What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

IM2 Perhaps if 20% of our colleges and universities do not use SAT scores (you have yet to confirm your allegation) perhaps they use ACT scores. What do you think?

Ta Ta to our two racist Trolls. Continue with your foolishness.

I'll return if you two ever decide to accept cold, hard, facts!
Did you get sucked into trying to talk logic or facts or common sense or truth with asslips?

He doesn't listen, period... I hope you learned something... being that the only thing you should do if you're ever going to pay any attention to that idiot is just talk the same bull shit he does... just bull shit... because you are UTTERLY wasting your time presenting facts.
Look at what you're doing here. You're still excusing or justifying racist or inappropriate behavior by blacks by citing more racism by whites. It's a victimhood contest for you and always has been.

If a black person experiences racism by whites then anger and frustration are justifiable reactions. Spitting on a white person who may or may not be guilty of racism or harassment is not a justifiable reaction. After all this time, you still don't understand this?

What if it was not done after a bunch of racial slurs? What if it was something else or even nothing at all? Again you try to constrain or define the parameters of the white position by unilaterally citing a "bunch of racial slurs", as if this is the only reason a black person might spit on a white person. It never even occurred to you that the black guy who spit on me just may have been wrong about my intentions. And even when I pointed this out, you dismissed it or ignored it.

My story also didn't contain any indication that I was lying or even that I did in fact harass him because he was black. But that didn't stop you from accusing me of both. And this was before you even knew me and before you asked for any details.

Your first impulse should have been to ask me for details before passing judgment. Instead, your first impulse - your reaction to white racism - was to assume I lied or that I did harass him. The questions didn't come until after the accusations. And even after I answered all your questions and there was still no indication that I harassed him and every indication he was wrong, you still didn't believe it and moved on to the next thing which was documented evidence that he was guilty of past racism. This was after you accused me of racism and lying or harassment without documented evidence of racism on my part.

From the very beginning, as the story unfolded and the details were sussed out, you looked for something, anything, to make me wrong or the bad guy. First it was me lying. When you realized the story may have been true, it became me being the racist and harassing him. After getting some details, it became him being angry about white racism. After getting more details, you wanted documented evidence. When I pointed out that I didn't have any documented incidents of racism, you simply backed off and said no more about it.

Unless you're saying he was justified in spitting on me regardless of my actual intentions then this is irrelevant. Whatever problems he had with white people were not my problems and I am not obligated to take that into consideration where the job is concerned. I had a job to do and so did he. I am not going to spend my life tiptoeing around blacks for fear of inadvertently pissing them off.

What do you mean "Whites such as you"? You have no fucking clue as to whether or not I ever pushed the "racist envelope" in my job or was inappropriate in any way with my black coworkers.

And right there is a part of your problem. Your sarcasm and exaggerations above are in no way a reflection of what I told you or conveyed to you. In addition, the last sentence is incorrect in two parts, which shows once again that you don't even bother to remember what I said.

1. ) All I said was that our company had always hired blacks and I've worked with blacks all through my entire 34 years with the company. So there were many more than two blacks working there. I also said that blacks have been in this industry ever since I got into this line of work.
2.) I already told you that the other black guy never said anything about it and I never said he was racist.

Do you see now why I won't let this go? You don't even have the integrity to remember what I tell you about it. Every one of your arguments and comments on this in the last six months are based on the two erroneous assumptions you made at the very start: I lied or I harassed him.
I've given you the complete story and nothing I told you indicates I lied or harassed him but you keep going back to that anyway because it's the only way you can make me wrong.

You and Asclepias trade snarky comments about my intellect and you can't even stick to one definition of racism.

The facts and documentation on the American record shows that your argument is silly and without merit. That's just how it is. Whites continue to be racists and there is nothing blacks have done that even close.. But as you are not obligated to stop racism in e white communiy we are under no obligation to listen to you talk about your perception of racism or your clams of black racism. So I'm done doing it.

So wait, why are you here?

You say you don't care about other peoples' opinions ... you're not going to listen to anyone (not even disagree, but just disregard them completely) ... does that mean you're just here to try to ... what, spread propaganda? Circle jerk with the black supremacists? What's the point? I don't get it.

There are no black supremacists here and I don't spread propagada. The only one here wanting to circle jerk with supremacists is you.

No, except for Asceplias (however you spell the idiot's name), who has referred to himself as a black supremacist, or Paul Essien, who thinks white women deserve to be raped and advocates for genocide. Other than those, there are probably only a few others.

I'm still not sure whether you qualify. It's clear that you judge people primarily based on their skin color, but that doesn't necessarily make you a racist. Just prejudiced.

Blacks here are all talking about a behavior junior and that behavior just happens to be primarily practiced by whites.

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Educate yourself out of your racial ignorance and quit listening to white race pimps telling you that anti racist is anti white. Anti racist is anti racist. Because when you claim that anti racism is anti white, you are saying pro racism is pro white. This means you are admitting that whites are inherently racist.

King said this over fifty years ago. If you can't see that there has been a sea change in the white attitude towards blacks since then, it is hopeless for you.
Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.
Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.
You tried this before and then we found out that you work for the tips I give people. :rolleyes:
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Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.
You tried this before and then we found out that you work for the tips I give people. :rolleyes:
Most here know what I do. :)

Why are you and IM2 always blaming others for your failures?
And? SAT scores are not even considered in almost 1,000 colleges and universities now.

So because the scores for blacks are factually worse than other races. In your world, they should not be used as a criterion for college admission. I bet you believe race should be substituted.

Show us your reliable source and link to that figure.

