What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Keep voting democrat! They will fix all your problems for you! Me? I personally don’t believe in bean counting and catering to blacks! But you keep on keeping on!

Since no one is catering to blacks......

Just another example of the racism in the republican party.

And we are supposed to vote for that.
No one expects you to be smart!

And everyone expects you to be racist.
I’m white and I think she’s dumb af
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Keep voting democrat! They will fix all your problems for you! Me? I personally don’t believe in bean counting and catering to blacks! But you keep on keeping on!

Since no one is catering to blacks......

Just another example of the racism in the republican party.

And we are supposed to vote for that.
No one expects you to be smart!

And everyone expects you to be racist.
I’m white and I think she’s dumb af

Smarts have no color, unless you are republican. Then after they show their racism, they try saying its the democrats who are the racists even when you don't read or hear democrats saying anything close.

As for this cities being controlled by democrat shit, every election, at every level, republicans run candidates who have ideas. If EVERY American city was controlled by democrats, If EVERY inner city community was run by democrats, it is because what republicans have to offer is worse.
Sounds like longing for the Jim Crow days. :eek:

Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Well there is some truth to it. Personally, I should be glad the Turks enslaved the Greeks for hundreds of years. Why? Because it led to me being born. Had they not invaded that would have changed the timeline.

It's like someone who was born to a woman who's husband was killed on 9-11. She met another man after her husband was killed and she had this child. That child should be glad 9-11 happened because if it didn't they would have never been born.

Slavery and 9-11, bad things. BUT, without slavery you wouldn't have been born.

You've gone stupid here sealy. Why whites think they can say what you did is irritating, but ignorance is part of life.

All that should matter is am I for or against this:

4 Ways To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Workplace | HuffPost

Leave Your Bias At The Door

While it takes more than willpower to overcome all our biases, conscious or not, we can change the qualifications we expect of candidates and how we assess them. To attract talent from marginalized and diverse communities, look beyond their schooling, GPAs and the companies they’ve previously worked for. Assess them by the skills demonstrated through the roles they’ve held; by how they come across when you meet them in person.

Studies show candidates with names associated with a particular ethnic group or gender are more likely to be screened out before their experience is even assessed. To combat this, some companies have moved toward blind hiring. Another method is utilizing a scoring system to ensure all resumes are evaluated in a systematic way, i.e., a certain number of points for specific skills or education credentials. Each candidate gets a score based solely on what’s in their resume — and not based on who the hiring manager might think the person is.

2. Once you’ve successfully increased your workforce’s diversity, it’s important to foster a welcoming and inclusive culture. Studies show that an employee’s first three months are particularly challenging and can affect the length of their tenure. Employee resource groups can ease this transition by creating a sense of community so that newly onboarded staff don’t feel lonely or isolated.

I do this. I befriend the black person when they are hired. I don't ignore them like Republicans/conservatives do.

There is some truth to what I said before. If the turks hadn't enslaved the Greeks, I wouldn't be here. Not saying it was a good thing but without it, I wouldn't be born. And I now live in the greatest country in the world. Could it be better? Sure. Is it perfect? No. But we still live in the greatest country in the world. Look at you. You're a black man in America and you are successful despite the country not being perfect. It never will be perfect. Racism will be here 2000 years after you are dead.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Are you not lower middle class? I bet you are liar.

Are you white?

Are you a male?

Are you a conservative?

So I didn't lie but you are about to.
Here is smellypopo's picture.

no disc.jpg
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!

Sounds like she majored in virtue signaling.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Are you not lower middle class? I bet you are liar.

Are you white?

Are you a male?

Are you a conservative?

So I didn't lie but you are about to.
He could be upper lower class. Lower lower class is not likely, he wouldn't have a computer.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Are you not lower middle class? I bet you are liar.

Are you white?

Are you a male?

Are you a conservative?

So I didn't lie but you are about to.
He could be upper lower class. Lower lower class is not likely, he wouldn't have a computer.
I use the computer at the prison where I'm locked up for assaulting queers.
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!

Sounds like she majored in virtue signaling.
Arts and Sciences
Social Sciences

I got 120 credit hours from an accredited university. If you did not you have no right to have an opinion about what the "liberal" colleges and "liberal" media are brainwashing us with when it is Fox and Rush and guys like Bush and Boehner and Trump who have brainwashed you. Their lobbyists own the swamp. Trump is now king swamp creature.

God I miss Obama or Bill Clinton. Two great men. Trump, a liar cheat, rapist and adulterer. Amirite?
Diversity is like a lethal virus.

Let me guess. You're a lower middle class white male conservative.
Let me guess: You're pos libtard scumbag that lies evey chance they get.

Are you not lower middle class? I bet you are liar.

Are you white?

Are you a male?

Are you a conservative?

So I didn't lie but you are about to.
He could be upper lower class. Lower lower class is not likely, he wouldn't have a computer.
I use the computer at the prison where I'm locked up for assaulting queers.
I bet you rape them good huh?
Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Well there is some truth to it. Personally, I should be glad the Turks enslaved the Greeks for hundreds of years. Why? Because it led to me being born. Had they not invaded that would have changed the timeline.

It's like someone who was born to a woman who's husband was killed on 9-11. She met another man after her husband was killed and she had this child. That child should be glad 9-11 happened because if it didn't they would have never been born.

Slavery and 9-11, bad things. BUT, without slavery you wouldn't have been born.

You've gone stupid here sealy. Why whites think they can say what you did is irritating, but ignorance is part of life.

All that should matter is am I for or against this:

4 Ways To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Workplace | HuffPost

Leave Your Bias At The Door

While it takes more than willpower to overcome all our biases, conscious or not, we can change the qualifications we expect of candidates and how we assess them. To attract talent from marginalized and diverse communities, look beyond their schooling, GPAs and the companies they’ve previously worked for. Assess them by the skills demonstrated through the roles they’ve held; by how they come across when you meet them in person.

Studies show candidates with names associated with a particular ethnic group or gender are more likely to be screened out before their experience is even assessed. To combat this, some companies have moved toward blind hiring. Another method is utilizing a scoring system to ensure all resumes are evaluated in a systematic way, i.e., a certain number of points for specific skills or education credentials. Each candidate gets a score based solely on what’s in their resume — and not based on who the hiring manager might think the person is.

2. Once you’ve successfully increased your workforce’s diversity, it’s important to foster a welcoming and inclusive culture. Studies show that an employee’s first three months are particularly challenging and can affect the length of their tenure. Employee resource groups can ease this transition by creating a sense of community so that newly onboarded staff don’t feel lonely or isolated.

I do this. I befriend the black person when they are hired. I don't ignore them like Republicans/conservatives do.

There is some truth to what I said before. If the turks hadn't enslaved the Greeks, I wouldn't be here. Not saying it was a good thing but without it, I wouldn't be born. And I now live in the greatest country in the world. Could it be better? Sure. Is it perfect? No. But we still live in the greatest country in the world. Look at you. You're a black man in America and you are successful despite the country not being perfect. It never will be perfect. Racism will be here 2000 years after you are dead.

If you befriend the new guy because he is black, you are being racist.

Ignoring him, because we don't care, is what we are supposed to do, based on the stated rules of our society and it's consensus of racial equality.

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