What happened.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.
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I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.
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  • #5
Should be in conspiracy theories with the other whacko threads.
That is how the intelligence community would handle it. Admit nothing, deny everything and make counteraccusations.
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.

Okay, here's what happened.

A guy who the people didn't want became President because of an antiquated system created by Slave Rapists 200 years ago.

He never rose to the prestige of the office, being the same petty narcissist when he started. Unlike other presidents who grew into the role, who made friends and built relationships, he pretty much alienated everyone.

His incompetence brought about a deadly plague, a recession, riots in the streets.

The people FINALLY got fed up and voted his ass out.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.

Okay, here's what happened.

A guy who the people didn't want became President because of an antiquated system created by Slave Rapists 200 years ago.

He never rose to the prestige of the office, being the same petty narcissist when he started. Unlike other presidents who grew into the role, who made friends and built relationships, he pretty much alienated everyone.

His incompetence brought about a deadly plague, a recession, riots in the streets.

The people FINALLY got fed up and voted his ass out.
I don't even know how to respond to that.
I don't even know how to respond to that.

I know, you are kind of dense.

Here's the thing. We have this bizarre situation where someone can become president after Losing the national popular vote. It's only happened five times in our history.

It's never been a good thing. These presidents are almost always disasters. With the exception of Bush-43, they are thrown out with a vengeance the next election. Unless they are smart enough to not run at all, as "RutherFRAUD B. Hayes" opted to do.

Fortunately, it happens very rarely. Unfortunately, it isn't rare enough to where we go back in and fix the system.
You can run from the truth forever but you cannot hide from it for one second.
That was the most bizarre election I have ever witnessed. They stopped counting on election eve, waited a prescribed time period, and then some systems administrator just keystroked Biden in as the winner.

Now after being handed a bag of fertilizer millions of cheering supporters are dancing in the streets like they just won the lottery. It is beyond bizarre but we know now that propaganda still works.,
That was the most bizarre election I have ever witnessed. They stopped counting on election eve, waited a prescribed time period, and then some systems administrator just keystroked Biden in as the winner.

Well, that's not what happened, buddy. Most elections, they only count a portion on election eve... Most states are called on PROJECTIONS. They still haven't counted all the votes in California yet.

Everyone knew it would take longer to process the votes because the high level of absentee, vote in person votes due to TRUMP PLAGUE.

Now after being handed a bag of fertilizer millions of cheering supporters are dancing in the streets like they just won the lottery. It is beyond bizarre but we know now that propaganda still works.,

Not at all.

The majority voted against Trump in 2016.
The majority voted against him in 2020.

Of course, we are dancing in the streets.. That's what you do when you topple a tyrant.
The incredible naïveté of the electorate is on full display as the state prosecutes the final stages of its coup. Most are blissfully unaware that this (covid-19) has all been a trial run for absolute totalitarianism. The falling in line of the fooled is a sad testament to the abandonment of the principles in our bill of Rights and our constitution.

The intelligence infrastructure, the media, and permanent bureaucratic Washington went to work to destroy the last attempt of the people to hold on to self-determination. It looks like like they were successful.

As more and more people lose their jobs to globalization and become dependent on government that government will enforce rules on the people by withholding those benefits until the people comply.

Soon every American will be told to take a vaccine or lose their Social Security, welfare payments, or any other benefit they receive. If you think this is not coming you are in for a rude awakening.

Citizens will be told at their workplace to follow government orders or go home. This is what totalitarianism is all about. Get ready for it.
Should be in conspiracy theories with the other whacko threads.
That is how the intelligence community would handle it. Admit nothing, deny everything and make counteraccusations.
Don't forget that the deep state was alive & kicking by the time of the Eisenhower administration. Our Republic has been so diluted over time it is now a mob(bureaucrat/profe$$ional politician$) ruled democracy. BOTH major political parties, I call them the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) have had a hand in this dumbing down of the American society. The clock has already chimed for the midnight hour. We are now starting to see the more obvious repercussions of that 12:00 midnight chiming of the clock. I believe more & more of these election, BLM/antifa, China, debt spending etc fiascos will be coming @ us along with an accelerated rate. I certainly hope & pray I am wrong regarding my assessment but the short range forecast looks to be fairly stormy to me.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
The incredible naïveté of the electorate is on full display as the state prosecutes the final stages of its coup. Most are blissfully unaware that this (covid-19) has all been a trial run for absolute totalitarianism. The falling in line of the fooled is a sad testament to the abandonment of the principles in our bill of Rights and our constitution.

The intelligence infrastructure, the media, and permanent bureaucratic Washington went to work to destroy the last attempt of the people to hold on to self-determination. It looks like like they were successful.

As more and more people lose their jobs to globalization and become dependent on government that government will enforce rules on the people by withholding those benefits until the people comply.

Soon every American will be told to take a vaccine or lose their Social Security, welfare payments, or any other benefit they receive. If you think this is not coming you are in for a rude awakening.

Citizens will be told at their workplace to follow government orders or go home. This is what totalitarianism is all about. Get ready for it.

Trade agreements create jobs not loose them.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

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