What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
Republicans freed the black slaves. And the Republicans pushed to end the exploitation of blacks. How many white males died to free the slaves under a republican?
the right wing were democrats, back then.
the left was republican back then.
Did I lie? Stop changing the subject you racist fuck. Republicans are against diversity. So I ask again, "what exactly do Republicans have to offer blacks?"

You work at all white companies and you don't want to diversify? You don't acknowledge bias exists?

This is the problem with uneducated conservatives. We learned this shit in college and you didn't go to college. And you've been brainwashed to think education is the enemy. Along with a free press. You'd rather believe Putin and Trump than the lyin media. Fucking idiot.

You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Sure you do.

I wasn't aware that degrees from either was such an unbelievable accomplishment, Mike! It wasn't that hard...you should try!
I wasn't aware progressives lie so much until about 15 years ago!
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.
That the left wing continually assured us would be impossible because Trump was elected. You do remember that, don't you?
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

What does that have to do with the haters being wrong?
wrong about what?

These 5 countries are teetering on the brink of a recession
Wrong about their predictions of immediate doom upon his election. They haven't been right yet.
lol. your guy managed to help create a recession in his first term.
To be honest there is no recession yet but trump also hasn’t given us a great economy unless you are a 1% er.

There would be no threat of a recession if hillary were president.
Liberals think they are ground braking pioneers but instead are like somebody's old grandma scolding us and then dictating to us what we are supposed to think...And well, fuck that.
I'll change it around and ask the racist OP what do democrats have to offer blacks?

Republicans have offered them jobs in record numbers and gotten them off of food stamps in record numbers. Democraps have offered them unemployment, poverty and racism.

Sounds like they have a lot more to offer blacks than dumbass demwit dems do.
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

I don't know, how have the far left Progressive economists done in the past?

The New York Times

Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
By Paul Krugman
12:42 AM ET Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down on my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.
Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout
Demand for labor weakens as stimulus fades and tariffs rise
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

What does that have to do with the haters being wrong?
wrong about what?

These 5 countries are teetering on the brink of a recession
Wrong about their predictions of immediate doom upon his election. They haven't been right yet.
lol. your guy managed to help create a recession in his first term.
To be honest there is no recession yet but trump also hasn’t given us a great economy unless you are a 1% er.

There would be no threat of a recession if hillary were president.
That's just how the media would report it, stain.
What is the latest prognosis on our economy?

What does that have to do with the haters being wrong?
wrong about what?

These 5 countries are teetering on the brink of a recession
Wrong about their predictions of immediate doom upon his election. They haven't been right yet.
lol. your guy managed to help create a recession in his first term.
To be honest there is no recession yet but trump also hasn’t given us a great economy unless you are a 1% er.

There would be no threat of a recession if hillary were president.
Using the yield spread to forecast recessions and recoveries | first tuesday Journal
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.

A very small % of blacks voted for trump.

That’s what I wanted to hear you say. You republicans think blacks are stupid.

How does that argument work on you? I think you are stupid for voting for trump, unless you are rich. Have you seen the debt? Are you going to need Medicare and social security? Then you are stupid voting gop. I don’t know you. Are you white, male, well off, straight, a Christian? Do you liv in a nice white neighborhood or a dangerous inner city?

Your approach is never going to work on struggling blacks. You think they should vote along with white supremacy? Are you retarded? Do you think blacks are as stupid as you are?

My problem with the poor is 80% of them don’t vote. You don’t think they should vote. I wish they knew that about republicans
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.

A very small % of blacks voted for trump.

That’s what I wanted to hear you say. You republicans think blacks are stupid.

How does that argument work on you? I think you are stupid for voting for trump, unless you are rich. Have you seen the debt? Are you going to need Medicare and social security? Then you are stupid voting gop. I don’t know you. Are you white, male, well off, straight, a Christian? Do you liv in a nice white neighborhood or a dangerous inner city?

