CDZ What Good Have Whites Done for the World?

I am white------(I think----because my skin is very light in hue and burns------rapidly)
I am a white woman-------this evening I washed the supper dishes------in fact I washed
dishes that were BEYOND the supper dishes-----dishes that were piling up here and 'there-------used thruout the day. THUS I have served mankind. I have also------
separated garbage from "RECYCLE" stuff----used in my house. I am a
contributing CAUCASIAN (IMHO)

So the Caucasian skeletal remains that surround that area for that period didn't build it?

Who then... ET's?



They may have been laborers but you have to remember that they were still eating each other around the time Stonehenge was built. I doubt they had a grasp of astronomy during that time period or they would have developed a civilization at that time.


Anthropology 101:

There are three major races in the world:


There are two major subgroups:

Native Americans

Define white. Because by definition the term white applies to all Caucasians.



I already defined white. Its synonymous with caucasian....unless whites want to claim credit for something then that group becomes caucasian.

Caucasian race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The term "Caucasian race" was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785). Meiners' term was given wider circulation in the 1790s by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German professor of medicine and member of the British Royal Society, who is considered one of the founders of the discipline of anthropology."

"In his earlier racial typology, Meiners put forth that Caucasians had the "whitest, most blooming and most delicate skin".[9] Europeans with darker skin he considered "dirty whites", admixed with Mongolians. Such views were typical of early scientific attempts at racial classification, where skin pigmentation was regarded as the main difference between races. "


So what you're saying is you want to break down the Caucasian race into subcategories so no one accomplishments can be attributed to what you consider the 'whites'.

Not very ingenious of you.

That only leads to further division of dissent among people which is a progressive ploy.



I dont need to be ingenious. I dont even have to break down the caucasian race as it is only whites that are caucasians. Whites dont get to pick and chose who is a caucasian just because they happen to create something whites want to take credit for. Whites were last to civilization for a reason. Everything they have created rests on the foundation of knowledge that Blacks and Asians built. There is nothing original about them except their penchant for war.


It's nice to know that you have a time machine and can be so self assured about who did what that far back in the past.


You have to understand white racist logic that makes this Melanesian guy not Negroid
You seem to think science = racism.

According to the chart I posted the Ethiopian girl is closely related to other black Africans. The other two, though they have dark skin, are not.
It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the placement of different ethnicities on the planet and their evolution in history. Read, Guns, Germs and Steel.
I think Diamond's geographic determinism is completely wrong. Some societies have thrived in the most hostile environments. Culture matters.

History Upside Down

Name one.
Tibetans, Scandinavians, Russians, quite a few North African societies as well. The Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans might also be included.
I gather you are neither a leftist nor a Marxist, but using either term as a form of abuse precludes the sort of serious discussion you want to have.
Criticism of Marx flows from the fact that he was an awful, authoritarian, intolerant hairball who loved violence.

Works of Mikhail Bakunin 1872
The fact that you deliberately and grossly misstated what Bakunin wrote leads me to conclude that you have no idea who Bakunin was or what he believed. Everything you dislike in Marx is worse in Bakunin. Russian anarchism was pretty much stillborn. It's odor lingers a bit in the words of loons like Rand Paul, but nobody takes either gentleman seriously.

Marx's idea about politics have been shown to be valid in theory and successful in practice. All the major objectives outlined in The Communist Manifesto were reached years ago. Criticism of Marx is also long gone. The mindless name calling on right wing radio isn't a criticism
I gather you are neither a leftist nor a Marxist, but using either term as a form of abuse precludes the sort of serious discussion you want to have.
Criticism of Marx flows from the fact that he was an awful, authoritarian, intolerant hairball who loved violence.

Works of Mikhail Bakunin 1872
The fact that you deliberately and grossly misstated what Bakunin wrote
Since I didn't state what Bakunin wrote I suggest you work on your reading comprehension skills. Otherwise people might conclude you are a pretentious dunce.

Now here are his words, here's Bakunin describing a Marxist regime: For the proletariat this will, in reality, be nothing but a barracks: a regime, where regimented workingmen and women will sleep, wake, work, and live to the beat of a drum; where the shrewd and educated will be granted government privileges; and where the mercenary-minded, attracted by the immensity of the international speculations of the state bank, will find a vast field for lucrative, underhanded dealings.
There will be slavery within this state, and abroad there will be war without truce, at least until the “inferior” races, Latin and Slav, tired of bourgeois civilization, no longer resign themselves to the subjection of a State, which will be even more despotic than the former State, although it calls itself a People’s State.

I usually don't agree with Bakunin, but he deserves credit for pointing out the fundamental flaw of Marxism.

It's odor lingers a bit in the words of loons like Rand Paul,
The only odor I detect is the rank smell of a dim-witted, pompous apologist for Marxist mass-murderers.

