What Gall. Administration Talking About Charges Against SEAL After Their Leaks

What is it with you extremists' fascination with man sex?

Your anus twitching, davyboy? Go talk to Contumacious.:lol:

:lol: It feels good to know that either candidate's victory is a loss for you.
Sadly for you and the other Obama fluffers, Obama's loss will be a victory for America.

I predict copious wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Starkey basement.
Poor Fakey -- the realization that his little tin god might not be anointed as King is starting to set in.

And he's terrified at the prospect.
Stand down, troop,and apologize to your CiC.

"Obama gave the order and took a risk by invading a foreign country (Pakistan) to kill Bin Laden, the pussies here typing that he s not the one that should credit for it are just plain ignorant or just hiding behind their own lies."

Bullshit. Obama killed noone, invaded nobody, and took no risks. Somebody else did that for him.
This is how Fakey views his lord:

Quit cher bitching, daveyboy. If we lose this election to Obama, much of the fault will be with you weirdos who have alienated normal America.
BTW, who the hell are you to "order" ANYONE to stand down? Mud, Doc, Dave, myself and others here are no longer in uniform, or even on reserve status, and NOT subject to recall. In addition, I am pretty sure that when I was in, I outranked you anyway, so YOU shut YOUR bootlicking piehole, because YOU are NOT in command of shit, here or anywhere else! You are nothing but a has-been barracks lawyer, with delusions of grandeur.
Fakey is one of Obama's minions, and has been granted authority over lesser mortals.

At least, that's what his fantasies tell him.

Hey, Fakey, gotten your Brown Shirts in the mail yet?
Quit cher bitching, daveyboy. If we lose this election to Obama, much of the fault will be with you weirdos who have alienated normal America.

No, you little pansy, I will NOT bow down to your little tin god.
The Gadfly writes, "I am pretty sure that when I was in, I outranked you anyway,", and I am very sure he was not. He might have been a reserve officer of some sort but who knows?

As an American who served, I have the right as does any veteran to tell other veterans when they are being unpatriotic to "stand down".

Simply the way it is. Kick the losers in the kneecap, knee em in the face, and stomp when down.

Never ever take crap from the extremists on far left or far right.

Stomp em down.
The Gadfly writes, "I am pretty sure that when I was in, I outranked you anyway,", and I am very sure he was not. He might have been a reserve officer of some sort but who knows?

As an American who served, I have the right as does any veteran to tell other veterans when they are being unpatriotic to "stand down".

Simply the way it is. Kick the losers in the kneecap, knee em in the face, and stomp when down.

Never ever take crap from the extremists on far left or far right.

Stomp em down.
Dissent used to be patriotic.

Now, according to Obamabots, it's treason.

Eat shit, you little Brown Shirt toady.
The Gadfly writes, "I am pretty sure that when I was in, I outranked you anyway,", and I am very sure he was not. He might have been a reserve officer of some sort but who knows?

As an American who served, I have the right as does any veteran to tell other veterans when they are being unpatriotic to "stand down".

Simply the way it is. Kick the losers in the kneecap, knee em in the face, and stomp when down.

Never ever take crap from the extremists on far left or far right.

Stomp em down.

'As an American who served, I have the right as does any veteran to tell other veterans when they are being unpatriotic to "stand down".'

You don't have a right to do or say shit. Doubly so if you are not combat vet.

"Kick the losers in the kneecap, knee em in the face, and stomp when down."

A great way to acquire brand new free body percings.
I have every right to let you meatheads face the truth, and you certainly aren't the one who will give me any body piercings. That's four year-old nonsense, 9ID.

Romney has to win for the good of the country, and you numbnuts continued personal assaults on Obama's character only helps his chances.

Mainstream America is tired of the continued fucking nonsense coming from the extremist dodos.

It's pretty funny that the administration is talking about bringing charges against a SEAL that felt compelled to write a book about the Bin Laden raid yet Obama allowed so many details of the classified mission to be released to the press just to make him look like a wartime president or make him look like a bad-ass.

This kind of talk is not only silly but hypocritical. Who has been prosecuted for the leaks so far?


Yet one of the heroes of the mission may face charges for trying to set the record straight.

Yet the left is trying to tell us that Obama is something that he isn't, a man that is more likable than Romney.

After watching Obama pound his chest repeatedly over the Bin Laden raid it seems a bit disingenuous when he talks of bringing charges against one of the guys that stacked on Bin Ladens' door. We know so many details of the mission yet Obama's representatives are talking this morning about going after one of the guys that pulled it off. Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Bet the libs here think it sounds pretty good. How dare somebody that was there tell the truth. We don't like anyone questioning the White House's version of events on the ground. We need to make Obama look like he was a brave and competent leader rather than a coward sitting in the corner like a scared child as is shown in the picture below.

This guy is pissing on our cornflakes and he needs to go down. Hard.

Yep. No good deed nor life well-lived ever went unpunished by the Obamaniacs. :rolleyes:
What a sorry lot of them, stalking an American service hero.
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I have every right to let you meatheads face the truth, and you certainly aren't the one who will give me any body piercings. That's four year-old nonsense, 9ID.

Then feel free to bring your bad self on. Anytime. Please.

"Mainstream America is tired of the continued fucking nonsense coming from the extremist dodos."
Then maybe you should STFU.
Unless the Obama-haters have a good cry about Obama 3 times a day, they can't function. So understand where they're coming from, and cut them a little slack. The point for them isn't to make sense; the point for them is to have reasons to blubber like little bitches.
The extremist dodos include you, 9ID. We need a Romney win, and the dumbos' attacks on Obama's character instead of his economic policies only add to his chances. Oh, and your silly threat? Forget it; you would never see it coming.

You guys need to shut up and work for, not against, Romney.
The "little bitches" blubbering has been going on for three years and more. They are acting like a little bunch of 7th-grade girls with a never-ending ESI (earth shattering impact) moment. They have to grow up.

Unless the Obama-haters have a good cry about Obama 3 times a day, they can't function. So understand where they're coming from, and cut them a little slack. The point for them isn't to make sense; the point for them is to have reasons to blubber like little bitches.
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The Gadfly writes, "I am pretty sure that when I was in, I outranked you anyway,", and I am very sure he was not. He might have been a reserve officer of some sort but who knows?

As an American who served, I have the right as does any veteran to tell other veterans when they are being unpatriotic to "stand down".

Simply the way it is. Kick the losers in the kneecap, knee em in the face, and stomp when down.

Never ever take crap from the extremists on far left or far right.

Stomp em down.

Hey, don't (try to) talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.
You're just a wee lil pussycat with delusions of lionhood. lol
cause conbat vets out rank everyone that's a vet?
Just cause you couldn't make a good grade on the entrance exam and got stuck as an 11 bush beater, don't think your any better than any soldier.
The "little bitches" blubbering has been going on for three years and more. They are acting like a little bunch of 7th-grade girls with a never-ending ESI (earth shattering impact) moment. They have to grow up.

Unless the Obama-haters have a good cry about Obama 3 times a day, they can't function. So understand where they're coming from, and cut them a little slack. The point for them isn't to make sense; the point for them is to have reasons to blubber like little bitches.

Oh, look: Fakey agreeing with a leftist.

Boy, drop the pretense. You're as well-disguised as these morons:

cause conbat vets out rank everyone that's a vet?
Just cause you couldn't make a good grade on the entrance exam and got stuck as an 11 bush beater, don't think your any better than any soldier.

Actually I was a 91C and they don't offer that training to someone with low scores. And don't pretend it takes high intellect to be a REMF.

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