What happened.

The incredible naïveté of the electorate is on full display as the state prosecutes the final stages of its coup. Most are blissfully unaware that this (covid-19) has all been a trial run for absolute totalitarianism. The falling in line of the fooled is a sad testament to the abandonment of the principles in our bill of Rights and our constitution.

The intelligence infrastructure, the media, and permanent bureaucratic Washington went to work to destroy the last attempt of the people to hold on to self-determination. It looks like like they were successful.

Hold on, Guy. "Self-Determination"? 3 million more people voted against Trump in 2016. 4.5 million more voted against Trump this time. Self determination would be "the Guy who gets the most votes wins". not "the guy who games the system set up by Slave Rapists best wins". Well, fine. Biden gamed that system as well. The people said, "NO MORE!"

As more and more people lose their jobs to globalization and become dependent on government that government will enforce rules on the people by withholding those benefits until the people comply.

Soon every American will be told to take a vaccine or lose their Social Security, welfare payments, or any other benefit they receive. If you think this is not coming you are in for a rude awakening.

And so what? Frankly, I'd like to take anti-vaxxers out and charge them with negligent homicide... Diseases we've beaten are coming back because nuts are out there spreading bullshit.

Citizens will be told at their workplace to follow government orders or go home. This is what totalitarianism is all about. Get ready for it.

Actually, more like, workplaces won't want you in their workplace if you haven't gotten the vaccine...and who could blame them.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
I suspect there are guarantees.

The guy is 78 years old. He isn’t changing his views now. It’s clear he’s of the establishment. He will do what the establishment wants.

We got Trump because O was a fraud. Had O been a successful president, she would have won easily. Now we have a life long politician with a history of lying, corruption, corporatism, and warmongering.

Your happy Don’s gone. Me too, but I’m sure Joe won’t be any better.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
It’s sad when you excuse Biden’s warmongering, by claiming he was duped. That merely proves he’s dumb. Biden not only supported Iraq, he continued to years later after no WMD and he even criticized his fellow Democrats for not supporting it.

Minimizing the horrors inflected on the people of Libya, Syria, and Yemen by our military, merely proves you’re a partisan.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
I suspect there are guarantees.

The guy is 78 years old. He isn’t changing his views now. It’s clear he’s of the establishment. He will do what the establishment wants.

We got Trump because O was a fraud. Had O been a successful president, she would have won easily. Now we have a life long politician with a history of lying, corruption, corporatism, and warmongering.

Your happy Don’s gone. Me too, but I’m sure Joe won’t be any better.
And besides, it won’t be long before we know exactly what kind of potus Biden is. Once we see his cabinet choices, we’ll know.

If he allows Citigroup to pick his cabinet as Ears did or Neocons as Don did, we’ll know.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
I suspect there are guarantees.

The guy is 78 years old. He isn’t changing his views now. It’s clear he’s of the establishment. He will do what the establishment wants.

We got Trump because O was a fraud. Had O been a successful president, she would have won easily. Now we have a life long politician with a history of lying, corruption, corporatism, and warmongering.

Your happy Don’s gone. Me too, but I’m sure Joe won’t be any better.
I don't claim to know. My top priority was simply knowing that America was better than what I feared. So I'm good for now.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
I suspect there are guarantees.

The guy is 78 years old. He isn’t changing his views now. It’s clear he’s of the establishment. He will do what the establishment wants.

We got Trump because O was a fraud. Had O been a successful president, she would have won easily. Now we have a life long politician with a history of lying, corruption, corporatism, and warmongering.

Your happy Don’s gone. Me too, but I’m sure Joe won’t be any better.
I don't claim to know. My top priority was simply knowing that America was better than what I feared. So I'm good for now.
It’s not better. It’s merely different.
The country simply righted a wrong.

We made a terrible mistake, and we fixed it.
The problem with that is Biden and Harris fix nothing and very likely will make matters worse.

Very hard to make it worse than Trump... The country was ripping itself apart...

If Biden can gain some unity then US has a shot and gaining back some of the ground it lost....

I don't get your objection to Biden, not perfect but he will role back some of the worst things Trump did....

