What Happens if the Electoral College Goes Rogue?

Another Shit Feces whinning and crying thread because he is a butt hurt Fageral!

You asshole, NOTHING can change that Fact!

^ This guy's having a hissy fit, because deep down he knows that he elected a clown into the White House

The only clown here is you, Golliwog, and, of course. the Obumanation...but that's a given
The only clown here is you, Golliwog, and, of course. the Obumanation...but that's a given

What do you have against Golliwog?


It's because he's black, isn't it?
You and the rest of the loony left didn't seem to care when the electoral college failed to stopa know-nothing dangerous fascist from infecting the White House in both 2008 and 2012 so forgive me for calling bullshit on your phony hysterics. As someone said elections have consequences and at the end of the day I won.
It's amazing these people keep claiming fascist while trying to shove a candidate nobody wants for President up our asses. Fascist means what now?

"Nobody wants." Do I need to remind your stupid ass that Hillary got nearly 3 million more votes than your guy?

How many more electoral votes did she get?

We don't know yet -- they don't actually cast their vote until Monday.
You and the rest of the loony left didn't seem to care when the electoral college failed to stopa know-nothing dangerous fascist from infecting the White House in both 2008 and 2012 so forgive me for calling bullshit on your phony hysterics. As someone said elections have consequences and at the end of the day I won.
It's amazing these people keep claiming fascist while trying to shove a candidate nobody wants for President up our asses. Fascist means what now?

"Nobody wants." Do I need to remind your stupid ass that Hillary got nearly 3 million more votes than your guy?

How many more electoral votes did she get?

We don't know yet -- they don't actually cast their vote until Monday.

I'm betting she gets fewer than Trump.

How many do you feel she'll get?

I don't believe enough of them have the balls to go rogue - but I certainly hope I'm wrong. I prefer Hillary - but anyone but Trump!

If they don't, then they are COMPLETELY useless and are no longer relevant. They better step up to the plate and do the very thing they were designed to do in the first place -- prevent a know-nothing dangerous fascist from infecting the White House -- or the EC has got to go.

That's probably how you feel about democracy, too. In order to prevent a so-called 'fascist' from infecting the White House, Democracy must be suspended so that my candidate can become President, regardless of the constitutional outcome of the election.

That's called fascism, genius.
Given the huge gap in electoral votes, it is unlikely that enough electors will be faithless. You also have to consider the fact that all the electors you would need to turn are Republican, since that's how the system works.

There will definitely be more faithless electors this election than any other though.
Unledd they are democrats, there won't be any.
When the idiot democrats lose this one will they stop? Will this loss convince them that grandma hilly will not be president?

I don't believe enough of them have the balls to go rogue - but I certainly hope I'm wrong. I prefer Hillary - but anyone but Trump!

If they don't, then they are COMPLETELY useless and are no longer relevant. They better step up to the plate and do the very thing they were designed to do in the first place -- prevent a know-nothing dangerous fascist from infecting the White House -- or the EC has got to go.

Try looking up a supreme court case, Ray v. Blair 1952 it will explain what they are designed to do. Oh, the EC isn't going anywhere.
Where are the Libertarians like kaz on this, since they all cherish and revere the Federalist papers so much, and constantly cite them? Federalist #68 clearly encourages electors to vote against the popular wish if they deem the president-elect as unfit for the office, based on a variety of benchmarks.

Exactly. It's literally in their job description to prevent a man like Trump from being sworn in.


If they don't do as you wish, and you lose AGAIN, will you promise to leave and go infect a board somewhere else?
Where are the Libertarians like kaz on this, since they all cherish and revere the Federalist papers so much, and constantly cite them? Federalist #68 clearly encourages electors to vote against the popular wish if they deem the president-elect as unfit for the office, based on a variety of benchmarks.

Exactly. It's literally in their job description to prevent a man like Trump from being sworn in.


They are
First they say fuck you
Second they vote
Third they say President Trump

Now you say that, because once they voted im going to be a giant dick about it and rub your nose in your shit
the article doesn't tell you 24 states require their elector to vote the same was as their district
When were these electors chosen? Before or after Trump was confirmed to be the nominee?

At the same time during the party convention. It hardly matters though.

Since the electors are Republican, their chances of supporting the other parties candidate over their own is low.
So by then they knew he was the nominee. It's not like they had another option because he was it and they went with it. Not a single vote is going to change.

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