Marx's idea about politics have been shown to be valid in theory and successful in practice.
ha ha ha

Successful in practice!? I'll give you 94 million reasons why you are wrong:

The Black Book of Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's not forget:


Pol Pot


The Holodomor

Now go crawl under the nearest rock you putrid fraud, there's a good fellow.
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It's nice to know that you have a time machine and can be so self assured about who did what that far back in the past.



If it fits the ideological need of blaming whites for something, then it must be true, or if it fits the latest Marxist narrative/spin about what has happened or not.

The left does not believe in objective truth, so they can make up anything they want and insist it is true, knowing all the while that they just made it up, like the Legend of Gentle Giant Brown.
Russian anarchism was pretty much stillborn.

Russian anarchists forces defeated the White Army in the Ukraine and controlled it for some time, before the Red Army turned on them and crushed them. I wouldnt call that still born. Anarchism in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's odor lingers a bit in the words of loons like Rand Paul, but nobody takes either gentleman seriously.

It is ridiculous that you think that by labeling Rand Paul a loon that you negate his arguments and policy proposals. How does this kind of ad hominem work in your attempt to understand Reality or promote your ability to intelligently react to and oppose his beliefs?

Marx's idea about politics have been shown to be valid in theory and successful in practice.

Some ideas, but not all of them and which are still in use? Not in Red China, or in Russia. Do you speak of North Korea?

All the major objectives outlined in The Communist Manifesto were reached years ago.

Lol, like what? Was disappearing as a ruling ideology in all but one nations state one of those major objectives, or perhaps it was only a minor objective?

Criticism of Marx is also long gone.

Because he is largely irrelevant, except as an historical footnote.

The mindless name calling on right wing radio isn't a criticism

How is the 'mindless name calling by the right any different from the name calling you have used in the above post?

Pot, meet Kettle.
They may have been laborers but you have to remember that they were still eating each other around the time Stonehenge was built. I doubt they had a grasp of astronomy during that time period or they would have developed a civilization at that time.


Anthropology 101:

There are three major races in the world:


There are two major subgroups:

Native Americans

Define white. Because by definition the term white applies to all Caucasians.



I already defined white. Its synonymous with caucasian....unless whites want to claim credit for something then that group becomes caucasian.

Caucasian race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The term "Caucasian race" was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785). Meiners' term was given wider circulation in the 1790s by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German professor of medicine and member of the British Royal Society, who is considered one of the founders of the discipline of anthropology."

"In his earlier racial typology, Meiners put forth that Caucasians had the "whitest, most blooming and most delicate skin".[9] Europeans with darker skin he considered "dirty whites", admixed with Mongolians. Such views were typical of early scientific attempts at racial classification, where skin pigmentation was regarded as the main difference between races. "


So what you're saying is you want to break down the Caucasian race into subcategories so no one accomplishments can be attributed to what you consider the 'whites'.

Not very ingenious of you.

That only leads to further division of dissent among people which is a progressive ploy.



I dont need to be ingenious. I dont even have to break down the caucasian race as it is only whites that are caucasians. Whites dont get to pick and chose who is a caucasian just because they happen to create something whites want to take credit for. Whites were last to civilization for a reason. Everything they have created rests on the foundation of knowledge that Blacks and Asians built. There is nothing original about them except their penchant for war.


It's nice to know that you have a time machine and can be so self assured about who did what that far back in the past.



Well they documented it as you can see in my link. I didnt need a time machine.
You have to understand white racist logic that makes this Melanesian guy not Negroid
You seem to think science = racism.

According to the chart I posted the Ethiopian girl is closely related to other black Africans. The other two, though they have dark skin, are not.
"Science" has historically been used to advance racism. How silly of you not to know that? This "science" was taught for decades in schools all in an effort to establish whites as the genisis of homo sapiens when common sense and proof had already discovered it was actually Blacks.

Piltdown Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Piltdown man hoax succeeded so well because, at the time of its discovery, the scientific establishment believed that the large modern brain preceded the modern omnivorous diet, and the forgery provided exactly that evidence. It has also been thought that nationalism and cultural prejudice played a role in the less-than-critical acceptance of the fossil as genuine by some British scientists.[7] It satisfied European expectations that the earliest humans would be found in Eurasia, and the British, it has been claimed,[7] also wanted a first Briton to set against fossil hominids found elsewhere in Europe, including France and Germany."

Now if you would like a trip down "science" memory lane and its effect on racism and racist thoughts when can go there.
the banishment of slavery
This is a good one. And rare for man.
American whites banned slavery. All other enslaved groups got themselves out from under slavery..
the banishment of slavery
This is a good one. And rare for man.
American whites banned slavery. All other enslaved groups got themselves out from under slavery..
No silly slavery is not banned. In fact its actually legal and stated in the 13th amendment.
The easier question to answer would be, "what haven't the whites done"?
Thats easy. Create anything without help from other cultures.
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
The easier question to answer would be, "what haven't the whites done"?
Thats easy. Create anything without help from other cultures.
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.

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