What Goes Around Comes Around, And This Time It’s Really Funny


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Moral justice has a strange way of finding fools. In the case of the rural voters who were important to Der Gropenfürher’s winning the White House, they will be most hurt by the repeal and replacement of Obamacare with the much inferior Trumpcare.

During the presidential campaign, some of the liberals on these message boards tried to explain this outcome to the conservative idiots who were so stupid as to believe a billionaire could be an advocate for the white working class. Der Gropenfürher’s voters were told repeatedly they were being taken for suckers. Unfortunately, the suckers did not and still will not listen.

Their refusal to believe Der Gropenfürher was scamming them is now coming to bite them in their ignorant, conservatives butts, and no one deserves it more. By the way, in addition to losing their health care insurance, Der Gropenfürher’s real friends, the rich folks, will receive a windfall from the government, paid for with your lost healthcare subsidies. It’s another very unpleasant “gotcha” from Der Gropenfürher to his voters, this time courtesy of Trumpcare.

You conservatives can remain in denial of these facts, just as you do with all facts concerning the GOP's success in screwing average Americans. But, that only makes you that much funnier to people of reason. So, let’s hear your extremely stupid, alternative facts as you attempt to refute this OP and the articles at the following links.

One group would be hit hardest by health care replacement plan

GOP Obamacare repeal bill is a windfall for the wealthy



Their refusal to believe Der Gropenfürher was scamming them is now coming to bite them in their ignorant, conservatives butts, and no one deserves it more.

I have to disagree with you...nobody deserves to be grifted. Millions of people get scammed by con artists every day. They don't deserve it and we have to be sympathetic when they wake up and realize they've been conned.
I am a Conservative in a Rural Area and a member of the White Working Class...three categories on each of which you heap such execration and invective in your little pasquinade.

A whole lot of Rural Conservative White People...a whole lot...voted for Trump, not because of what he promised to GIVE us...which is all you cocksucking Socialists ever think about. "Where's my Free Shit?"

We voted for him, in part, because his opponent was absolutely atrocious....and in part because we would like to see him get some cocksucking Socialists like you off the Federal (TaxPayer) Tit.

We don't feel like we are getting "scammed" by Trump; instead we self-reliant people feel like we are getting scammed by cocksucking Socialists like you.

What is left of the Democratic Party, which appears to be only cocksucking Socialists like you, today say FUCK John F. Kennedy. You plead instead:

"Don't dare ask my Lazy Dumb-Ass what I can do for my Country; ask my Country what it GIVE me while I sit on my ass".

In short, if Trump is pissing off you cocksucking Socialists (which he seems to be doing, at which he appears to excel) then he is doing what we hired him to do.
We could have health care for our vets and the rest of our citizens if we stop trying to make all the illegals happy. No taxpayer's money ought to go to those that break our laws by coming here illegally.
Well those needing healthcare should pay for their own.

Easy peasy.

And when they can't afford it? Oh wait, I know what the "conservative" answer to that is...

The conservatives answer is If they can't afford it then they need to get another job to pay for it.

Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for everyone's HC??

Those that can't pay aren't my responsibility and I have no intention of making them my responsibility.
Umm, the OP must not have paid attention to the near record-setting job boom in February, jobs the Middle Class will be working, not millionaires.

Stock market spiked.
Job market boom.
Construction projects / jobs soar.
Illegal immigration down 40%

I guess when you're a liberal these days you have to whine about the smallest things...and if there isn't anything to whine about you make it up. :p
Moral justice has a strange way of finding fools. In the case of the rural voters who were important to Der Gropenfürher’s winning the White House, they will be most hurt by the repeal and replacement of Obamacare with the much inferior Trumpcare.

During the presidential campaign, some of the liberals on these message boards tried to explain this outcome to the conservative idiots who were so stupid as to believe a billionaire could be an advocate for the white working class. Der Gropenfürher’s voters were told repeatedly they were being taken for suckers. Unfortunately, the suckers did not and still will not listen.

Their refusal to believe Der Gropenfürher was scamming them is now coming to bite them in their ignorant, conservatives butts, and no one deserves it more. By the way, in addition to losing their health care insurance, Der Gropenfürher’s real friends, the rich folks, will receive a windfall from the government, paid for with your lost healthcare subsidies. It’s another very unpleasant “gotcha” from Der Gropenfürher to his voters, this time courtesy of Trumpcare.

You conservatives can remain in denial of these facts, just as you do with all facts concerning the GOP's success in screwing average Americans. But, that only makes you that much funnier to people of reason. So, let’s hear your extremely stupid, alternative facts as you attempt to refute this OP and the articles at the following links.

One group would be hit hardest by health care replacement plan

GOP Obamacare repeal bill is a windfall for the wealthy


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LOTS of butthurt baby libtard spittle. Can you clean that up a bit and post some facts? Thanks!
Well those needing healthcare should pay for their own.

Easy peasy.

And when they can't afford it? Oh wait, I know what the "conservative" answer to that is...

Apparently you are ignorant of the fact that there was no healthcare crisis before Harry Reid changed Senate Rules and shoved the so called ACA down on America's throat. We did not see people dying on the streets since hospitals were mandated to give indigent care thus our insurance payments dramatically increased to cover their care also. The left's lies continue to paint a Dickensian dim picture of Tiny Tim-s wobbling all over the American landscape.
It would be great if one of the two parties proposed a bill that helped provide affordable and quality healthcare. At this point the democrats are protecting a bad law and the republican can only put a band aid on it.
Well those needing healthcare should pay for their own.

Easy peasy.

And when they can't afford it? Oh wait, I know what the "conservative" answer to that is...

The conservatives answer is If they can't afford it then they need to get another job to pay for it.

Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for everyone's HC??

Those that can't pay aren't my responsibility and I have no intention of making them my responsibility.

So you should support the ACA that requires people to have health insurance.

The "old way" had those of us with insurance paying (in the most inefficient and expensive way possible) for those without insurance.

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