What exactly have Liberals done for us?

Liberals do not do things for us. They do things to us!

Oh really?

40 hour week
Child labor laws
equal rights in the workplace
civil rights
gay rights

What did that do TO you?

Made him a very insecure homophobic, racist, misogynist who wants to work children to death for less than any barely minimum wage!

Or some such "excuse" for meanness...
what liberals have done

Herbert Hoover's Mess

Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 – October 20, 1964) was the 31st President of the United States (1929–1933). Besides his political career, Hoover was a professional mining engineer and author. As the United States Secretary of Commerce in the 1920s under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, he promoted government intervention under the rubric "economic modernization". In the presidential election of 1928, Hoover easily won the Republican nomination, despite having no previous elected office experience. To date, Hoover is the last cabinet secretary to be directly elected President of the United States. The nation was prosperous and optimistic at the time, leading to a landslide victory for Hoover over Democrat Al Smith.

Hoover, a trained engineer, deeply believed in the Efficiency Movement, which held that government and the economy were riddled with inefficiency and waste, and could be improved by experts who could identify the problems and solve them. When the Wall Street Crash of 1929 struck less than eight months after he took office, Hoover tried to combat the following Great Depression with volunteer efforts, none of which produced economic recovery during his term. The consensus among historians is that Hoover's defeat in the 1932 election was caused primarily by failure to end the downward economic spiral, compounded by popular opposition to prohibition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

Apparently some "liberals" must have voted fot him, too, LOL.....
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I find it amusing as hell witnessing you idiots trying to blame the banking meltdown on liberals.

Yeah right, the richest fucking people in the world are liberals.

Honestly, how stupid are you people?
I find it amusing as hell witnessing you idiots trying to blame the banking meltdown on liberals.

Yeah right, the richest fucking people in the world are liberals.

Honestly, how stupid are you people?
Yeah....we all know how austere the lives of George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, Algore, Bill Gates, the Kennedys, the Rockefellers (and scads more examples that can go here) are! :rolleyes:

Prolly should examine your premise a little more closely next time.
I find it amusing as hell witnessing you idiots trying to blame the banking meltdown on liberals.

Yeah right, the richest fucking people in the world are liberals.

Honestly, how stupid are you people?
Yeah....we all know how austere the lives of George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, Algore, Bill Gates, the Kennedys, the Rockefellers (and scads more examples that can go here) are! :rolleyes:

Prolly should examine your premise a little more closely next time.

Don't forget how they became the lackys that made Arianna HuffnPuff rich

They helped to make Arianna HuffnPuff richer than they like people to be

Blogging for her, free :clap2:

Arianna Huffington to Unemployed: Blog for Me | NBC New York

You kind of have to admire the macy's Parade balloon-sized pair of cojones on everyone's favorite Greek redhead. Blogging, in La Huff's view, is something you do for her website for free so she can get more venture capital dollars. Or should we say, the last venture capital dollars.


Which is fine, but a bit hypocritical to claim liberals are for the poor, the elitist left always takes advantage of the plight of others.

She could fund it out of her own amply filled pockets. Not likely.

She could find an investor or donor to fund some staff positions. Not likely.

Volunteer investigative journalism! Yeah that is the way :clap2:

I guess we'll have to wait and see. If you know the answer to fundraising these days, email us, and send money.
If you want government control of everything, thank a liberal, including Bush the liberal.

When have the liberals ever advocated "government control of everything" ?

The problem with the right wing is that if the government gets involved in anything they scream socialism
You voted for GM to be able to walk out of their polluted sites across America during their bankruptcy. What happened to liberals? Wow, down the drain.
Well? What do you call all this Einstein?

I'm still waiting..

Show me where liberals or anyone has advocated the US Government taking control over every business,every farm, every school, every local government
Show me where liberals or anyone has advocated the US Government taking control over every business,every farm, every school, every local government

I want you to read your own quote, and then tell us what planet you are from. Your government owns all of the above, or is a major shareholder.
Show me where liberals or anyone has advocated the US Government taking control over every business,every farm, every school, every local government
It's known as incrementalism, Sparky.

Follow and read my Wiki link about the Fabians.

Oh ..I get it....The old "slippery slope"

Once we pass Social Security......Socialism is just around the corner
Once we pass Medicare .....Socialism is just around the corner
Once we pass Healthcare.....Socialism is just around the corner

You have been playing thats same tune for 75 years....thats a big corner

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