What exactly have Liberals done for us?

1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal"
2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery
3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws
4. Fought for our environment
5. Fought for a womans right to vote
6. Fought for Civil Rights
7. Fought for Gay rights
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace
9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade

It should be noted that conservatives fought against every one of these initiatives

Come on conservatives...
Chime in with your great contributions over the last 200+ years
There must be one?????

just make up shit like you do everything else.

So we now know that Fatality can't name a single conservative contribution to our country...anyone else want to step in and bail him out?
I watched as children went to public school today. They were all dressed the same. Black slacks and white shirts and black shoes. How freaking sad

The liberals are removing any color from our lives and any original individual thought.

Everyone must conform
I watched as children went to public school today. They were all dressed the same. Black slacks and white shirts and black shoes. How freaking sad

The liberals are removing any color from our lives and any original individual thought.

Everyone must conform

LOL, I think you will find it is the conservative parents upset over the skimpy outfits and gang attire
I watched as children went to public school today. They were all dressed the same. Black slacks and white shirts and black shoes. How freaking sad

The liberals are removing any color from our lives and any original individual thought.

Everyone must conform

LOL, I think you will find it is the conservative parents upset over the skimpy outfits and gang attire

I watched as children went to public school today. They were all dressed the same. Black slacks and white shirts and black shoes. How freaking sad

The liberals are removing any color from our lives and any original individual thought.

Everyone must conform

LOL, I think you will find it is the conservative parents upset over the skimpy outfits and gang attire

what the fuck does gang attire, and whorish clothes have to do with the color of life? god youre fucking stupid.
Liberals in action :eusa_whistle:

Liberalism wasn't born until FDR's New Deal which used Tamanny Hall politics to shift the blacks from Republicans and the urban areas to Democrats. Southerners also jumped ship from Republicans after Reconstruction. The entire nation were conservatives, anyone who acted like today's liberals were either tarred and feathered, or the children peppered them with rotten vegetables in stockades in public.

Here's what conservatives have been entirely responsible for in our nation, which you could say would be up to the Presidency of JFK.

1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal" Exactly, God bless the conservatives who threw off the chains of taxation without representation.

2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery- Democrats were against it, thank God we pulled through.

3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws. Yup, conservatives wanted that too.

4. Fought for our environment- yup, conservatives fought for that too, and can't believe Obama gets a free pass letting GM off the financial hook for their environmental disaster areas in bankruptcy.

5. Fought for a womans right to vote- yup, we fought for that too, in fact, we need more women in politics, or we wouldn't have the corruption we have today.

6. Fought for Civil Rights- Yup, conservatives were responsible for that too.

7. Fought for Gay rights- I didn't know anyone was against them except for the liberal Democrat monopolized government. I guess "marriage" was the issue, not the fact that government completely screwed gays in the first place.

8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace- Conservatives are the workplace outside of government workers, so you need to clarify.

9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade- I thinks it's Medicaid, all broken plans, and millions of state and federal employees have never, and will never pay into that broken system. Not all of them, but a considerable sum. It's so great, even government workers slave to voting Democrat were smart enough to create laws so they don't have to participate in these swell plans.

Also, a Syracuse University professor's study showed that today's conservatives a lot more charitable than today's liberals.

That shows conservatives have always been a better people, and don't even mind much when a liberal tries to lay claim to OUR accomplishments.

Thanks, the management. ;)
In fact, I think the entire liberal ideology has shifted from one of anti-government ideology to a see no evil, hear no evil, acknowledgment that following the Bush doctrine on Iraq and ramping up Afghanistan while dumping Cindy Sheehan, is OK if Obama does it. I think a liberal's attempt to lay false claim to doing good for mankind alone are a feeble attempt to justify their betrayal of mankind, and volunteering to be enslaved by a corrupt and well paid government at the people's expense. Not a thing has changed since Bush, except the cost to Americans already suffering, with liberals being strangely silent while perceived Bush failures are OK, if maintained and exceeded by today's Democrats.

I think conservatives want a better America, and realize government is the problem. We could have it all if we all wanted a government we deserved as a nation. Democrats have owned the Senate for over 70% of time since WWII, and 78% of the House since WWII, so clearly the failure to have healthcare at this day and age must be the fault of Democrats who have had a monopoly on legislation in this nation for decades and decades.

I think it's time for liberals to look in the mirror and ask themselves what is it you truly want? A victory to call it a victory, or better government that serves our people for a CHANGE????
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Well at least one conservative is trying.

Here's what conservatives have been entirely responsible for in our nation, which you could say would be up to the Presidency of JFK.

1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal" Exactly, God bless the conservatives who threw off the chains of taxation without representation.

Afraid you are wrong here. Conservatives of the day supported the monarchy. The idea that people were born to rule while the common man was there to serve. The idea of someone who toils in the field having the same rights as someone of royal blood was decidedly liberal

2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery- Democrats were against it, thank God we pulled through.

