funny too. Such pathetic human beings.

The U.S. Economy Created 130,000 Jobs in August, Wage Growth Accelerated, Unemployment 3.7%
JOHN CARNEY 6 Sep 2019
Average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 11 cents to $28.11, or 0.4 percent, following 9-cent gains in both June and July. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. In August, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 11 cents to $23.59.
The U.S. Economy Created 130,000 Jobs in August, Wage Growth Accelerated, Unemployment 3.7% | Breitbart

Why does anyone suppose Progressives LAUGH about all the great things happening in our great country since President Donald Trump took office?
...because it is a Continuing Trend.
That the left wing continually assured us would be impossible because Trump was elected. You do remember that, don't you?
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

What does that have to do with the haters being wrong?
wrong about what?

These 5 countries are teetering on the brink of a recession
Wrong about their predictions of immediate doom upon his election. They haven't been right yet.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Blacks can think for themselves why do white leftist think they can't find a DMV? Why do leftist think blacks need assistance all the time? Do you're so fay planted in the democrats Plantation system it ain't even funny just delusional
the right wing is worse.
The right wing doesn't want dependents we want productive people that's why black unemployment is down at an all-time low.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Republicans freed the black slaves. And the Republicans pushed to end the exploitation of blacks. How many white males died to free the slaves under a republican?
the right wing were democrats, back then.
Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Well there is some truth to it. Personally, I should be glad the Turks enslaved the Greeks for hundreds of years. Why? Because it led to me being born. Had they not invaded that would have changed the timeline.

It's like someone who was born to a woman who's husband was killed on 9-11. She met another man after her husband was killed and she had this child. That child should be glad 9-11 happened because if it didn't they would have never been born.

Slavery and 9-11, bad things. BUT, without slavery you wouldn't have been born.

You've gone stupid here sealy. Why whites think they can say what you did is irritating, but ignorance is part of life.

All that should matter is am I for or against this:

4 Ways To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Workplace | HuffPost

Leave Your Bias At The Door

While it takes more than willpower to overcome all our biases, conscious or not, we can change the qualifications we expect of candidates and how we assess them. To attract talent from marginalized and diverse communities, look beyond their schooling, GPAs and the companies they’ve previously worked for. Assess them by the skills demonstrated through the roles they’ve held; by how they come across when you meet them in person.

Studies show candidates with names associated with a particular ethnic group or gender are more likely to be screened out before their experience is even assessed. To combat this, some companies have moved toward blind hiring. Another method is utilizing a scoring system to ensure all resumes are evaluated in a systematic way, i.e., a certain number of points for specific skills or education credentials. Each candidate gets a score based solely on what’s in their resume — and not based on who the hiring manager might think the person is.

2. Once you’ve successfully increased your workforce’s diversity, it’s important to foster a welcoming and inclusive culture. Studies show that an employee’s first three months are particularly challenging and can affect the length of their tenure. Employee resource groups can ease this transition by creating a sense of community so that newly onboarded staff don’t feel lonely or isolated.

I do this. I befriend the black person when they are hired. I don't ignore them like Republicans/conservatives do.

There is some truth to what I said before. If the turks hadn't enslaved the Greeks, I wouldn't be here. Not saying it was a good thing but without it, I wouldn't be born. And I now live in the greatest country in the world. Could it be better? Sure. Is it perfect? No. But we still live in the greatest country in the world. Look at you. You're a black man in America and you are successful despite the country not being perfect. It never will be perfect. Racism will be here 2000 years after you are dead.

Dumbest fucking shit I've ever read.

look beyond their schooling, GPAs and the companies they’ve previously worked for. Assess them by the skills demonstrated through the roles they’ve held;

Uh stupid fuck, the skills demonstrated through the roles they've held is their schooling, GPAs and the companies they’ve previously worked for.

You Communists are fucking retards following the insane.
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

I don't know, how have the far left Progressive economists done in the past?