He was one of the poorest Senators and was going to sell his house to pay for his son's cancer treatment. That doesn't sound like a corporate shill...
Public Option (Healthcare) will do a huge job in correcting the Health Insurance market.
US will have a foreign policy which will work with US allies rather than insult them and kiss dictators asses..
Biden want to take back the tax cuts for the 1% and left the cuts for the middle class...

What do you want?
Biden’s history is awful. He voted for every war including the genicide in Yemen. Every huge increase in the war budget he was for. He’s very old at 78 and it’s a tough job. He’s talked of reducing social programs but transfers to the rich are fine. He’s a fucking neocon.

I can see where you are coming from... US has got itself involved in every shit hole war in ME and in some cases started them...

Best way to stop this is stop the reliance on Oil.. In fairness Biden voted for an Iraq war after been told US was in imminent danger by Colin Powell... This was a lie, turned out Cheney and the boys cooked up a load of evidence... The Senators had to go on the information they were given and the trust of the guy giving it... That was a mistake but it doesn't make Biden a NeoCon...
Libya, Syria and Yemen were all small pushes in one direction or another... US were in low risk situations and were just doing the humanitarian thing sometimes...
Does US spend too much on Defence, of Course they do... Germany were getting strong armed into spending more by Trump...

As for Afghanistan, You break it, you buy it... It is an idiotic war which makes no sense... But it would be a bloodbath if troops pulled out... US made commitments, gave there word to allies and to pull out would leave them to slaughter... Wouldn't mind but Taliban wanted to find Bin Laden and hand him over before the war...
Life is not linear. Conditions change. Shit happens. People learn. There is no guarantee on what Biden would do in the above situations in the future.

We're about to get to work on removing an ugly stain from our history. I'm going to hope for the best, and not make any predictions based on insufficient evidence.
I suspect there are guarantees.

The guy is 78 years old. He isn’t changing his views now. It’s clear he’s of the establishment. He will do what the establishment wants.

We got Trump because O was a fraud. Had O been a successful president, she would have won easily. Now we have a life long politician with a history of lying, corruption, corporatism, and warmongering.

Your happy Don’s gone. Me too, but I’m sure Joe won’t be any better.
I don't claim to know. My top priority was simply knowing that America was better than what I feared. So I'm good for now.
It’s not better. It’s merely different.
He hasn't even taken office yet. I'll remain hopeful.
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.
What happened was most people didn't give a shit about Trump's lies concerning dems, nor did they are much about impeachment, cause the econ was goo, but when Trump fucked up the corvid response and tried blaming governors, who were actually doing a pretty thankless job, they told him to get the fuck out.
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.

Okay, here's what happened.

A guy who the people didn't want became President because of an antiquated system created by Slave Rapists 200 years ago.

He never rose to the prestige of the office, being the same petty narcissist when he started. Unlike other presidents who grew into the role, who made friends and built relationships, he pretty much alienated everyone.

His incompetence brought about a deadly plague, a recession, riots in the streets.

The people FINALLY got fed up and voted his ass out.
If there was ever doubt about what a fool you are, you cleared that right up.
The incredible naïveté of the electorate is on full display as the state prosecutes the final stages of its coup. Most are blissfully unaware that this (covid-19) has all been a trial run for absolute totalitarianism. The falling in line of the fooled is a sad testament to the abandonment of the principles in our bill of Rights and our constitution.

The intelligence infrastructure, the media, and permanent bureaucratic Washington went to work to destroy the last attempt of the people to hold on to self-determination. It looks like like they were successful.

Hold on, Guy. "Self-Determination"? 3 million more people voted against Trump in 2016. 4.5 million more voted against Trump this time. Self determination would be "the Guy who gets the most votes wins". not "the guy who games the system set up by Slave Rapists best wins". Well, fine. Biden gamed that system as well. The people said, "NO MORE!"

As more and more people lose their jobs to globalization and become dependent on government that government will enforce rules on the people by withholding those benefits until the people comply.

Soon every American will be told to take a vaccine or lose their Social Security, welfare payments, or any other benefit they receive. If you think this is not coming you are in for a rude awakening.

