What "Fake News" Did the Russians Put Out?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
This seems to be the news story of the day, but no examples are given. Any cites?
This seems to be the news story of the day, but no examples are given. Any cites?
Facebook seems to think I'm a Trump supporter, I saw so much bullshit there from questionable sources I just quit logging in. "News" on Facebook is unfiltered bullshit and America was subjected to a shit ton of it.

One spectacular incident does come to mind though. A few weeks before the election three things happened in a very few hours. Wikleaks posted a ton of emails, a Russian site too quickly published a false story on one of them and the story ended up being read by Trump at a rally. It all happened so quickly that it seemed orchestrated, by whom we may never know since the right has no interest in knowing if all the circumstantial evidence adds up to anything. They had Clinton standing in front of a firing squad on less.
Can't believe the Libs are still stuck on tje 'Russian' BS.
This seems to be the news story of the day, but no examples are given. Any cites?
The Russian propaganda thing is complete bullshit. WaPo is a laughing stock. Their article quotes some asshole who wants to remain anonymous because he/she/it doesn't want to be attacked by Russian hackers. Hahaha. Yeah, right. And the whole story is based on him/her/it.

They included Wikileaks on their list. Are you kidding me? Posting hacked emails from the real accounts of real people is "fake news"? Wahpoo is a joke. Bezos is a joke. Don't use Amazon.com.
Russia is NOT our friend.

Those that call Putin a 'Good Guy' are NOT my friend.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
You voted Trump?

This seems to be the news story of the day, but no examples are given. Any cites?

The Russians created thousands of fake emails and their KGB agent, the evil Assange, published them. They also spread false rumors about Hillary's health, infiltrated the FBI, planted more emails on Anthony Wieners laptop, hacked voting computers, paid Jill Stein and Gary Johnson to take votes away from Hillary and made Trump look good....

And if you ask for any evidence that only proves you're a Russian agent who hates freedumb


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