What Happened To The Truth?

On Sept. 27, as a six-month-old fetus, [Baby Royer] underwent experimental surgery while still in his mother’s womb to treat a severe form of spina bifida, in which the tissue that should enclose and protect the spinal column does not form properly.

The condition leaves the spine open with nerves exposed, and they sustain damage that can leave a child incontinent and unable to walk. The opening leaks spinal fluid, and the base of the brain can sink into the spinal column and be harmed by pressure.

Research has shown that for carefully selected fetuses, surgery before birth rather than after gives the child better odds of being able to walk independently and of avoiding the need for an implanted shunt to prevent fluid buildup in the brain.

Usually, the prenatal surgery requires cutting open the uterus. But after carefully studying the options and consulting various specialists, Lexi and Joshuwa Royer chose an experimental approach. In that procedure, developed at Texas Children’s Hospital by Dr. Michael Belfort, the obstetrician and gynecologist-in-chief, and Dr. William Whitehead, a pediatric neurosurgeon, doctors make just tiny slits in the uterus to insert a camera and miniature instruments. The camera sends images to a monitor that the surgeons watch so they can see what they are doing.
This has nothing to do with declaring a fetus a baby. All you ever do is lie.
If they aren't, why are so many of the unvaccinated hospitalized? Yes, the majority of COVID patients in Indiana hospitals are unvaccinated

The vast majority are likely those who failed to get ROUTINE medical care due to the Scamdemic. We are seeing a wave of deaths due to that.
Those pushing the fake Covid Pandemic need to be held responsible for those deaths.

In addition, it is documented that the number of vaccinated people dying is rising rapidly due to MRna issues.
I thought a man's sex life is nobody's business but his. At least that's what you loons told is about Clinton. You loons set the bar low with him. Now you put a pedophile in office, can't go any lower than that.
Where is your proof the guy in office is a pedophile? You don't have any. You are a worthless misearble ass liar.
We legitimize dishonesty when we treat demonstrable lies like they’re worthy of the same consideration as the demonstrable truth. It’s arguable that the very future of democracy hinges on the answer to a simple question:

What happened to the truth?

What Happened To The Truth?

I totally agree! What do you think?

When Pontius Pilate interrogated Jesus before his crucifixion, Jesus proclaimed that "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37). To this, Pilate replied "What is truth?" and immediately left Jesus to address the Jews who wanted Christ crucified (v. 38). As Francis Bacon wrote in his essay "On Truth," "'What is truth?' said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer." Although we have no record of any reply by Jesus, Christians affirm that Pilate was staring Truth in the face, for Jesus had earlier said to Thomas, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).

This exchange raises the perennial question of the nature of truth. What does it mean for a statement to be true? This has been a subject of much debate in postmodernist circles, where the traditional view of truth as objective and knowable is no longer accepted. Many even outside of academic discussions may be as cynical about truth as Pilate. "What is truth?" they smirk, without waiting for an answer. But unless we are clear about the notion of truth, any religious claim to truth--Christian or otherwise--will perplex more than enlighten. Before attempting to determine which claims are true, we need to understand the
nature of truth itself.

The vast majority are likely those who failed to get ROUTINE medical care due to the Scamdemic. We are seeing a wave of deaths due to that.
Those pushing the fake Covid Pandemic need to be held responsible for those deaths.

In addition, it is documented that the number of vaccinated people dying is rising rapidly due to MRna issues.
That's not what my link has proven. "THE VAST MAJORITY" is not any kind of intelligent argument. That comes straight out of your ass with no references. You lose.
When Pontius Pilate interrogated Jesus before his crucifixion, Jesus proclaimed that "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37). To this, Pilate replied "What is truth?" and immediately left Jesus to address the Jews who wanted Christ crucified (v. 38). As Francis Bacon wrote in his essay "On Truth," "'What is truth?' said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer." Although we have no record of any reply by Jesus, Christians affirm that Pilate was staring Truth in the face, for Jesus had earlier said to Thomas, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).

This exchange raises the perennial question of the nature of truth. What does it mean for a statement to be true? This has been a subject of much debate in postmodernist circles, where the traditional view of truth as objective and knowable is no longer accepted. Many even outside of academic discussions may be as cynical about truth as Pilate. "What is truth?" they smirk, without waiting for an answer. But unless we are clear about the notion of truth, any religious claim to truth--Christian or otherwise--will perplex more than enlighten. Before attempting to determine which claims are true, we need to understand the
nature of truth itself.

