Wry Catcher
Diamond Member
- Banned
- #41
And yes, this belongs in Politics, it's about POLITICS.
Why do they want to do this? Democrats know the 1st Amendment is their biggest enemy. It was the biggest enemy of the Nazis, of Stalin, of Mao, of Castro. All despots hate the freedom of speech. It's their biggest enemy.
They MUST have ONLY side of things broadcast.
And Drudge has been following the ebola crisis closely and wouldn't Democrats like to shut that up.
(the words in purple above I added)
Dems on FEC move to regulate Internet campaigns blogs Drudge WashingtonExaminer.com
Here we go. Democrats know they are losing power and it's coming from a FREE PRESS, A FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.
They don't care, they have to stop that.
They tried to do the same thing with Rush and they keep trying.
Liberals like to pretend they are all for rights and freedom, but the opposite is the case. They hate freedom because freedom includes the freedom to NOT be liberal, not vote for liberals, and not support liberal causes.
THEY DON'T LIKE THAT and they are willing to do anything to stop that.
They will lie, they will defraud the vote, and they will stop anyone from getting the truth out.
We are going to have to yell our heads of about this, Call our Congressman and let Dems know they can't get away with this, otherwise they will.
Freedom's biggest enemy is a populace asleep at the switch.
Democrats are plural, they are individuals and to claim all Democrats think alike is absurd on its face.
That said, as a Democrat '[m opposed to propaganda presented as truth. I want an open exchange of ideas, something the New Right and those you noted above abhor. Drudge, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Palin, et al, all present one view, one concept as the The Truth and constantly disdain every idea, every person who dares to question their dogma.
Worse they never admit error, a tactic common in totalitarian society (the USSR [Russia], China, N. Korea, Iran, etc.) and place blame on their enemies sans evidence. They rewrite history, epidemic on this message board, and post perfidious threads any thinking, educated and awake person knows to be ridiculous; they repeat lies openly and often until they create pother and take on the false face of truth.
Please read the OP and consider it with my remarks.
Are there any left-leaning sites and networks that do this?
Oh NOT in Wry Catcher's world. They only print "the truth."
You have to understand what a clueless bubble liberals live in.
Here's a truth. Some pols and talking heads are more duplicitous than others; some lie, some use half-truths, lie by omission, use hyperbole, rumor and inuenndo all to fool the people. And some posters are no different, but most of them are simple parrots.
Don't like it, don't watch, Josef.
I haven't watched a single episode of your main news sources: Stewart, Colbert and Maddow, I just don't give a fuck what you listen to. But because you're a Nazi busybody who thinks we owe you, that we NEED your brilliant insight, that you and ONLY YOU HAVE to run our lives you want to silence the opposition.
Fucking Nazi
Frank, did I hit a nerve? Did you think (pardon the expression) that you are one of the parrots? Sorry, while you're a bird-brain, I would never insult parrots. You lack the capacity to echo RW Bullshit convincingly, and always default to your forte, the Idiot-Gram.
Never would I dream of censoring you, or Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Cruz or Rand. There is not a greater argument than your words and theirs to convince voters to vote for Democrats.