CDZ What Good Have Whites Done for the World?

Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
The easier question to answer would be, "what haven't the whites done"?
Thats easy. Create anything without help from other cultures.
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
the banishment of slavery
This is a good one. And rare for man.
American whites banned slavery. All other enslaved groups got themselves out from under slavery..
No silly slavery is not banned. In fact its actually legal and stated in the 13th amendment.
Its a long way from semantics. You claimed slavery was banished but its not. Do you know what semantics means?
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.
Thats easy. Create anything without help from other cultures.
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
the banishment of slavery
This is a good one. And rare for man.
American whites banned slavery. All other enslaved groups got themselves out from under slavery..
No silly slavery is not banned. In fact its actually legal and stated in the 13th amendment.
Its a long way from semantics. You claimed slavery was banished but its not. Do you know what semantics means?
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Yes thats the thing you tried to call a semantic.
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
I guess you hate yourself for using the internet, doncha?
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
Are you having trouble articulating in the CDZ? There is no bias. Your own white historians admit to everything I said in my post. The Greeks for example didnt consider themselves "white". They thought whites were savages. Look it up.
So whites just took what other cultures had and made it 100X better?
That's fair.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
"deflecting" LMAO
you just don't like the idea that whites have been dominate for the last millennia.
I am sure any rational person would think ANY white culture is better than someone elses. Maybe the Asians and that would only depend on which part..
What rational person wishes they were stills surviving on bush meat and living to the old age of 35?
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
I guess you hate yourself for using the internet, doncha?
Why would I hate myself? A Black man owns 3 of the 9 patents for the PC.
According to whites. Thats why we have pollution, poison in our environment, high rates of cancer and all that good stuff.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
"deflecting" LMAO
you just don't like the idea that whites have been dominate for the last millennia.
I am sure any rational person would think ANY white culture is better than someone elses. Maybe the Asians and that would only depend on which part..
What rational person wishes they were stills surviving on bush meat and living to the old age of 35?
My bad. I should have said you were using a strawman. Blacks invented science and advancement so why would I damn it? When you say "rational" you mean white. Of course a white person will delude themselves. Its what they do best.
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
Are you having trouble articulating in the CDZ? There is no bias. Your own white historians admit to everything I said in my post. The Greeks for example didnt consider themselves "white". They thought whites were savages. Look it up.
So? Rachel Dolezal thinks she is black. Does that make her black? No LOL
They didn't think "whites" were savages. The might have thought "lighter skinned" people were weak because of their hardships. An example would be climate.
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
I guess you hate yourself for using the internet, doncha?
Why would I hate myself? A Black man owns 3 of the 9 patents for the PC.
Oh wow. There goes your inconsistency or bias as I called it.
The first PC was built by white man(ed Roberts). A black man took what the white man built and made it better.
So, you can make fun of whites for "taking things from other cultures" but not your own?
Too bad you just described Earth and not a specific race..
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
"deflecting" LMAO
you just don't like the idea that whites have been dominate for the last millennia.
I am sure any rational person would think ANY white culture is better than someone elses. Maybe the Asians and that would only depend on which part..
What rational person wishes they were stills surviving on bush meat and living to the old age of 35?
My bad. I should have said you were using a strawman. Blacks invented science and advancement so why would I damn it? When you say "rational" you mean white. Of course a white person will delude themselves. Its what they do best.
So you would rather be eating bush meat than what you are used to now?
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
Are you having trouble articulating in the CDZ? There is no bias. Your own white historians admit to everything I said in my post. The Greeks for example didnt consider themselves "white". They thought whites were savages. Look it up.
So? Rachel Dolezal thinks she is black. Does that make her black? No LOL
They didn't think "whites" were savages. The might have thought "lighter skinned" people were weak because of their hardships. An example would be climate.
What does Rachel Dolezal have to do with this?

The greeks used the word savage to describe whites.
No. Whites used the knowledge gained from other cultures to fuck up the earth. For example we can blow the earth to hell and back courtesy of a white person.
IKR? Damn advancement and intelligence. Damn science. Damn it to HELL!
Your deflecting now. There is nothing wrong with science. For example the Kushites were the first to use tetracycline. The difference is that it didnt inspire them to create a nuclear bomb.
"deflecting" LMAO
you just don't like the idea that whites have been dominate for the last millennia.
I am sure any rational person would think ANY white culture is better than someone elses. Maybe the Asians and that would only depend on which part..
What rational person wishes they were stills surviving on bush meat and living to the old age of 35?
My bad. I should have said you were using a strawman. Blacks invented science and advancement so why would I damn it? When you say "rational" you mean white. Of course a white person will delude themselves. Its what they do best.
So you would rather be eating bush meat than what you are used to now?
You must not be aware that the meat whites have injected and medicated is causing cancer. I rather eat any meat than the stuff whites have polluted. However, I dont know what that has to do with my point. Thats 2 deflections so far. I know you admitted the CDZ was hard for you but try harder.
Whites made MAN advance.
The commies might hate the whites because we aren't like 1200s Scandinavia..
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
Are you having trouble articulating in the CDZ? There is no bias. Your own white historians admit to everything I said in my post. The Greeks for example didnt consider themselves "white". They thought whites were savages. Look it up.
So? Rachel Dolezal thinks she is black. Does that make her black? No LOL
They didn't think "whites" were savages. The might have thought "lighter skinned" people were weak because of their hardships. An example would be climate.
What does Rachel Dolezal have to do with this?

The greeks used the word savage to describe whites.
Not because of their skin color but because of their "hardships" so to speak.
Environment climate etc
Racialization was developed by the Europeans. As far as I can tell.
Man was advanced before whites became sentient. You guys were last to the party. Blacks, Asian, Indians etc had already established civilizations while whites were still in europe eating each other. One only has to look to they pyramids to understand the level of development man had prior to whites being taught.

Oh wow LMAO
How can one discuss things when the bias is so overwhelming?
Too bad this is the CDZ :)
Are you having trouble articulating in the CDZ? There is no bias. Your own white historians admit to everything I said in my post. The Greeks for example didnt consider themselves "white". They thought whites were savages. Look it up.
So? Rachel Dolezal thinks she is black. Does that make her black? No LOL
They didn't think "whites" were savages. The might have thought "lighter skinned" people were weak because of their hardships. An example would be climate.
What does Rachel Dolezal have to do with this?

The greeks used the word savage to describe whites.
Not because of their skin color but because of their "hardships" so to speak.
Environment climate etc
Racialization was developed by the Europeans. As far as I can tell.
I disagree. Aristotle himself was a racialist. You lied and claimed the Greeks didnt think of whites as savages. Why did you lie? Here is Aristotle expressing his views using color.

"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. "
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