Once again you are unable to differentiate political parties from political ideologies. Conservatives of the day supported the status quo, they believed in "pro choice", let each state decide whether they wanted slavery or not. Abolitionists put forth the idea that not only should slaves be freed, but they should actually have the same rights as whites........decidedly liberal thinking for the day

3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws. Yup, conservatives wanted that too.

Then why did conservatives fight the Fair Labor Standards Act? Conservatives, as usual, supported big business. They needed cheap labor which meant children, six days of ten hours or more and if a worker got injured you just fired him and hired someone else.

4. Fought for our environment- yup, conservatives fought for that too, and can't believe Obama gets a free pass letting GM off the financial hook for their environmental disaster areas in bankruptcy.

Conservatives again sided with big business. Environmental laws would cost jobs, cut production, impact the bottom line

5. Fought for a womans right to vote- yup, we fought for that too, in fact, we need more women in politics, or we wouldn't have the corruption we have today.

Conservatives again claimed "family values" and the inability of women to have the mental capacity to actually vote. They cherished women so much that they spat on them and beat them up

6. Fought for Civil Rights- Yup, conservatives were responsible for that too.

You again confuse Democrats/Republicans with Liberal/Conservative. There were liberal Republicans in the north who supported civil rights. There were also liberal democrats who supported civil rights. JFK, LBJ and Humphrey among others lead the charge. Southern Democrats became so enraged they became.....ready for this......republicans

7. Fought for Gay rights- I didn't know anyone was against them except for the liberal Democrat monopolized government. I guess "marriage" was the issue, not the fact that government completely screwed gays in the first place.

Wrong once again, conservatives opposed basic gay rights beyond marriage. This included the right to not get assaulted, keep a job, get a place to live. Conservatives claimed "gays desrve what they get, if they don't like it, stop being gay"
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace- Conservatives are the workplace outside of government workers, so you need to clarify.

"Conservatives are the workplace outside of government workers"???? How lame a generalization is that?

9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade- I thinks it's Medicaid, all broken plans, and millions of state and federal employees have never, and will never pay into that broken system. Not all of them, but a considerable sum. It's so great, even government workers slave to voting Democrat were smart enough to create laws so they don't have to participate in these swell plans.
They are still alive and viable. The prediction of gloom and doom has been around for decades
In fact, there are more people in this nation who claim conservative than liberalism in this nation. Liberals are so afraid of the people it's sickening. Mythical horrors and isolated acts and words do not warrant liberal actions in the courts and legislatures to silence the people. The state of New Jersey got it right, offered civil unions, and the people overwhelmingly sought to support the gays against government prejudice. The government shifted their failure to the people and created the war with the term "marriage", and failed government, monopolized by Democrat legislatures across this nation escaped the weight of their failure, and actually attacked the people for their views.

How any liberal outside of government accepted that action by government is beyond me, too bad Kool Aid is a steady part of the liberal diet. This is why many liberals are young, they grow up to mature into conservatives when they see how they were tools for rich, social elitists. Wait until they have kids, the transition to conservative will be quicker.
The point is that it is the Liberals who made the major initiatives in our history. Conservatives clinging to the past have fought every major initiative, often violently. The fact that there are more conservatives than liberals does not negate the accomplishments of the liberals
or the conservatives who did all the work, and now liberals who lay claim to conservatives' accomplishments without shame.

I'm here, so easy up on the propaganda. Today's liberals who are slave to government control and taxation didn't arrive until Lyndon Johnson. Fess up, and admit what you perceived as Bush "failures" meant something to conservatives, it obviously meant nothing to liberals except to gain power promoting more of Bush.
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It looks like the liberals have become the "conservatives" they hate by maintaining the status Bush quo, and bowing to government control: and the conservatives, or the "right wing terrorists" have become the real progressives, who seek better government, less government, less corruption, a better life for all Americans, and obviously moving toward eliminating taxation without representation. You know, a life our children won't be slaves too. A life we won't have to look our kids in the eye, and say this is what we did to you, The GOP are awful but bendable and human: the Democrats are government, and you know very few other than Democrats working in government. It is one giant Democrat government machine AGAINST our people. So, given that, let's see what happens.

A government with balls basically is what will emerge, one sans liberals who fell asleep because Obama became President..
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or the conservatives who did all the work, and now liberals who lay claim to conservatives' accomplishments without shame.

You haven't named a single thing that conservatives of the time have accomplished

Of course they embrace concepts once liberals accomplish them and America loves it. Then conservatives say "we supported it all the time"
Your nations's history was created by conservatives of both Parties. Liberals can act like this is not the truth, but I have generations of pictures of our predecessors, and this nation hasn't had the compassion to endure a liberal until Lyndon Johnson. They crushed a liberal like a bug before him. The Baby Boomers gave birth to weakness and over breeding, and we had some defects, the whining liberal class. They are so hysterical, they have no idea what they have become. Uncle Sam's faithful Tories. Really sad to witness. When and if it ever hits the fan in my life, know this, the liberals will be safe behind this conservative.

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