If there never was a standard for truth laid out in society, there would be no society.
On Sept. 27, as a six-month-old fetus, [Baby Royer] underwent experimental surgery while still in his mother’s womb to treat a severe form of spina bifida, in which the tissue that should enclose and protect the spinal column does not form properly.

The condition leaves the spine open with nerves exposed, and they sustain damage that can leave a child incontinent and unable to walk. The opening leaks spinal fluid, and the base of the brain can sink into the spinal column and be harmed by pressure.

Research has shown that for carefully selected fetuses, surgery before birth rather than after gives the child better odds of being able to walk independently and of avoiding the need for an implanted shunt to prevent fluid buildup in the brain.

Usually, the prenatal surgery requires cutting open the uterus. But after carefully studying the options and consulting various specialists, Lexi and Joshuwa Royer chose an experimental approach. In that procedure, developed at Texas Children’s Hospital by Dr. Michael Belfort, the obstetrician and gynecologist-in-chief, and Dr. William Whitehead, a pediatric neurosurgeon, doctors make just tiny slits in the uterus to insert a camera and miniature instruments. The camera sends images to a monitor that the surgeons watch so they can see what they are doing.
This has nothing to do with declaring a fetus a baby. All you ever do is lie.

The Simple solution to this vast majority of unwanted pregnancies is simple Personal Responsibility.
Instead of defending the killing of the unborn, why don't you push personal responsibility ?

Probably because you are a self indulgent, narcissistic hedonist who cares only about yourself and your own pleasure.
wthr.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/vaccine/the-vast-majority-of-covid-patients-in-indiana-hospitals-are-still-unvaccinated-vaccianted-icu-ventilator-registration-dashboard/531-5c498f3d-3af6-425a-bcf2-b4c5c14bdf16 He's mostly right. And if you do, it's generally mild if you have up dated vaccinations.
That's not what my link has proven. "THE VAST MAJORITY" is not any kind of intelligent argument. That comes straight out of your ass with no references. You lose.

Yet you failed to disprove my claim.
Or ....
Perhaps you are simply on a much lower intelligence plane. You have "proven" nothing other than your disdain for personal responsibility.
Please be sure you are fully vaccinated and get all your boosters.

I have acquired immunity to most covid strains. No vaxx required.
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The Simple solution to this vast majority of unwanted pregnancies is simple Personal Responsibility.
Instead of defending the killing of the unborn, why don't you push personal responsibility ?

Probably because you are a self indulgent, narcissistic hedonist who cares only about yourself and your own pleasure.
You are deflecting out in the wild blue yonder now. I can get behind personal responsibility all day long. The question remains, can you get a hold of your "KILLING OF THE UNBORN" fucking lies?
On Sept. 27, as a six-month-old fetus, [Baby Royer] underwent experimental surgery while still in his mother’s womb to treat a severe form of spina bifida, in which the tissue that should enclose and protect the spinal column does not form properly.

The condition leaves the spine open with nerves exposed, and they sustain damage that can leave a child incontinent and unable to walk. The opening leaks spinal fluid, and the base of the brain can sink into the spinal column and be harmed by pressure.

Research has shown that for carefully selected fetuses, surgery before birth rather than after gives the child better odds of being able to walk independently and of avoiding the need for an implanted shunt to prevent fluid buildup in the brain.

Usually, the prenatal surgery requires cutting open the uterus. But after carefully studying the options and consulting various specialists, Lexi and Joshuwa Royer chose an experimental approach. In that procedure, developed at Texas Children’s Hospital by Dr. Michael Belfort, the obstetrician and gynecologist-in-chief, and Dr. William Whitehead, a pediatric neurosurgeon, doctors make just tiny slits in the uterus to insert a camera and miniature instruments. The camera sends images to a monitor that the surgeons watch so they can see what they are doing.
This has nothing to do with declaring a fetus a baby. All you ever do is lie.
Ya got some of that selective reading going on.

That’s right. Planned Parenthood admitted that a child in his mother’s womb is, indeed, a “baby.” As in a living, breathing individual.
Or ....
Perhaps you are simply on a much lower intelligence plane. You have "proven" nothing other than your disdain for personal responsibility.
I have proven that "THE VAST MAJORITY" comes right out of your ass.
Ya got some of that selective reading going on.

That’s right. Planned Parenthood admitted that a child in his mother’s womb is, indeed, a “baby.” As in a living, breathing individual.
Isn't it your link Jim Bob?
Ya got some of that selective reading going on.

That’s right. Planned Parenthood admitted that a child in his mother’s womb is, indeed, a “baby.” As in a living, breathing individual.
Do you know the definition of a child DA?

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