What Happened to the Staid British?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
“Pub crawlers” attack a homeless man. And, they're girls!!!


I'm not even going to comment more. Read the story for yourselves @ Carnage pub crawl girls attack homeless man in shocking video | Mail Online
Where have you been. Lower working class areas in London, or, shoot, think Blackpool up by Preston live 'clubbing' as a way of life. Youth, booze, easy targets ~ stuff happens. What happened while uncommon is not rare.
I've seen these Brit piglets in Greece. They get soppy drunk. Having said that, some of the nicest and most intelligent women I've ever known were also Brits. It is certainly a class society.
I've seen these Brit piglets in Greece. They get soppy drunk. Having said that, some of the nicest and most intelligent women I've ever known were also Brits. It is certainly a class society.

This is the outcome of neo Marxist uncontrolled immigration and cheap holidays abroad. The drink and drugs flow like water and the males and females lose their self control. When it is gangs of drunken muslim females they are let off because their culture does not know how to handle alcohol. These girls will get stiff sentences and most probably lose their jobs.
Carnage pub crawls are about getting as drunk as possible and drunken people can become quite violent. Carnage crawls are not very common though.
I've seen these Brit piglets in Greece. They get soppy drunk. Having said that, some of the nicest and most intelligent women I've ever known were also Brits. It is certainly a class society.

This is the outcome of neo Marxist uncontrolled immigration and cheap holidays abroad. The drink and drugs flow like water and the males and females lose their self control. When it is gangs of drunken muslim females they are let off because their culture does not know how to handle alcohol. These girls will get stiff sentences and most probably lose their jobs.
I concur
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uR4KmmbuVw]Drunk Girls Fight In Texas Street - YouTube[/ame]

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