Zone1 What God thinks about LGBT** 2 words: Sodom and Gomorrah

But same sex marriage is not about Satan.

That's a flat-out lie. Fucked-up sexual perversions, including homosexuality, are an essential, inseparable part of Satan's religion, a part of what your kind are pushing into all of the voids where God's religion has been forced out.

Just like homosexuality is not the same as having sex with children.

Then why are your kind so determined to push the faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda to young children, in public schools? It absolutely is about having sex with children, about grooming children to be easy prey for pedophiles.

If it wasn't about pedophilia, then your kind would be content to leave children completely out of it. But you're not.
And within the confines of your religion, that is fine.

As long as you don't push for the US gov't to hate them as well.
Nobody wants to hate the perverts for what they do in private. We just don't want to have to put up with them being despicable shitasses about it. And we want them to stay away from our children.

I wish the Moon Bats were are protective of Constitutional rights as they are of queer and tranny rights.

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