What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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The founding fathers only intended that muzzle loaders be covered by the second amendment. It was activist courts that extended it to other weapons

Are you crazy?:cuckoo:

Both texts provided in the link (posted by you) says specifically "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Ratified by the States
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Passed by Congress
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
'the People' - collective
not 'people' - individuals

I'm reminded of the other day, when I told windbag his tank is with the National Guard and he ran away from the thread
How did their populations remain remotely stable before Men came around?

They didn't remain stable. Throughout the history of he earth you have the constant extinction and emerging of new animals.
So guns mean the end of extinction now?

sigh...classic you. :rolleyes:Your attempting to invent implications that weren't in my post.

If you'd go back and read my posts about hunting, I said it prevents overpopulation, not extinciton. Perfect example: The Buffalo...almost extinct by OVERHUNTING.
Other Perfect Example: The Feral Pig: EXTREMELY OVERPOPULATED ALREADY. Would be twice as bad without people hunting them.
"A firearm is a device which projects either single or multiple projectiles at high velocity through a controlled explosion. The firing is achieved by the gases produced through rapid, confined burning of a propellant. This process of rapid burning is technically known as deflagration. ..."

A Tomohawk missle would not count as a firearm. It propels itself and has a long burning propellant.
The constitution doesn't say 'firearms'

At the time the FF wrote it, there were only firearms. Since then ,it has been defined what an "arm" is in relation to civilian ownership.
By the courts?

So if the courts overrule their earlier decision and say there is no personal right to keep weapons in your homes as individuals you'll be cool with that because the courts said so?

You constant appeal to authority reveals your inability to think for yourself.

And you wonder why I say the masses can never govern themselves.
So we don't want Iran to have nukes, but we want Jihad Jane to be able to buy one and give it to bin Laden?

What does that have to do with the second amendment?

you idiots are saying there should be no limits

are you changing your tune and saying I shouldn't be allowed to buy weapons we don't trust Castro with?

Last time I checked, Iran did not use the US Constitution as a basis for government.
Are you crazy?:cuckoo:

Both texts provided in the link (posted by you) says specifically "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Ratified by the States
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Passed by Congress
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
'the People' - collective
not 'people' - individuals

I'm reminded of the other day, when I told windbag his tank is with the National Guard and he ran away from the thread

Therefore, numerous people owning arms become a "collective" people.
The founding fathers only intended that muzzle loaders be covered by the second amendment. It was activist courts that extended it to other weapons

And by your reasoning the founding fathers intended for the president not to be commander in chief of the air force.
They didn't remain stable. Throughout the history of he earth you have the constant extinction and emerging of new animals.
So guns mean the end of extinction now?

sigh...classic you. :rolleyes:Your attempting to invent implications that weren't in my post.

If you'd go back and read my posts about hunting, I said it prevents overpopulation, not extinciton. Perfect example: The Buffalo...almost extinct by OVERHUNTING.
Other Perfect Example: The Feral Pig: EXTREMELY OVERPOPULATED ALREADY. Would be twice as bad without people hunting them.

So what's the answer to human overpopulation?
At the time the FF wrote it, there were only firearms. Since then ,it has been defined what an "arm" is in relation to civilian ownership.


Have you ever sung the National Anthem? Ever thought that the words in it mean anything other than just place-holders for the melody?

".....the bombs bursting in air."

Weapons of the American Revolution - Artillery

Quite a bit more than merely "muskets" and "firearms," wouldn't you say?
The constitution doesn't say 'firearms'

At the time the FF wrote it, there were only firearms. Since then ,it has been defined what an "arm" is in relation to civilian ownership.
By the courts?

So if the courts overrule their earlier decision and say there is no personal right to keep weapons in your homes as individuals you'll be cool with that because the courts said so?

On This topic I do! And it's my right to do so.:razz:

You constant appeal to authority reveals your inability to think for yourself.

Didn't understand the first of your sentence, typo maybe?

And you wonder why I say the masses can never govern themselves.

I haven't wondered anything. I never had a discussion with you about the masses governing themselves. This is just nonsense typing on your part.
A guy who picks the logo of M-14 shooter wants to take a vote on the 2nd Amendment? Are you sure you want to open that can-o-worms? There are around half a million churches in the US. Which of them are covered by the 1st Amendment free exercise of religion clause?
I'm sure there's a point here. Can't begin to guess what it is.
So guns mean the end of extinction now?

sigh...classic you. :rolleyes:Your attempting to invent implications that weren't in my post.

