What Happened To The Truth?

Actually the vice president cannot have classified documents.

All VPs have always had and needed to have classified documents.
All cabinet members as well.
But only presidents and VPs are specifically exempt from all classified doc laws, because they do not need or get security clearances.
They get their authorization directly from the people who elected them.
That is above the whole security clearance system.
Because that is true.

Not true.
There is no way injecting mRNA instructions to make your own cells grow spike proteins can be safe because your own immune system will target and destroy those cells, as defective.
That is very dangerous because the mRNA does not have to stay in the arm muscle, but instead can migrate to sensitive places like the heart of brain.
And places with 100% vaccination mandates are still having the same infection and death rates, so clearly the mRNA vax did not work at all.
Not true.
There is no way injecting mRNA instructions to make your own cells grow spike proteins can be safe because your own immune system will target and destroy those cells, as defective.
That is very dangerous because the mRNA does not have to stay in the arm muscle, but instead can migrate to sensitive places like the heart of brain.
And places with 100% vaccination mandates are still having the same infection and death rates, so clearly the mRNA vax did not work at all.
Not true. Once the vaccines became widely available the unvaccinated died at much higher rates.
From the OP:

Remember when Barack Obama felt compelled to show two forms of his birth certificate to combat lies that he was ineligible to be president? The birther lie was obviously based on racist nonsense that had more to do with him being a brown person with a foreign-sounding name than anything else. But enough people believed it, and as a sitting president, he felt he had to address it.

Meanwhile, not enough people were asking the much simpler question: Is the electoral process of the so-called best country in the world so flawed that there aren’t safeguards to ensure the person elected president is actually eligible to be president?

Obama wasn’t just the first Black president. He was the first president who was obligated to prove he was president, even after he was sworn in as president.

And to think, the fiercest cheerleader for the birther lie became president after Obama, and he spent four years lying incessantly while shouting “fake news” from every mountaintop he could find — with the entire right-wing world serving as his eternal echo.

I do not think Obama was a bad president, but I doubt he was totally legal.
His mother was young and traveled right after she turned 18, so did not spend sufficient time in the US.
So she tried to return to the US when pregnant, but likely did not make it in time.
The usual documents from a birth in Hawaii were not there.
But it is still considered a legal US birth even if it happened on the ship on the way to Hawaii.
Not true. Once the vaccines became widely available the unvaccinated died at much higher rates.

The unvaccinated originally had a higher rate, but only because originally the majority was unvaxed.
Now that there are 100% mandated vax communities, like sports, the military, religious groups like in Israel, prisons, etc., we see that the vaxed and unvaxed eventually have about the exact same infection and death rate.
And that should be obvious to anyone who knows why coronaviruses even exist.
They exist because they are mimicking out own exosomes, which use a single spike protein in order to get our cells to let them in. So the immune system can not just attack anything with a spike protein, or else it would destroy all our exosomes, and we would all die.
Due to the complications of the mRNA vax, those vaccinated actually have an even slightly higher death rate.
We legitimize dishonesty when we treat demonstrable lies like they’re worthy of the same consideration as the demonstrable truth. It’s arguable that the very future of democracy hinges on the answer to a simple question:

What happened to the truth?

What Happened To The Truth?

I totally agree! What do you think?

Lets see, Democrats lie and Republicans lie, Trump lies, Biden lies, Congress lies, so we are in deep trouble.
Lets see, Democrats lie and Republicans lie, Trump lies, Biden lies, Congress lies, so we are in deep trouble.
That's way too convenient of an excuse for republic lying. They tell lies like drinking water.

Humper told over 35,000 lies while in office.

Santos lied about everything in his history.
The unvaccinated originally had a higher rate, but only because originally the majority was unvaxed.
Now that there are 100% mandated vax communities, like sports, the military, religious groups like in Israel, prisons, etc., we see that the vaxed and unvaxed eventually have about the exact same infection and death rate.
And that should be obvious to anyone who knows why coronaviruses even exist.
They exist because they are mimicking out own exosomes, which use a single spike protein in order to get our cells to let them in. So the immune system can not just attack anything with a spike protein, or else it would destroy all our exosomes, and we would all die.
Due to the complications of the mRNA vax, those vaccinated actually have an even slightly higher death rate.

Your simply wrong.

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
That's way too convenient of an excuse for republic lying. They tell lies like drinking water.

Humper told over 35,000 lies while in office.

Santos lied about everything in his history.

Yeah yeah yeah.

Now let's see you counter Rigby's reasoned and informed arguments.
Oh. I see you got two answers in there.

Predictable ones.
Yeah yeah yeah.

Now let's see you counter Rigby's reasoned and informed arguments.
Is he going to counter republic lying to influence like both the former 1-term fuckup and santos did?

How is he going to reason that away?
Is he going to counter republic lying to influence like both the former 1-term fuckup and santos did?

How is he going to reason that away?

Just give us another link with faulty info, yell liar liar and run away.

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