What happens if you move off of the US Petrodollar?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
The CIA gives their mockingbird stooges their narratives to run with. Although in his case yeah SA's Ministry of Islamic Affairs was deeply involved in 9/11.

Investigators for 9/11 families examine video taken by man with ties to Saudi intelligence referencing a "plan​

World War 3 has begun. Ukraine, Israel. The USA at war in Yemen.

The Saudi's are bitter forever enemies with Iran. Of course they dump the dollar when we give billions to Iran.

Democrats are creating the perfect storm for Armageddon
This what AI had to say about it.....Note that the word regime was used to describe the USA by AI.

  1. Implications of De-dollarization:
Ask it what happens if SA does not return to the petrodollar.
not a damn fucking thing.
Wrong. Drip by drip the CIA will release what they need to their "media" partners that implicates SA in 9/11. Of course the CIA would have a hard time explaining rubber stamping BS visa apps in Jeddah.
Wow that's a triple whopper, with extra bacon and cheese. Has the MSM ever allowed this narrative on their programming?

"It is another very large brick in a massive wall of evidence that at this point indicates the Saudi government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks," Lambert said.
Wrong. Drip by drip the CIA will release what they need to their "media" partners that implicates SA in 9/11. Of course the CIA would have a hard time explaining rubber stamping BS visa apps in Jeddah.

I am sure you will disagree, but nobody gives a fuck any longer about if they were behind it or not.

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