What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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No, it says 'infringed'. It doesn't say there can be no limits.

Else sacrificing kidnapped virgins on a harvest moon to appease Kthulu would be legal- can't touch my right to practice my religion either, right?

But what the hell- let's give Loughner a tommy gun- can't restrict anyone's right to keep and bear arms, right?

But I'll throw you a bone: it's possibly that you're right and the constitution is simply wrong.

I just happen to think it's the other way 'round and the FF got it right on this one

The weapons covered by the Amendment may not be regulated in such a way as to deny access or ownership to citizens of this Country covered by said Amendment.

So where can I pick up my Davey Crockett? After all, the Constitution just says 'arms'- not 'firearms', 'rifles', or 'whatever the court or RGS has to say'
For example the old Assault Weapon ban was Unconstitutional.

According to... you?
No one challenged it so it stood. However the 39 ruling

Ruling? So now it's not a matter of constitutionality but whatever the courts say- however some judge 'interprets' the constitution at any given time? So when SCOTUS reverses their earlier decision and says the 2nd doesn't refer to a right for the individual to possess firearms, you'll change your tune?
Cuz he's a straight-up dumbass?

Thats hilarious. So you support Jared Lougher's right to kill 9 year olds and congresswoman?

Think about it, you don't need 31 rounds to defend yourself at once. What you need is to get out on the shooting range and practice your aim. If you can't disable a person with 10 shots, then you don't deserve the right to have that gun. You're an embarassment. And why the hell do you need an AK-47? You're not in a war. You don't need it. A rifle or shotgun would be just fine. And I don't really see people carrying around shotguns to the grocery store or even handguns.

This shouldn't be up for debate. Assault weapons and high capacity magazines should be illegal.

Either all the Amendments keep pace with progressing technology or none do. Your argument is an emotionally based strawman.
So McVeigh can haz Tomahawks?
Thats hilarious. So you support Jared Lougher's right to kill 9 year olds and congresswoman?

Think about it, you don't need 31 rounds to defend yourself at once. What you need is to get out on the shooting range and practice your aim. If you can't disable a person with 10 shots, then you don't deserve the right to have that gun. You're an embarassment. And why the hell do you need an AK-47? You're not in a war. You don't need it. A rifle or shotgun would be just fine. And I don't really see people carrying around shotguns to the grocery store or even handguns.

This shouldn't be up for debate. Assault weapons and high capacity magazines should be illegal.

Either all the Amendments keep pace with progressing technology or none do. Your argument is an emotionally based strawman.
So McVeigh can haz Tomahawks?

So someone might do something illegal therefore no one should have weapons?

The idiotic liberal "logic" of zero tolerance.
"A firearm is a device which projects either single or multiple projectiles at high velocity through a controlled explosion. The firing is achieved by the gases produced through rapid, confined burning of a propellant. This process of rapid burning is technically known as deflagration. ..."

A Tomohawk missle would not count as a firearm. It propels itself and has a long burning propellant.
"A firearm is a device which projects either single or multiple projectiles at high velocity through a controlled explosion. The firing is achieved by the gases produced through rapid, confined burning of a propellant. This process of rapid burning is technically known as deflagration. ..."

A Tomohawk missle would not count as a firearm. It propels itself and has a long burning propellant.

No, but a howitzer is.

I can haz one?
I would like to hunt an elephant with a .50 cal just once in my life. That would be intense. It could be an elephant who has some type of fatal disease or something, I would feel guilty thinning the herb by taking a fertile healthy adult from the population.

Actually, regular annaul hunting does this very thing. Without hunting deer and pigs, they would over-graze and over-populate.
How did their populations remain remotely stable before Men came around?
LOL Regulating guns.. Is that like what the definition of is, is? Regulate this:


So Loughner should still be allowed to have an ar-15?

I knew you were retarded when you revealed you're cool with slavery

Loughner is under indictment for a felony (question 12b) and incarcerated, so as of now, he is not allowed to possess firearms.
That's regulating firearms- and denying someone the right to bear arms.

Both of which lgs and rgs have railed against in this thread.

Both have refused to accept any limitations on who may bear arms who what arms they may have.
I would like to hunt an elephant with a .50 cal just once in my life. That would be intense. It could be an elephant who has some type of fatal disease or something, I would feel guilty thinning the herb by taking a fertile healthy adult from the population.

Actually, regular annaul hunting does this very thing. Without hunting deer and pigs, they would over-graze and over-populate.
How did their populations remain remotely stable before Men came around?

They didn't remain stable. Throughout the history of he earth you have the constant extinction and emerging of new animals.
Given the purpose of the 2nd Amendment – to ensure that the people would always have access to an effective means of exercising their right to self defense, individually and/or collectively - what kinds of firearms does the 2nd Amendment protect?

Handguns: Revolvers, single shot
Handguns: Magazine-fed semi-autos
Shotguns: Pump/lever/bolt action, single shot, double barreled
Shotguns: Semi-auto
Rifles..: Bolt/lever/slide action, single shot
Rifles..: Magazine-fed semi-auto, ‘assault weapons’
Rifles..: Automatic rifles, assault rifles, battle rifles
Rifles..: Magazine/belt fed machineguns
All of the above
None of the above

Please be sure to explain your response.

Ah shit. Why bother with this stuff, just give ever citizen a 2K nuclear hand grenade. Then when there is trouble in a neighborhood, someone is sure to toss one, and there will be no more trouble from that neighborhood again.:razz:

One of the many lies told by the BATF when it raided the Waco compound was that because they had LEGALLY bought grenade shells they must have live grenades at the compound. Another lie was that they had purchased the weapons they had illegally. The reality is that several of the members LEGALLY had Firearms license like you have. The BATF canceled their licenses before the raid but did not tell them. The BATF has yet to produce a single weapon modified to full auto from the compound also. Another lie they told.

I haven't truly studied Waco. I don't consider it exemplary of the FBI/ATF's role or their practice. It was an exceptional circumstance, with an exceptional reaction and an exceptional outcome. There is plenty of blame to go around Waco, and politically, it is a debate that cannot be won by either side. Neither handled it properly.
Not really.

We have women and children in here...CALL IT OFF

Running people down, keeping the media on one side of the building while you fire automatic weapons at unarmed women on the other side, driving a tank over a man's grave, exposing yourselves to children while demand their parents send them out to you...

God bless America



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