Just for your information, I provide you with the number of colleges and Universities.
How many colleges are in the United States?
July 20, 2015 — Today, there are some 5,300 colleges and universities in the United States, everything from beauty schools to Harvard. Though we often refer to them collectively as “the American higher-education system,” it’s far from an organized system.


Wrong. The fact is that colleges long ago decided that a SAT score was just one criteria for admission. Add to that the fact you have state schools who admit in state students based on GPA. Only the dumb white racist argues about SAT scores. And even worse for you is the fact that you only provided numbers from one category of the SAT. Now go on and clean up your trailer.
I've lived 57 years. When you were born I was the age you are right now. I think I know plenty about whites..

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites.

There are a lot of things you don't know young boy. You talk about rich whites and what they don't care about. But rich whites run for office at every level while poor and working class whites vote for them. Trump is a rich white man who ran on racial resentment and poor/working class whites in droves voted him into office. The median income for whites is far higher than it is for blacks and the black working class earns far less than the white working class. When you study the issue of race and income or as an economic matter you find this to be true. I 've sat in city halls and watched local policy enacted that stopped blacks from doing what your parents did. It's easy to post opinion but the facts are important in this debate.

So are you just here to complain then? You are complaining about inherited wealth from unfair government programs of the past that no longer exist. Okay, but the path to the middle class is still there. My family was poor as shit when I was young. I lived on ramen, macaroni, and other cheap crap because that's all we could afford. Yet we made it out with no government assistance. So while blacks may have a tougher road due to mistakes of the past, that road is there. I haven't heard a single viable suggestion that comes across as fair. Social welfare will keep a man from drowning but won't teach him how to swim. Education is the key It always has been.

In fact, even though I have an MA, I'm going back to school at some point to pick up an MBA. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a third Masters or a JD. And my parents would've been considered white trailer trash back in the day.

Look child, I have a MA. Blacks have a tough road because whites are doing the same things they did in the past. Your argument about the past is only made by the racist white subculture in the United States. Don't need the white boy lecture about what roads are available for blacks.The fact is that our road should not be any tougher than yours. I have worked and studied this longer than your ass has been alive. There are plenty of fair solutions if fairness is what is really wanted. For when you talk about not seeing solutions that are fair you are only talking about what you think isn't fair for white males. Because the current system is not fair for anyone else so despite the weak excuse white men are making about how they were not there and didn't do it, we can say that we should not be made to continue to suffer for things we were not their for either.

You seem fine with taking black and other tax money from non whites to develop and grow everything in the white community. But if we ask for the same we have to be asking for handouts.

A solution has to be fair for everyone, white males included. Otherwise, it's not a fair solution, now is it?

Racist white males seem to think fair is when they get to keep the advantage they have gained by their unfair treatment of others.

Uh, that makes no sense.

It makes plenty of sense.
Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.
You tried this before and then we found out that you work for the tips I give people. :rolleyes:
Most here know what I do. :)

Why are you and IM2 always blaming others for your failures?

Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.

Looks like you can't read.

You have to wonder how long the white racists here will keep repeating the same dumb lines.
Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.

Looks like you can't read.

Looks like you’ll never learn.

While many blacks live successful lives, you and Asclepias will always be looking for excuses. :)
Some blacks blame others for their failures because they never learned how to accept personal responsibility for their bad decisions.

Others appreciate the opportunities they have and become successful and productive members of society.

Looks like IM2 and Asclepias haven’t taken full advantage of the same opportunities we all enjoy.

Looks like you can't read.

Looks like you’ll never learn.
While many blacks live successful lives, you and Asclepias will always be looking for excuses. :)


I'm laughing because I've done better than you by your limited criteria of success. But success is not measured in money. Racism is a problem that needs to be eliminated and you stand in the way of that. So until those like you are gone, there is no success.
Why do you and Asclepias keep looking for handouts from taxpayers, IM2?


When a person of the race who has gotten all the handouts starts asking stupid questions they don't get answered by me.
There’s a reason why you and Asclepias keep whining about being losers. Just saying. :)


Considering this comment is from a person of the race who has gotten all the handouts......
You can’t fault white people for your ignorance and problems. That’s something we’ve spent years trying to explain.

It’s time you face a few facts....
1)some blacks aren’t as smart as others
2) blacks commit the most crimes
3) some blacks love handouts (look at the title of this thread)
4) some blacks enjoy being a victim
5) few blacks respect law enforcement
etc.... etc.... etc.....

Aside of my primary job of repairing medical equipment, I’m also trained and involved in dealing with combative people.

After dealing with hundreds of combative people over the years, I can honestly say black women are the worst. It’s why I believe there’s an inherent difference between blacks and whites.

Here’s my ranking from worst to easiest....
black women
white guys
white women
black men
Last edited:
You fucking idiot. All you had to do is google it. This is a link from back in 2015. Its probably higher now.

SAT, ACT No Longer Required For Admission To 800 U.S. Colleges And Universities | HuffPost

THANK YOU! TWENTY PERCENT fewer than you claimed AND out of 5,300 colleges and universities.

Sad to see that you're proud that blacks depend on SAT and ACT not being required at a few colleges and universities making it easier for blacks to gain admission.

Why wouldn't you want to see blacks up there with Asians?
You tried this before and then we found out that you work for the tips I give people. :rolleyes:

Why would anyone be ashamed of working for tips? These are people who are eager to put it all on the line knowing they can EARN a lot of money for being among the best.

Today, two of my friends were talking about meeting with each other for breakfast and they agreed on which waitress to ask for when the first arrived. I wonder why? Think she'll get a really good tip?

Denigrating people who work for tips simply confirms your ignorance of the real world.

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