And so what? Frankly, I'd like to take anti-vaxxers out and charge them with negligent homicide... Diseases we've beaten are coming back because nuts are out there spreading bullshit.

Citizens will be told at their workplace to follow government orders or go home. This is what totalitarianism is all about. Get ready for it.

Actually, more like, workplaces won't want you in their workplace if you haven't gotten the vaccine...and who could blame them.
Again, more stupidity.
“Anti-vaxers” arent the reason we see these diseases popping up. That is due to allowing illegals to pour into the country, people who have not only NOT been screened for being criminals, but who also don’t have their health examined. Again, another consequence of your absolutely retarded liberal policies.
I am probably on some kind of list somewhere and so are you. I remember when Edward Snowden made the news as a whistle blower on the techno spying intelligence gathering complex at large in our society as well as every other society in the current globalist model we are trapped in. Snowden is currently living in Russia which is an ironic twist to a state manipulated presidential election where sleeved wild cards were produced at the 11th hour just as was predicted.

With cognitive awareness levels in the United States lowered to pre WW1 standards by US intelligence agencies aided by American educational infrastructure, the apparent giddy, celebratory atmosphere in the streets hangs like a pall over the last days of the only remaining genuine democracy on Earth. An upstart that emerged as the voice of the people has been unceremoniously removed via a global biological attack by People’s Republic of China. One of its main agents, former Vice President Joe Biden, has been installed as a figurehead to complete the process.

The people cannot be blamed for this because the majority voted against the intelligence coup to take out the sitting president. But the intelligence community used a plague to corrupt the election process and in doing so ruined any faith in the integrity of US elections forever. It was done in broad daylight fostered by a partnership of the intelligence community and mass media that long ago discarded any pretense of press freedom.

The newly elected president has ties to the Chinese Communists revealed by an abandoned hard drive nested in an abandoned laptop of a wayward son acting as a bagman for bribed influence. US intelligence agencies, its Stasi-like media, and its deputized social media cohorts (Facebook, Twitter et al) acted quickly to squelch the information. That information would lead directly back to US intelligence and its mission to take out a sitting president that was publicly embarrassing them.

The rampant fraud likely aided by a Postal Service that saw the president as the end of their unionized industry, was too much for the people to overcome. It was preset by US intelligence to win at all costs. The tilted election was a grand success for past intelligence officials like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. They now function as sock puppets for media news sites.

This is an unfortunate Orwellian result that most thought could never happen here.
What happened was most people didn't give a shit about Trump's lies concerning dems, nor did they are much about impeachment, cause the econ was goo, but when Trump fucked up the corvid response and tried blaming governors, who were actually doing a pretty thankless job, they told him to get the fuck out.
A large portion of the deaths were elderly, due to sending sick people into nursing homes. That was done by your assclown democrat governors. The same clowns (cuomo and deblasio) who despite bitching and screaming that hospital were over run and bursting at the seems, allowed a naval hospital ship and military hospital (set up by Trump for them) to go unused.
Just for humors sake... what did trump “botch”?
Again, more stupidity.
“Anti-vaxers” arent the reason we see these diseases popping up. That is due to allowing illegals to pour into the country, people who have not only NOT been screened for being criminals, but who also don’t have their health examined. Again, another consequence of your absolutely retarded liberal policies.

Guy, most "illegals" came here legally and overstayed their visas and had to get their shots to get here.

The reason why Measles and Polio are making a comeback is because fucking morons are telling parents that their vaccinations cause autism.

Just for humors sake... what did trump “botch”?

1) He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team at the NSA
2) He closed down the CDC Branch office in Beijing
3) He soured relations with China, so they were less forthcoming
4) He threw out Obama's Pandemic plan
5) When thousands of Americans were returning from China and Europe, they weren't isolated to make sure they weren't infected.
6) He ridiculed the use of masks.
7) He lied about the seriousness of the disease publicly.
8) He put his idiot son-in-law in charge of Pandemic policy.
9) He encouraged his cult members to attend "Super-spreader events" (Poor Herman Cain!)
10) He called it a "Hoax"

I could go on.

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