If you'd go back and read my posts about hunting, I said it prevents overpopulation, not extinciton. Perfect example: The Buffalo...almost extinct by OVERHUNTING.
Other Perfect Example: The Feral Pig: EXTREMELY OVERPOPULATED ALREADY. Would be twice as bad without people hunting them.

So what's the answer to human overpopulation?

War will take care of that, when the time has come.
At the time the FF wrote it, there were only firearms. Since then ,it has been defined what an "arm" is in relation to civilian ownership.


Have you ever sung the National Anthem? Ever thought that the words in it mean anything other than just place-holders for the melody?

".....the bombs bursting in air."

Weapons of the American Revolution - Artillery

Quite a bit more than merely "muskets" and "firearms," wouldn't you say?

Wasn't the the National Anthem written in 1814--after the Consitution was ratified?

Also, a bomb (at that time) was a projectile fired from a cannon. It fits the definition of a firearm arm--as does today's modern artillary.
Ratified by the States
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Passed by Congress
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
'the People' - collective
not 'people' - individuals

I'm reminded of the other day, when I told windbag his tank is with the National Guard and he ran away from the thread

Therefore, numerous people owning arms become a "collective" people.

The people act collectively through the machinations of government. There are numerous instances where the right, power, and authority of the People to do so does not reflect the same of an individual acting unilaterally.

Again, by what logic does the next McVeigh being allowed to buy his very own Castel Bravo make sense?
So guns mean the end of extinction now?

sigh...classic you. :rolleyes:Your attempting to invent implications that weren't in my post.

If you'd go back and read my posts about hunting, I said it prevents overpopulation, not extinciton. Perfect example: The Buffalo...almost extinct by OVERHUNTING.
Other Perfect Example: The Feral Pig: EXTREMELY OVERPOPULATED ALREADY. Would be twice as bad without people hunting them.

So what's the answer to human overpopulation?

Nature takes care of this... Disease, Natural Disasters, and War helps in this Arena.
sigh...classic you. :rolleyes:Your attempting to invent implications that weren't in my post.

If you'd go back and read my posts about hunting, I said it prevents overpopulation, not extinciton. Perfect example: The Buffalo...almost extinct by OVERHUNTING.
Other Perfect Example: The Feral Pig: EXTREMELY OVERPOPULATED ALREADY. Would be twice as bad without people hunting them.

So what's the answer to human overpopulation?

War will take care of that, when the time has come.

Which is why KK advocates war ;)

That idiot made for some good entertainment
So if the drunk down the street had a few FGM-148 Javelins laying around it wouldn't bother you? Or would you be that drunk?

The court said firearms, as in rifle, shotgun and pistol. Were you born stupid or did you practice for years to get so ignorant? By the way? They let stand the restrictions on fully automatic weapons at the same time.

Who on the left is proposing a ban on handguns, rifles or shotguns?
Well, there was all the crying and whining from the left when the DC and Chicago handgun bans were put down. As for further proposals for bans...

Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban - ABC News
I get so tired of these stupidass liberal gun banning threads. It's our Constitutional RIGHT to keep and bear arms.. if you don't like it, TOUGH SHIT. Get over it and shut the hell up already~
Do you happen to know the diff between banning guns and regulating guns?
Any idea?
Do you know what strict scrutiny is?
How about prior restraint?
At the time the FF wrote it, there were only firearms. Since then ,it has been defined what an "arm" is in relation to civilian ownership.


Have you ever sung the National Anthem? Ever thought that the words in it mean anything other than just place-holders for the melody?

".....the bombs bursting in air."

Weapons of the American Revolution - Artillery

Quite a bit more than merely "muskets" and "firearms," wouldn't you say?

Wasn't the the National Anthem written in 1814--after the Consitution was ratified?

Also, a bomb (at that time) was a projectile fired from a cannon. It fits the definition of a firearm arm--as does today's modern artillary.

That is my point also.....they're arguing that "firearms" are muskets and black powder. Canons, bombs, mortar.....all were commonplace at the time and had been for centuries. The current definition of "firearm" is no different from the one intended in the 2nd. Only the technology has changed, not the purpose or utility.

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