What happened to all those chicks Trump raped?


You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
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BTW i dont actually have a daughter. I just wanted to make fun of guno5000
trump was going to sue them...sue them all right after the election....another promise.....lol
----------------------------------------------- silly waste of time , the TROLLOPS accusing Trump only own some fancy 'panties' and thats about it . They likely accused TRUMP to get some money from him SBones .
and its a personal matter , TRUMP can sue or he doesn't have to sue as its all a personal matter SBones .
Kinda dissapeared didnt they? :dunno:
I would recommend the next Democratic candidate call a press conference the day of a debate with Trump, and have all of Trump's victims present at the press conference.

Then that Democratic can say they stand up for women's rights the same way Hillary does.
You mean like the pussy grabber does. Don't let him get too close to your wives or daughters. He likes them young.
Bill did what Trump only spoke about.

Go fuck yourself troll
but do some women ever LIE about being raped , groped or sexually assaulted Ladies and Gents ??
because , yeah SOME do lie . So here is an Invitation to the board to politely discuss the fact that SOME women do lie about being raped , groped or sexually assaulted and have put some innocent men in prison for years based on their lies .

You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

Ok, so you have a crush on Obama....to each their own.
Kinda dissapeared didnt they? :dunno:

They were threatened into oblivion, as this is what 45 does. Threats are usually enough to make his victims "go away," but sometimes he takes things a step further, as he did with Salma Hayek when she refused to date him. He had a tabloid publish a false story about her, trying to damage her reputation.
Kinda dissapeared didnt they? :dunno:
I would recommend the next Democratic candidate call a press conference the day of a debate with Trump, and have all of Trump's victims present at the press conference.

I wonder if the left could pull that off. Can they really ignore the fact that their ginned up scandal feel apart so fast, and then try the same stunt 4 years later?

I guess they could. All it would take would be to have no soul.
Turnabout's fair play.

I've been enjoying karma bitch slapping you pseudocons with your own benchmarks on a daily basis. :lol:

Umm, sure, whatever.

Karma would have all you "male" libs, who have enjoyed spreading these lies, to be falsely accused of rape and have your reputation, such as it is, ruined.

Uh, his own ex wife told a courtroom that Donald raped her, dipshit.
Kinda dissapeared didnt they? :dunno:
What happened to Clinton's victims? They kind of disappeared too.

Good luck suing the POTUS. If he raped me what could I do about it? Who would listen? Same people that listened to Paula Jones? Well they are Republicans. They won't care now that the rapist is a republican.

Luckily Trumps just a dirty old man now. Probably has 1 testasterone in his body.

Obama was smart and never cheated or he didn't get caught.. So they made up stories to lie about..Michelle is a man ect.

Kinda dissapeared didnt they? :dunno:
I would recommend the next Democratic candidate call a press conference the day of a debate with Trump, and have all of Trump's victims present at the press conference.

I wonder if the left could pull that off. Can they really ignore the fact that their ginned up scandal feel apart so fast, and then try the same stunt 4 years later?

I guess they could. All it would take would be to have no soul.
Turnabout's fair play.

I've been enjoying karma bitch slapping you pseudocons with your own benchmarks on a daily basis. :lol:

Umm, sure, whatever.

Karma would have all you "male" libs, who have enjoyed spreading these lies, to be falsely accused of rape and have your reputation, such as it is, ruined.

Uh, his own ex wife told a courtroom that Donald raped her, dipshit.

Yes she wrote a book about it herself, after the divorce so she had nothing to gain at that point except to heal..

talk , talk , talk and no information or links eh SYTFE .

His ex wife wrote a book Pismoe

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

----------------------------------------- and i heard that she recanted something about ACTUAL RAPE EWings . And just from the title that you post , all i can say is WHO CARES how she felt . Making a person 'feel violated' is not against the law . Sounds to me to be an emotional problem , in this case for the woman that felt violated EWings . --------------- I'll look at the link shortly EWings .
talk , talk , talk and no information or links eh SYTFE .

His ex wife wrote a book Pismoe

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

----------------------------------------- and i heard that she recanted something about ACTUAL RAPE EWings . And just from the title that you post , all i can say is WHO CARES how she felt . Making a person 'feel violated' is not against the law . Sounds to me to be an emotional problem , in this case for the woman that felt violated EWings . --------------- I'll look at the link shortly EWings .

Just keep in mind, most people who are accused with something like that..Their attorneys work over time to discredit the accuser..

Yes, I think she did retract it.. so who knows


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