What Happened To The Truth?

What happened to the truth? You ass-clowns have lied so fricken much and call it truth.

This must be the “truth” you skipped over. It’s why MAGA or make America white again Republicanism is doomed. There’s way too many white Americans, many of them Christians, many of them not, who felt solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests after Officer Chauvin suffocated George Floyd to death for ten minutes was caught on camera.

It’s statistically true that the average Black American family’s net worth is about 10% of that of the average white American family.​
It’s statistically true that Black men are given 20% longer sentences than white men who commit the same crime and have the same criminal history.​
It’s statistically true that White Americans use and sell drugs more often than Black Americans, but Black people are arrested on drug charges at far higher rates than our white counterparts.​
It’s statistically true that the average non-white school district receives $2,226 less per student than a majority-white school district.​
Data shows that Black people are more likely to be stopped by police.​
Data shows evidence of racial segregation in homeownership.​
Data shows that white people account for about 60% of America’s population but make up at least 77% of Congress.​
Data shows that every single state legislature in America is disproportionately white.​
These are just a few examples that support the concepts of white supremacy and systemic racism. And if you think it’s simply a huge coincidence that the group of people who stay on the losing end of virtually all racial disparities just so happen to be the same racial group who suffered slavery followed by Reconstruction followed by decades of legally sanctioned segregation and hatred — then an inability to see through an often-repeated lie isn’t really your core issue. Your problem is much simpler than that. You’re just racist.​
Meanwhile, there is no unimpeachable data that shows evidence of widespread voter fraud. Instead, virtually every study has shown that voter fraud in America is extremely rare. Yet Republican legislators across the country are proposing and passing voter suppression laws under the pretext of securing elections they haven’t proven need securing.​
We legitimize dishonesty when we treat demonstrable lies like they’re worthy of the same consideration as the demonstrable truth. It’s arguable that the very future of democracy hinges on the answer to a simple question:

What happened to the truth?

What Happened To The Truth?

I totally agree! What do you think?

You and the truth are diametrically opposed, is what I think.
This must be the “truth” you skipped over. It’s why MAGA or make America white again Republicanism is doomed. There’s way too many white Americans, many of them Christians, many of them not, who felt solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests after Officer Chauvin suffocated George Floyd to death for ten minutes was caught on camera.

It’s statistically true that the average Black American family’s net worth is about 10% of that of the average white American family.​
It’s statistically true that Black men are given 20% longer sentences than white men who commit the same crime and have the same criminal history.​
It’s statistically true that White Americans use and sell drugs more often than Black Americans, but Black people are arrested on drug charges at far higher rates than our white counterparts.​
It’s statistically true that the average non-white school district receives $2,226 less per student than a majority-white school district.​
Data shows that Black people are more likely to be stopped by police.​
Data shows evidence of racial segregation in homeownership.​
Data shows that white people account for about 60% of America’s population but make up at least 77% of Congress.​
Data shows that every single state legislature in America is disproportionately white.​
These are just a few examples that support the concepts of white supremacy and systemic racism. And if you think it’s simply a huge coincidence that the group of people who stay on the losing end of virtually all racial disparities just so happen to be the same racial group who suffered slavery followed by Reconstruction followed by decades of legally sanctioned segregation and hatred — then an inability to see through an often-repeated lie isn’t really your core issue. Your problem is much simpler than that. You’re just racist.​
Meanwhile, there is no unimpeachable data that shows evidence of widespread voter fraud. Instead, virtually every study has shown that voter fraud in America is extremely rare. Yet Republican legislators across the country are proposing and passing voter suppression laws under the pretext of securing elections they haven’t proven need securing.​

MAGA isn't about race, dumbass. It is an idea, a philosophy, a desire to make the USA great for ALL of its citizens.

We leave the racism to you fascist progressives.
This must be the “truth” you skipped over. It’s why MAGA or make America white again Republicanism is doomed. There’s way too many white Americans, many of them Christians, many of them not, who felt solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests after Officer Chauvin suffocated George Floyd to death for ten minutes was caught on camera.

It’s statistically true that the average Black American family’s net worth is about 10% of that of the average white American family.​
It’s statistically true that Black men are given 20% longer sentences than white men who commit the same crime and have the same criminal history.​
It’s statistically true that White Americans use and sell drugs more often than Black Americans, but Black people are arrested on drug charges at far higher rates than our white counterparts.​
It’s statistically true that the average non-white school district receives $2,226 less per student than a majority-white school district.​
Data shows that Black people are more likely to be stopped by police.​
Data shows evidence of racial segregation in homeownership.​
Data shows that white people account for about 60% of America’s population but make up at least 77% of Congress.​
Data shows that every single state legislature in America is disproportionately white.​
These are just a few examples that support the concepts of white supremacy and systemic racism. And if you think it’s simply a huge coincidence that the group of people who stay on the losing end of virtually all racial disparities just so happen to be the same racial group who suffered slavery followed by Reconstruction followed by decades of legally sanctioned segregation and hatred — then an inability to see through an often-repeated lie isn’t really your core issue. Your problem is much simpler than that. You’re just racist.​
Meanwhile, there is no unimpeachable data that shows evidence of widespread voter fraud. Instead, virtually every study has shown that voter fraud in America is extremely rare. Yet Republican legislators across the country are proposing and passing voter suppression laws under the pretext of securing elections they haven’t proven need securing.​

What the hell are you going on about? This isn't the topic here at all.

And you may need to read up on the Reconstruction in this country if you think blacks were the sole victims of hatred and discrimination.
MAGA isn't about race,
Trump had a plan to take a second term by throwing out the votes in Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Michigan because the votes in the cities were fraudulent because that is where black people cheat and beat all the honest white voters in the rural areas in MAGA world.

You can’t get more racist than that.
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Trump had a plan to take a second term by throwing out the votes in Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Michigan because the votes in the cities were fraudulent because the that is where black people cheat and beat all the honest white voters in the rural areas.

You can’t get more racist than that.

Total bullshit. You clods spew the most ridiculous shit.
I suppose you're stupid enough to believe Guam will capsize.
Sure, you believe in Jewish space lasers starting fires in CA right.

Or disinfectants injected into the body to kill COVID?

Or this one from louie...

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, suggested at a congressional hearing that climate change could be combatted by altering the orbit of the moon and asked a U.S. Forest Service official whether there was any way the agency could do it.
Total bullshit. You clods spew the most ridiculous shit.

NFBW: Which of you two is the most intelligent to have a respectable conversation about “truth” in America ?

Well, at least you're giving me a choice.

NFBW: Did you read the link in the OP yet?

I read it yesterday and posted this:

NFBW230110-#6,674 Think about it. Women had a national right to privacy to have an abortion when Trump lost in 2020 and then deliberately and intentionally without evidence marketed the BIG LIE that he had actually won.​

“And yet, at least 253 key political leaders across red-state America believed or pretended to believe the lie, and 147 Republican legislators voted to overturn a legal election based on the lie.​

The entire Trump presidency was rooted in lies, and those lies have added to the persistent chipping away at democracy.​
favicon.ico www.huffpost.com
White conservatives rioted at the U.S. Capitol over that lie (and then tried to lie and say antifa did it).​
NFBW; I contend that it is the sanctimonious white Christian nationalist movement’s convergence with the Republican Party, following the Roe v Wade decision in 1973, and incessant use of abortion as the primary cultural wedge issue is why secular truth has become so devalued ever since the birther rode down the golden escalator like Moses coming down from the mountain of Trump Tower in 2015. •••• Any objections?

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