The New York Times

Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
By Paul Krugman
12:42 AM ET Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down on my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
I used to be a Democrat. I realized Republicans freed the slaves, hundreds of thousands died to free the slaves. And plenty was spent from the treasury to fund freeing the slaves...which was seen at the time as tangential. That, my friends is all the reparations you get. What do you expect?
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.


Colleges are filled with leftist shit fer brains.

Here is one as an example:

I have a doctorate, as you know, hence I've spent decades in institutions of upper learning.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Sure you do.
... imagine... that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.....

An awful lot of them are an awful lot of the time.

Notice I’m the only one who’s willing to tell my side when they are wrong?

Actually, I see you being a douche to people on both sides of the isle too. Most people here won’t tell their side it’s wrong when it’s wrong. I’ll give you that

Anyways, I can’t deny most teachers are liberal. They are. But of course they are they’re in a union that protects and pays them/you about $20k more a year than republicans would pay you.

I guarantee you if republicans were honest they’d admit a teacher is only worth $50k a year. Lots of good teachers only make $50k a year. And what’s their alternative? Like me, I’m stuck in sales. I can’t make as much in any other job. If I don’t want to do sales what can I do with just a business degree and 25 years of sales experience? What are the high paying crossover jobs that sales people can easily get?

Can you tell me what a teacher with 25 years of experience teaching can do other than teach that pays as much as you make now? What are these jobs? And if a teacher with teaching experience and a teaching degree can do that job, why couldn’t anybody with a bachelor degree and experience doing something other than teach? I’m curious what jobs you think you could get hired for in the private sector.

I know a bunch of public school teachers. None of them are particularly sharp or bright. They say they do it for the kids or because of noble reasons but I think teaching is all they or you are qualified to do. Plus what other job is going to pay you a pension and give you summers off? You lucky hypocrite
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Sure you do.

I wasn't aware that degrees from either was such an unbelievable accomplishment, Mike! It wasn't that hard...you should try!
Most teachers I know who retire with a pension end up taking a job that pays much less than what they were making teaching at a public school. Not more.

My gay buddy at work has a live in lover. He retired from a public school and gets a pension and now works for less at a private school.

But he’s happy because he gets a pension.
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What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Sure you do.

I wasn't aware that degrees from either was such an unbelievable accomplishment, Mike! It wasn't that hard...you should try!
Who gets a history degree? What a waste of money. Why not a business degree?

And then to jump into a mba? Why didn’t the dumb fuck get a business degree?

This is a weird path. I’d like to know what he was thinking getting a history degree. And then to be able to handle all those mba classes? That would be pretty impressive.

Trump lies about his college so probably does mike.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Blacks can think for themselves why do white leftist think they can't find a DMV? Why do leftist think blacks need assistance all the time? Do you're so fay planted in the democrats Plantation system it ain't even funny just delusional
the right wing is worse.
Than what? I see every day the Lefties censuring and trying to shut down arguments with their dogmatic screeds...like fascist do. Sticks and stones.
than the left, dear.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
Oh kiss my ass. Us liberals are all for helping individuals find self autonomy too.

You want the racist status quo because you feel it benefits you and you think diversity would hurt your racist ass
...because it is a Continuing Trend.
That the left wing continually assured us would be impossible because Trump was elected. You do remember that, don't you?
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

What does that have to do with the haters being wrong?
wrong about what?

These 5 countries are teetering on the brink of a recession
Wrong about their predictions of immediate doom upon his election. They haven't been right yet.
lol. your guy managed to help create a recession in his first term.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Blacks can think for themselves why do white leftist think they can't find a DMV? Why do leftist think blacks need assistance all the time? Do you're so fay planted in the democrats Plantation system it ain't even funny just delusional
the right wing is worse.
The right wing doesn't want dependents we want productive people that's why black unemployment is down at an all-time low.
y'all have a "work or die" ethic for the Poor.

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