Your approach is never going to work on struggling blacks. You think they should vote along with white supremacy? Are you retarded? Do you think blacks are as stupid as you are?

My problem with the poor is 80% of them don’t vote. You don’t think they should vote. I wish they knew that about republicans
That will have changed in 2020 traitor liar.
Liberals think they are ground braking pioneers but instead are like somebody's old grandma scolding us and then dictating to us what we are supposed to think...And well, fuck that.
Listen dummy. Since 1970 the middle class hasn’t gotten a raise. But since then the rich have gotten a 300% raise. Are you really expecting republicans to fix this problem?

And do you really not understand that republicans created this wealth gap?

This is why the American middle class doesn’t deserve the $ the baby boomers fought and won for themselves but now say we can’t afford for future generations to have it as good?

Are you a baby boomer with a pension Mary?.

I told my dad it was easy for poor people in his generation because they got 10% inter st on their savings accounts. No shit my dad and uncle have $500,000 each wven though they never made more than $15 hr.

That’s when America was great. When anyone could get 10% on their savings without having to put their money in the scam we call 401ks
You say you learned this shit in college? What "shit" is that exactly? The shit that your liberal professors spoon fed you? Yet you accuse someone else of being brainwashed? Oh but wait...you think the "free press" is the answer? Would that be the liberal main stream media that ALSO spoon feeds you the same shit that you got when you were in college? You know what your problem is, Sealy? Anyone who questions the "shit" that you've been brainwashed with you need to label as uneducated racists! Why? Because if you don't...if you actually have to address their concerns...you might have to actually THINK!
See what I mean everyone? Idiots who didn't finish college imagine in their deplorable little brains that colleges are filled with liberal professors teaching liberal shit.

What are your concerns? Lets address them you mental midget.

I've got a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Care to try again?
Sure you do.

I wasn't aware that degrees from either was such an unbelievable accomplishment, Mike! It wasn't that hard...you should try!
Who gets a history degree? ......

Someone smarter than you (which could be anyone, to be fair).
Why is this an issue? What do blacks have to offer Trump? Come on now. One way or the other, it's NOT an issue. Never was...
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
A choice? An alternative from the people that have been using Blacks for hundreds of years to people that are for helping individuals find self-autonomy rather than victimhood?
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.

A very small % of blacks voted for trump.

That’s what I wanted to hear you say. You republicans think blacks are stupid.

How does that argument work on you? I think you are stupid for voting for trump, unless you are rich. Have you seen the debt? Are you going to need Medicare and social security? Then you are stupid voting gop. I don’t know you. Are you white, male, well off, straight, a Christian? Do you liv in a nice white neighborhood or a dangerous inner city?

Your approach is never going to work on struggling blacks. You think they should vote along with white supremacy? Are you retarded? Do you think blacks are as stupid as you are?

My problem with the poor is 80% of them don’t vote. You don’t think they should vote. I wish they knew that about republicans
That will have changed in 2020 traitor liar.
I hope so. That would mean republicans decided to stop using race as a wedge issue.

That would mean republicans stop fucking with blacks, immigrants, women, gays. Etc because they no longer feel that’s a winning tactic..

Then you’lol see a lot of immigrants blacks and gays are actually conservatives.

Right now you bank on the fact that your white racist way is still winning you elections. You’ll change when your tactics stop working
... Us liberals are all for helping individuals find self autonomy too.



Funniest lie of the year so far!
How is that a lie?

Do you really think we don’t want what’s good for everyone?

This is what’s wrong with America.

Dumb fucks like this have been brainwashed

How else do CEOs give themselves a 300% raisecsince 1970 and the middle class still isn’t doing as well as they did in 1970?

What you do is convince public school teachers that liberals don’t want a huge thriving successful middle class like we did in 1970..

I can you imagine how this dumb son of a bitch would cry if his principle and VP got a 300% raise but he still made the same as what he made in 1970? He’d be on the picket line.

Actually unkotare would have other braver smarter Americans fighting for him. He’s too busy working 3 jobs.


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