What Happened To The Truth?

From the OP:

Remember when Barack Obama felt compelled to show two forms of his birth certificate to combat lies that he was ineligible to be president? The birther lie was obviously based on racist nonsense that had more to do with him being a brown person with a foreign-sounding name than anything else. But enough people believed it, and as a sitting president, he felt he had to address it.

Meanwhile, not enough people were asking the much simpler question: Is the electoral process of the so-called best country in the world so flawed that there aren’t safeguards to ensure the person elected president is actually eligible to be president?

Obama wasn’t just the first Black president. He was the first president who was obligated to prove he was president, even after he was sworn in as president.

And to think, the fiercest cheerleader for the birther lie became president after Obama, and he spent four years lying incessantly while shouting “fake news” from every mountaintop he could find — with the entire right-wing world serving as his eternal echo.
From the OP:

Remember when Barack Obama felt compelled to show two forms of his birth certificate to combat lies that he was ineligible to be president? The birther lie was obviously based on racist nonsense that had more to do with him being a brown person with a foreign-sounding name than anything else. But enough people believed it, and as a sitting president, he felt he had to address it.

Meanwhile, not enough people were asking the much simpler question: Is the electoral process of the so-called best country in the world so flawed that there aren’t safeguards to ensure the person elected president is actually eligible to be president?

Obama wasn’t just the first Black president. He was the first president who was obligated to prove he was president, even after he was sworn in as president.

And to think, the fiercest cheerleader for the birther lie became president after Obama, and he spent four years lying incessantly while shouting “fake news” from every mountaintop he could find — with the entire right-wing world serving as his eternal echo.
Fake news. Obama is 2nd worst. He even had the worst as VP, who is now the worst.

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